Gaby Verse - Point Of View by Stanman63

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended

Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Not Applicable
Categories: Articles/Essays/and Information
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Keywords: None
Story Universe: Gaby
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No Word count: 35076 Read: 133232 Published: 04 Jul 2010 Updated: 11 Jul 2010
Story Notes:

Gaby Verse - Point Of View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where different characters from a story talks about the story.

1. Gaby Verse - Point Of View by Stanman63

2. Gaby Verse - Bernie's View by Stanman63

3. Gaby Verse - Britney's View by Stanman63

4. Gaby Verse - Carol Peters' View by Stanman63

5. Gaby Verse - Cat's View by Stanman63

6. Gaby Verse - Debbie's View by Stanman63

7. Gaby Verse - Drew's View by Stanman63

8. Gaby Verse - John Ward's View by Stanman63

9. Gaby Verse - Gran's View by Stanman63

10. Gaby Verse - Jenny's View by Stanman63

11. Gaby Verse - Maddy's View by Stanman63

12. Gaby Verse - Rhod's View by Stanman63

13. Gaby Verse - Sandy's View by Stanman63

14. Gaby Verse - Sylvie's View by Stanman63

15. Gaby Verse - Woody's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Point Of View by Stanman63

Point Of View
by Stanman Synopsis:Is where different characters from a story talks about the story

Gaby Verse - Bernie's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Bernie's View
by Stanman

Synopsis:Is where Bernie gives her view on things.

I am Bernadette, Bernie to my friends and family, I attend Warsop College with Allison, Rhod, Maddy Drew and his sister Juliet. We have fun getting together and going to the mall, but most of the time, we just hang out together.

We just seem to have been brought together because we did not fit into any of the other groups. None of us are jocks or into any of the clubs and we are not into the Goth scene or head bangers, but we do have Drew and Maddy and those two have made things very interesting for us.

The most that I ever did was to get my hair cut. My hair was shoulder length, but I decided to try for a new look and had Sylvie to trim it into a bob, now my hair is short like Drew keeps on saying that he is going to do.

I kept on thinking about how he would look and that is where I got the idea. When the girls and Drew saw my new look, they said that it made me look totally different and Drew really liked it, but he didn't get his cut then,.

He and Maddy look like twins and Drew keeps on getting mistaken as a girl even though he has no breasts. Well, he didn't but now he does and it is all thanks to Maddy and her wild ideas.

Maddy came up with two things that have really made a difference in the gang; she organized us into going to a cosplay convention and was instrumental in forming our Cheerleader Team.

Maddy and her parents are avid cosplay convention fans, they love to dress up as different characters and attend. Maddy came up with the idea of the gang all attending a local con as different girl characters. That was great for us girls, but Drew and Rhod took some convincing.

They agreed to go as girls only after we were able to dress them up as girls and pass as girls. Drew was the easiest by far. He looks just like Maddy and is the same size. Rhod took a bit more work, but he made a cute girl too. The only thing they weren't ready for was going out in public as girls.

Nobody could tell that they were boys and so they went as girls to the con with us, the costumes gave poor Drew a bit of a fright though. Maddy made sure that she and Drew went as Chi Light and Chi Dark. Those costumes are a minidress and matching stockings. Poor Drew had to wear several bloomers to hide his bits from view.

Drew won the prize for best costume, but Maddy entered him as Gaby Thomas , not as Drew and because the con was in the papers, he had to go to the bank to deposit the check. Jules tried to, but the bank would not let her and held the check until Gaby showed up. Drew went as Gaby and now has an account in Gaby's name.

I had a lot of fun at the con too, I went as a girl cat. my costume was a tan minidress, tights and cat bits. It went great with mu red hair and I had fun being "catty" and Jules went as a bride.

She looked very pretty in that white dress and her white boots. Jules normally does not get together with us, she usually goes out with her friends Anna and Charlie. They have formed a band and get together to practice, but Maddy convinced her to go with us to the con.

Rhod went as a Japanese girl. He was quite cute in his red gown and sandals and looked very oriental too. But Drew and Maddy had the best outfits by farand Drew's winning for best costume proved it too.

What we never thought about happening happened here thanks to Maddy's Dad. He went to America on business and thanks to him, Warsop College got picked to host students from Augusta High School in Grottoes Virginia.

Both schools are taking part in a Cultural Exchange Program; Warsop hosts Grottoes, then they host us. Mister Woods chose our group to act as host students, each student would act as host to an American student.

It was fun having them come over and we all made new friends, but Maddy isn't the only one that likes to trick Drew into being Gaby. Brit and her sister Deb thought that it would be fun to act as if Drew was a girl even after his Dad explained things to them.

The Bonds played host to them and they did what they could to cause Drew to dress as Gaby. Drew has a problem with clothing that they were able to take advantage of. He tends to either not bring enough spares and gets his clothing messed up after he races.

Brit and Deb or Maddy would have a spare dress or something else for Drew to wear, and that helped them to see Drew as a girl. Those two even got the gang and the other Americans to go along with their prank except for Dan, he thinks that Drew is very macho for cycling.

Brit and Sabrina are Cheerleaders, they and Maddy cheered Drew at a race he attended and they talked to Mister Woods about starting a Cheerleader Team here. Now we have our very own Cheerleader Team: Sherwood Foresters.

There are five of us; Me, Bernie, Maddy, Gaby and Em. Em is Rhod as a girl and Maddy tricked Drew into being Gaby for the team. Maddy got Jules to pack her badminton kit in Drew's stuff, he wore the kit and was picked as Head Cheerleader.

Rhod's Dad thinks that he has a daughter instead of a son. He left for Wales when Sylvie became pregnant with Rhod and when Rhod was ten, he came back for his son. He married Cherie and wants Rhod because his wife can't have kids.
Sylvie dressed Rhod as Mfanwy so that she could keep him, now once a month he visits hid dad as Em. When they found out about our Cheerleader Team, they thought that Em would make a great Cheerleader, so Em tried out and was accepted on the team.

We won second place in a local Cheerleader Competition thanks to Brit and Deb helping us. When we went to America, we won again when we attended an American competition, it is a shame that Brit and Deb's team didn't win. ut we would not have won without Gaby.

Brit and Deb finally confessed to Drew about their prank before they left for America and they neglected to tell their parents that Drew is actually a boy so that he had to be Gaby all the time he was in America.

Drew was furious with them, but he forgave them too and he reluctantly agreed to be Gaby so that the sisters would not get into trouble and cause trouble for both schools.

If he had told the Walters that he was a boy, not only would Brit and Deb be in trouble but both schools would be too for encouraging the deception. Luckily, Drew and Rhod were able to pass themselves as girls and participate with the others.

Mister Woods and Miss Bell knows about Drew and Rhod, but they decided to let both boys be Cheerleaders as girls. Drew stayed on because he is a nice guy and hates to hurt anybody and Rhod did it because he likes being Em.

But Brit couldn't stop picking on Drew and almost caused him and Maddy some trouble too. If I had known about what that girl was doing i would have stopped it, but she is a trouble maker and does not seem to think about the trouble that she causes.

Brit did get a good chewing out from her parents about her prank and I hope that she learns her lesson, I know that Drew and Maddy and the gang will never trust her anymore and her parents are ready to send her to a Military Schol if she pulls something else.

But Brit did do something very nice for Drew too, she introduced him to Erin and the local Cycling Team in Grottoes. Erin knew all about Drew and threatened to tell Brit's parents about the deception, only Drew's telling her about the trouble that it would cause kept her from telling.

Erin did befriend Drew and thanks to her, he has a bit of Drew time, even if he has to be Gaby. It is when Drew is cycling that he is at peace and is himself. He has done some amazing things on his bike that has surpassed even his Mum, but he still must decide what he will be in the future because of his body.

Drew has yet to go through puberty and he is starting to develop as a girl. He has gone to the doctors and according to the results, his body will continue to develop as a girl unless he takes testosterone to jump start his puberty. He declined because he wants to race and if he takes the hormones, he will be disqualified.

Drew wants to race in the Olympics with his Mum one day and thinks it would be great to have a Mum and son cycling team as Medalists, but that dream is years away. He and his Mum are both Champions in their own rights and have gained fame all across Europe and the U.K.

We here in Warsop make sure to keep track of the Apollinaris Cycling Team that they are on and Mady has been cycling locally ever since Drew got her into cycling. She has done pretty well on her own ever since the Bonds moved to Germany, but she wants to race with Drew.

Maddy used to help Drew by massaging his legs before and after his races, but she could never turn down a challenge and soon was competing with Drew. She started off on her bike, but Drew was able to loan her Aunt Jenny's bike and now Maddy goes to the races thanks to her Mum.

Aunt Carol thinks that Maddy is racing because she misses Drew. Maddy denies it every time, but I have seen her looking towards the Bonds old place and crying for her Drew. She has dated, but none of the guys can compete with Drew.

The only guys that she has anything to do with are Clive and Paul and that's because they were Drew's mates. They both know how much she loves Drew and have been great about helping her out whenever there is a dance here.

They will ask her to the dance so that she won't be alone. She does appreciate them for being there for her and shielding her from the cads, but Drew is still her boyfriend. To this day, those guys have no idea that Drew is Gaby.

Drew makes such a cute girl that guys seem to target her whenever she appears. Maddy has never thought about what would happen if Drew was to be outed. If that was to happen not only would Drew be hurt, but so would Mister Woods and Miss Jessica Bell because they both know about Gaby.

Mister Woods had Drew be Gaby for a school brochure recently and Miss Bel is in charge of the Cheerleader Team. Not only would Drew and his family be hurt and disgraced, but Mister Woods and Miss Bell would lose their jobs and face prosecution too.

Luckily, that never happened and Drew's secret is safe, but Maddy still has a blind spot where Drew is concerned and until she gets past it, she will keep on fighting with the new girl Helen for no reason at all.

She has had a problem accepting Helen into the gang, but she seems to have stopped finding things to get mad about. Before Drew moved to Germany, he met and befriended Helen. He saw her and invited her to his birthday party. Helen is a sweet girl, she is quite the opposite of Maddy in personality.

What Maddy found hard to accept was that Helen and her Mum moved into the Bonds old house. Maddy still wants for the Bonds to return and move back in, but for now, they live in Germany and will stay as long as Jenny and Drew are a part of the team there.

Maddy visited Drew recently and found out that Drew has had a few adventures there. He went to a local convention as a girl, but did not win a prize. and he is now the local Wine Princess for a year.

Maddy was quite sullen when she found out that Drew was being Gaby with no help from her. Maddy loves Drew and Gaby, but she needs to stop being so possessive of them because even though Drew loves Maddy, her clinging might cause him to run away.

Drew has made several new friends while in Germany, they are all girls and have accepted the fact that Drew is also Gaby. They never have tried to trick Drew into being Gaby which Drew truly appreciates.

Maddy will see just how much Drew likes to be Gaby when not being tricked and hopefully she will learn her lesson and not trick Drew again. Drew does like being Gaby at times and if Maddy would ask, I am sure that Drew would be Gaby for Maddy.


Gaby Verse - Britney's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Britney's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Britney gives her view on things.    

I am Britney Walters, sister of Debbie Walters. I am a Cheerleader at Augusta High School in Grottoes Virginia. I get my kicks out of pulling pranks on people, but mostly upon rival schools.


I have led a bunch of like minded students in doing things like stealing the other schools mascot up to putting itching powder in the rival teams jock straps. I never went into their locker rooms, that was always one of the boys. I may like a good joke, but I am not crazy!

Unfortunately, my reputation has made me rather infamous here, now I can't go near a rival school without being seen and asked to leave. At least I can ride upon the bus to the games with the team, otherwise, I could not go.

One of the students that i pranked was Diana Biggs, she was graduating and I saw an oppurtunity to prank her and I took it. She had started riding her bike to school, so I took it and hung it out from the bell tower.

She went crazy looking for it and when she finally saw it, she came running after me knowing that I was responsible. mom and Dad grounded me for a month during which time, I had to work in Diana's business along with my cohorts. After that, Diana kept an eye out for anymore pranks and started locking her bike up.

But as much as I have been responsible for pranking others, there are a few that I will not pull a prank upon at all. I will never pull a prank upon a teacher or any of the faculty here, not even a substitute teacher. They can easily give me detention and extra homework and that ain't fun at all.

Sandy and her family are off limits as well. Her dad is a bigot that is always saying mean things about the trans-gendered. He is so vocal about his views that Sandy has often hung her head in shame whenever he is around. Sandy is a real sweet and lovable girl that does not deserve to have such a person as her dad.

She is a waitress at Jack's Cafe and a senior at Augusta High School. We kids love eating there because Sandy is so cool. She loves to chat with us and makes sure to keep our drinks fresh, the only customer that she dreads is her dad.

Whenever he comes in, he has Sandy pay for his meal out of her pocket, the only time that he does pay is when he is with others and even then he does not tip. The only reason that i do not prank him is that it would hurt Sandy as well.

But he did recently cause himself some mischief because of his narrow mindedness. He refused to wait upon a customer because they were trans-gendered. He vocally refused to help them and he even insulted them to their faces. Now he has to see a therapist in order to keep his job.

Having to see a therapist and talk about his attitude must gall him something fierce because he MUST attend sessions along with trans-gendered clients in order to overcome his attitude.

He has a long way to go because he has the same attitude about others too. That man has made several insulting remarks about Sabrina and her family for no reason except that they are black.

Sabrina is a good friend and fellow Cheerleader with me. She has won several beauty pageants here and was Homecoming Queen last year too. Deb and I were members of her Court.

Sabrina is very classy ans demur. She is the model of a true Southern Belle and she should be too. Her Mother taught her everything she knows from when she went to Charm School.

The only thing that Sabrina is ashamed of is that she and her Mother live in a trailer or as they are called Manufactured Homes. It is a nice place, but not all that big. it's a good thing that she is an only child, Other wise there wouldn't be enough room.

But she does love inviting us girls over for a slumber party when it's warm. Then we gather in together under several tarps that are sewn together and attached to the trailer and have fun. We just have to wear tops and shorts then because we don't want the boys to see us in our lingerie.

Mom and Dad have given us the "TALK" on the "BIRDS & BEES. Deb and I developed and started menstruating when we were ten, so we both got to know all about sex ans having babies way earlier than our friends did. I am glad that they told us because neither of us want to be a teen Mom.

When our friends saw how I was developing, I told them what my parents had told me. That was the very first time that Deb and I got into trouble. Our friends told their parents and pretty soon, it spread all through Augusta Junior High School and our parents were called to a very special meeting at the Augusta Board Of Education.

Mom and Dad never got mad about it, in fact, they both praised us for being responsible kids for sharing the information with our friends. When they went to the meeting with us in tow, they defended us against any charges against us.

It turns out that the only one offended was a retired Nun, Sister Mary of Saint Mary's School For Girls. When she found out why I had told my friends, she finally admitted that I had done the right thing. Now there are classes on Sex Education in Health starting in Junior high through out the Augusta City School System.

Mom and Dad have taught Deb and me to be tolerant and open minded about others. They told us that everybody is equal and that we should accept others for who they are.

They grew up watching that old science fiction series Star Trek and all the series and movies that it inspired. We have the entire collection on tape and a library full of the novels.

What is fun is to see them dress up for the conventions. They will dress as aliens or as Star Fleet officers. Mom and Dad look hot in their costumes and when me and Deb dress up, we have guys chatting us up.

Mom and Dad are way over protective of us when it comes to boys and dating, they say that we can not date until we reach sixteen. Until then, we can only see a guy on group dates. It might be a bit of a pain, but come to find out, our girl friends have the same restriction too.

Right now, I am not all that interested in dating a bunch of guys. I like guys, but none have captured my fancy just yet. There are some real cute guys here, but so far none have really stood out that much. But one has really stood out as the one that I will NOT date.

Dan is so much like Sandy's dad that I will never date him nor have anything else to do with him after the way that he acted during the Cultural Exchange Program and it is too bad because I used to like him a lot.

There was a cultural Exchange Program set up between Grottoes High School and Warsop College in England: Me, Deb, Darla , Sabrina and Dan were selected to go to England for six weeks to see what it was like over there.

Dan was paired with a guy named Rhod and things went well until one weekend when Rhod had to visit his Dad in Wales. His Mother and Dad never married and now hod visits him one a month on the weekend.

What was weird was that he dressed as a girl named Mfanwy because his Dad thinks that he has a daughter. Rhod's Mother Sylvie did this so that he would not want to take Rhod away.

When Rhod came back, he was still dressed as a girl and when Dan saw him dressed like a girl, he went atomic and started calling Rhod vile names. When Sabrina stood up to Dan, he verbally attacked her as well. Because of his actions, Dan was disqualified from the program and Sandy took his place.

I could never be seen with such a guy like Dan, He may be cute, but his attitude is vile and ugly. I prefer a guy that treats a girl and others with with respect and so does Deb. We will find that guy one day, until then, we will wait.

Me, i do not care if a guy is cute or not, i want a guy that cares for me and will not be some superjock full of testosterone. The football players are all hyped up on weight lifting and practicing that when they go out upon a date, they expect for a girl to put out for them.

There have been more than one of them to be jailed for being too frisky with a girl and the girl generally has a bad reputation afterwards because of him and his friends. Well, I helped to settle them good and proper when they came after me and Deb.

When we got back from England, we discovered that it was said that we were putting it out while in England. Daddy stood up for us when he found out about the story and threatened to sue the school for defamation of character.

Deb and I went for a physical and took it to the school paper and had them publish our exam results. We are both virgins and proud of it too!! when that edition went out, Coach Williams punished the team until they apologized to us in pubic.

Deb and I will not date or be seen with a jock, we prefer the guys in the band. We have seen just how hard it is that they work during their practice session that would ground a jock.

Band members generally spend more time and energy on school work and are more intelligent. About the only jock that isn't full of himself is from England, his name is Drew Bond.

Drew Bond is the son of Jenny Bond, World Women's Cycling Champion and Drew is the Youth World's cycling Champion. Even though he is a champion, he is a sweet kid that does not like the limelight. he prefers to stay in the background and likes to help others.

The fun thing about Drew is that he looks just like his cousin Maddy, if they were to dress alike, you could not tell them apart. We found out about Drew and Maddy when their families were selected as hosts for us during the Program.

When we got the pictures from England showing them and the other kids involved, Deb and I thought that they were twins. When we saw that they were in actuality cousins, we couldn't believe it. the only difference between them is that Maddy has breasts.

Over in England, they wear uniforms, the guys wear blue pants and the girls wear matching skirts and both wear a white dress shirt and black tie. Over here, all that we have is a dress code.

It was great going over to England and seeing how much they were different than we are in America. What was really weird was the fact that the British are so much like us. The main differences are the names for things and idioms used.

That British accent comes in so many dialects that it was like being in the United Nations, but then again, there is as much variety in American accents, if not more.

One thing that Britain has that we do not have here in America are those castles., over here we have old Indian Reservations and extensive National and State Parks.

We visited quite a few local castles and sites during our stay there and had a lot of fun shopping for trinkets in the gift shops. But if there is one thing that I learned From Madeline Anne Peters was Shopping with attitude.

That girl can sniff out a good bargain and find the one of a kind item that she is looking for that puts anybody else to shame. If there were an Olympic Event on shopping, Maddy would bring in the Gold.

Her boyfriend Drew has the bad fortune to keep on being dragged along with her upon her shopping escapades. She usually finds some sort of cute trinket or jewelry at the gift shops, but when she is in the mall, WATCH OUT!! She can spend all day shopping.

What is a lot of fun is going to her house for dinner or tea. Her mother Carol is the best cook that I know of. I don't know for sure, but i think that she must have gone to some sort of college to learn how to cook because she hardly ever uses any canned stuff, she prefers fresh produce.

Mrs. Peters has told all of us kids to call her Aunt Carol. The only student that has to call her Mrs. Peters is Dan and that is because of how he treated Rhod and Sabrina.

Her favorite customer is Drew, he really goes to town upon her cooking and can be counted on to ask for seconds and she loves to see him chow down with such gusto.

Deb and I are glad that we were picked to go to England along with Darla, Sabrina and Dan. We made friends with students and their parents as well as the faculty at Warsop College.

What was the most fun was working with my fellow Cheerleader Sabrina in helping to form Warsop College's new Cheerleader Team Sherwood Foresters, they won when they competed in their first competition in England and in their only competition here in America when Warsop College visited Augusta High School.

I will have many fond memories of the trip and I look forward to seeing Drew and Jenny Bond when they are on television when they race. I will be one of very few Americans that can say that I know him and that is way cool.

Gaby Verse - Carol Peters' View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Carol Peters' View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Carol Peters gives her view on things.    

I am Carol Peters, Drew's Aunt. I am the cousin of Jenny Bond; Apollinaris Cycling Champion. She wouldn't be the Champion if not for her mate Dave. He worked weird hours so that he could be there for her races. He started his custom back when they were both kids.


Jenny was resting up and trying to repair her bike when Dave rode up on his bike. He stopped and with his magic touch had her bike ready to ride. Ever since then, he has been there for her. Dave's love for Jenny came through his care for her bike and his working weird hours to be at her races. She knew he was the one for her and when he proposed after their graduation, she accepted.

He became a Sales Representative and Jenny became a teacher. Even though it limited her racing to the weekend, Dave was there for her and included touring area castles because Dave loves touring castles.

When Jenny had Jules and Drew, she curtailed her racing in order to raise them. Then when Drew was thirteen years old, she had a chance to race and took it. She got Drew to dress up for a charity race. Jenny went as Xena:Warrior Princess and Drew went as Gabrielle: The Battling Bard. in a tandem bike race.

They won both the race and the costume category as well. Drew thought that was the only time that he would have to dress as Gaby, but he was tricked into being Gaby many times after that.

Dave was quite taken with Jenny dressed as Xena. It was no doubt her wearing a black wig that did it for him. According to Jules and Drew, those two had quite a bit of fun that night and I could tell by the way Jen looked that she was VERY satisfied indeed. She kept the costume too. I might borrow it for myself for when Bob and I want to have our own special time together.

Mister Woods got him to dress as Gaby for a school brochure. Mister Woods is the Dean of the school. For a week, he wore a girl's uniform while as Drew, he stayed home sick. Only the family and Mister Woods knew about it. We were amazed that nobody caught on to the deception.

Drew made such a cute girl that his friend Clive took a fancy to Gaby. Now Drew never encouraged him in any way, but Clive still fancied Gaby something fierce much to Drew's dismay. Drew and Mady came up with a way to stop Clive in his one-sided crush, Gaby would break up with Clive in public.

When Gaby broke up with Clive, he got into trouble because he got drunk. Now Drew didn't mean for that to happen, but Clive did ask for it. I hope that boy has learned his lesson, because Drew fancies snogging with Maddy, not Clive. At least Clive never got the chance to kiss Gaby, THAT would have been a bit TOO much for Drew.

But Mister Woods made out the check to Gaby Bond, not Drew. Drew had to dress as Gaby to deposit the check and opened up an account in Gaby's name. Drew was plenty annoyed later when he found out that he could have endorsed it and then deposit in his account.

Drew's problem with being Gaby is that people keep on mistaking him for a girl. I admit that his mall frame and long hair are quite girlish, but he is a boy. If he was to cut his hair and wear baggy clothes, he might just be seen as a boy. The only difference between Drew and Maddy is that Maddy is a girl.

Drew suffers from the fact that his body does not produce enough testosterone, so he looks more like a girl than a boy. When you add the fact that he has yet to go through puberty and is actually starting to grow breasts, his being seen as a boy becomes difficult indeed.

Jenny and Dave have had Drew given tests to see what was happening too. Now he takes iron pills because he is anemic and has started taking energy bars with him when he races too. He was surprised to learn that Maddy's takes the same iron pill that he does.

Drew has had to start wearing a sports bra and knickers because of his unique frame. His breasts need the support of the sports bra and the knickers fit him better. Until he starts going through a male puberty, he will develop as a girl.

Drew wants to be a boy, but it seems as if his body wants to be a girl. All too often, he has reacted as a girl would. No doubt it is due to the fact that his body produces too many hormones, but he is still trying to find himself.

Drew has also helped out two different young ladies. He has such a generous and giving heart that I at times worry that he is too sweet for his own good. But I wouldn't have Drew change a bit! His sweet nature is what makes him Drew.

One girl he helped out id a wheelchair bound girl named Anniefred. She was thrown from her horse and broke her back when she landed. Ever since then, she has not been comfortable around a horse.

She bemoaned the fact that she can't ride a bike anymore to Drew when they met. Well Drew decided to surprise her by taking her on a ride on the tandem. He got permission from Dave and jenny to modify the tandem himself. Now don't think tat just because he is a kid that he can't do the job.

Dave and Jenny taught him very well about bike care. After getting permission, he worked on it only to have his efforts needing help. When Fred's Dad saw the problem, he took the bike and finished Drew's modifications.

Everybody kept silent about Drew's gift just in case he couldn't come through for Fred. Well, when Fred saw the bike, she grinned from ear to ear and was more than ready to ride. It took a bit of trial and error, but eventually, Drew and Fred went riding.

Another girl that Drew helped out is Catrina. She was visiting her Gran with her parents when Drew saw her on the side of the road needing new tyres for her clunker of a bike. Drew got permission from Jenny and Dave to give her a set of tyres.

Cat came by while Drew was off racing. Only Jules was home and she invited the girl to a party that we were throwing to celebrate Drew's win. Cat accepted, but felt as if she was not really wanted. I know that Drew wanted her there and so did I.

I met her before and told that girl to call me Aunt Carol. I immediately liked her and knew that she would make Drew a good friend. The only thing is that Drew blamed her for Rhod wanting to become a girl. After Drew cooled off, he apologized to her. I am glad they mended the fence, She is a very sweet young girl.

Then there is that new girl from Holland, Helen. She moved into town with her Gran when her parents died. She is a lonely, sweet and shy young lady, nothing at all like my daughter Maddy.

Drew met her one day while she was pushing her bike along. Well Drew befriended her and invited her to a party to meet the gang. She and Maddy don't really get along that well, but she remains civil around Helen because of Drew.

Helen invited Drew to a special party. She is a Girl Guide and the party is used to recruit new members so it was SUPPOSED to be for girls only. the Leader thought that Drew was a girl until she was set straight. Drew was quite chuffed to learn that he was invited because Helen wanted to dance with him.

Jenny left to join the Apollinaris Racing Team when they offered her a position on the team. She joined only after she had her family's blessing. Dave and the kids missed her terribly, but they wanted for Jenny to have a chance to race and fulfill her dream.

Jenny went to Germany to race with the team and soon won the Ladies Championship. She won a trophy and the right to win a special jersey when racing. But as much as she loves cycling, she loves Dave and the kids even more.

She took time to be with both Juliet and Drew alone so that they cold spend some time together. They really needed that time with Jenny, but nothing could have prepared them for the battle to come.

Jenny called and broke up with Dave. I couldn't believe it when I heard!! It was so unlike my sister. I just knew that there was something going on that I knew nothing about, but until I knew and could help, Dave and the kids went through Hell!

Dave cried himself to sleep for several nights and drank to forget. Even though his heart was broken he had to be strong for Drew and Jules. Drew pushed himself to extremes while racing and Jules ranted and raved about how much she hated her Mum. But things were soon to change for the better.

Jenny came home a defeated and broken woman to die. She was diagnosed with cancer while in Germany and raced like a demon trying to fight it and win. But the cancer was winning and Jenny returned home in a last ditch effort to fight. That was why she left Drew and the kids.

When she told them the truth, they welcomed her back and forgave her for the deception. She thought that if she was divorced from Dave that the hurt would help them when she died. But she finally came back when her heart broke and needed Dave's tender love to help her fight.

Dew and Jules wanted to be there while she had the surgery, but Dave and Jules both told them to go on the trip to America that had been arranged. There was a special cultural exchange program set up between Warsop College and America. The Americans had visited us, now it was time for Warsop to go to America.

Drew and Jules agreed to go only after they were promised that they would be called back home if the surgery failed. The surgery was a complete success and Jenny recovered and started getting back into shape to defend her title. Drew and Jules were chuffed when they heard the good news, but at the same time, it had a weird effect upon Dave's dreams for awhile.

Dave started dreaming that Drew had become Gaby and was in the process of getting ready to marry. Dave was worried about Drew having to be Gaby all the time while in America and it came out in his dream. Dave worries that being Gaby for so long will have Drew succumb to pressure and become Gaby.

It all began when the American students tricked Drew into being Gaby as a joke. Drew went along with it because he is such a nice young man, but those students hurt Drew too.

When Drew and the gang went to America, the girls "FORGOT" to tell their parents that Drew was a boy!! Because of their lie, Drew had to be Gaby full time in America. Drew went along with it so that nobody else would suffer, but those girls need to be punished, not Drew.

At least Drew had Jules there to console him. If not for her, Drew might not have survived, as it was, he was crying into her shoulders almost every night. But Drew also met some Americans that saw him as Drew.

Erin owns a local bike shop and is part of a local cycling club. They were truly impressed with Drew when he kept on winning their impromptu races. Erin even gave Drew a special bike to ride. jenny and Dave almost refused the gift, but Erin convinced them to let Drew accept the gift. Now Erin is the only American that can safely claim to have a bike ridden by Drew.

My daughter Maddy loves Drew. I have seen her spend hours deciding what to wear to please him. It all began when they were in school. She was in her uniform and Drew was in his. Everybody thought they were twins that did not know them.

Maddy even then had the idea of them dressing alike to fool everybody. She would dress in Drew's clothes and together, they looked like twin boys. She never tried to get Drew to wear any of her clothes [even though they are both the same size] until Jenny had Drew race with her in a charity bike race.

The racers all wore a costume and rode upon a tandem bike. Jenny went as Xena:Warrior Princess and she got Drew to go as Gabrielle,: the Battling Bard. Drew thought that was going to be the ONLY time that he would be Gaby, but Maddy and Drew's sister Jules both found ways to trick him into being Gaby.

I thought that Drew dressing as Gaby was cute. But after he confessed his dismay about being tricked into being Gaby, Mady and Jules stopped their attempts, but I had too turn him into Gaby too.

I needed to get some clothes for Maddy and since Drew and Maddy are the same size, I asked him to be Gaby for me. I promised that if it got to be too much for him, we would quit. But I was deaf to his plea until he finally got mad at me and threatened to take the bus home.

We left, but he has not relaxed around me. How can I blame him? I wanted Gaby, not Drew!! I saw him as the twin sister of Maddy that died at child birth. Drew has always been Maddy's twin in my heart, now because of my blindness to Drew's trauma, I may have alienated him!

I will never have that same relationship with Drew unless he can forgive me. I alas must forgive myself. I will even tell him about Maddy's twin that died at birth. When I do, I will tell Maddy too because those two will be a able to console each other and perhaps help me at the same time.

No, I don't want for Drew to become Gaby for me ever again. I know that the temptation is too strong for me to see my daughter and not Drew. I know that she is in heaven, but at times I wonder if she came back as Drew.

Maddy has gone to a few cons with Drew too. That girl tricked Drew to wear dresses or skirts at all of them too. Drew went along because he loves Maddy and wants to please her, but Drew wants to go as Drew, NOT Gaby.

As much as Maddy has tricked Drew into being Gaby, she has also been there to cheer him on at a few of his races and to give him leg massages too. I have no doubt that those two will wed in time and Maddy and Drew will have my blessings when they wed.

She has also began to race too. In fact, Drew was able to get her Jenny's bike to race on. She has won a few awards in her own right, but she is nowhere near Drew's level. When she isn't racing, she cheers Drew on. What is sweet is seeing those to giving each other leg massages before and after the race.

But what is strange is that in Germany, they think he is a girl. Dave and the kids moved to Germany to be with Jenny after Dave was offered the position of Bike Mechanic for the team. He is a wizard with bikes and can adjust a bike to fit the rider.

Drew won a Beauty Contest there in Germany. The locals were have a Wine Queen celebration and he was selected as a contestant. He never thought that he would win after he went to pains to tell them he was a boy, but he won anyway, much to his chagrin.

What surprised Dave and Jenny is the fact that Drew wanted to work as a waitress. They let him do it even though they are concerned about the idea. At least his uniform is a blouse and trousers and NOT a skirt.

Something really funny that happened while in Germany is that Drew was selected along with a boy and a girl to wear a pregnancy kit for an assignment. HE was the only one to go to school dressed as a pregnant Mum. the others wore the kit OVER their clothes. Well Drew got top marks for himself. I guess he is getting used to being Gaby.

Well, Jules used Drew in an assignment at school. She wrote a very moving obituary on Drew. When we all read it, we cried because even though it was fiction, she touched our hearts. Jules did get a good grade out of it too.

Jules is a bit of a wild child. It all began when she had her tongue pierced. Drew and Maddy agreed to keep her secret as long as possible, but all too soon, they found out. Needless to say, they were furious and really let her have it. That poor kid was crying after that. She was trying to express herself and in doing so, she broke the rules.

Then she dyed her hair black and started wearing all black. Drew and Maddy started calling her Goth Girl and her parents were again mad, but in time, they were able to accept their Goth Girl.

Gaby Verse - Cat's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Cat's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Cat gives her view on things.    

My name is Cat. I am what you would call a trans-gendered girl. I knew that I was actually a girl when I was 5 years old. I had dressed as a cat for Halloween and found that I loved the feel of tights and leotard. Soon after, I was caught wearing an old girl's school uniform that I found in the Church Poor Box.


When Mum and Dad saw me in the uniform, I thought that they would send me away, but instead they accepted my need to be a girl. I began to wear girl's trousers as well as girl's knickers instead of boys as well as girls socks. I also wear tights when I wear a skirt or dress when I dress up.

As soon as Dad was transferred, I started dressing as a girl. Wearing a dress and tights to school made me very happy. When I began puberty as a girl instead of as a boy, I was very happy.

Mum and Dad Have helped me to look more like a girl so that I would be able to go through a girl's puberty. That means that I will never shave nor get a deep, masculine voice. The only thing about me that is a boy is my groin and when I get old enough, I will have that taken care of.

I don't have to worry about getting excited because without those bits, I just can't get an erection. I simply have to be careful and not let anybody see me as I change clothes. I still have a penis and if anybody saw that, they would know that I am a T-girl.

What I do have to worry about is people discovering my secret. We had to transfer me to a new school when the students found out. Luckily, I wasn't actually hurt, but the names and insults hurt anyway.

When I got to my new school, the faculty supported me and agreed to keep my secret, but the taunts keep coming because some of the students don't like me because I am different. They don't know about my secret, if they did, things could get a bit dicey.

They still taunt me everyday and try to get me into trouble with the teachers. Why can't they leave me be? I just want to live and let live, but they won't stop their attacks.

They will taunt me about my name and laugh. If the kids would come up with original stuff, that would be better than the same old tired stuff. But what else can you expect from them.

If it wasn't for my friends, I would not be able to cope with everything. Anne has been there for me ever since I came to the new school, but she moved away unfortunately, leaving me with only one true friend here. But for some reason, Eve all of a sudden stopped being there and I wanted to transfer to Warsop College where I had plenty of friends.

Mum and Dad said no, so I had to stay at the school. If they had given their approval, I would have lived with my other Gran, but they wanted me with them.
Luckily, Eve finally opened up again to me. She was having some personal problems and that caused her to withdraw.

We went to a convention and went in costume too. heck, we even saw Maddy's album from where she and Drew went. We decided to go to another one when she cut herself. I tried to help her, but she got frantic and went to get her Mum.

Her Mum told me then that Eve was HIV Positive because of a blood transfusion. When Eve was a toddler, she fell and got cut up real bad. The docs gave her tainted blood and THAT made her HIV Positive. I agreed to keep her secret for her. I have my secret to keep so I will keep hers as other trans-gendered and HIV positive people are bullied.

Eve's parents and doctors are hoping that with the right drug therapy that Eve will NEVER develop full blown AIDS or if she does, that she is a lot older than she is now. Me, I hope that she has a good, long life and that if she ever marries that her children never contract AIDS.

I know that I can't be a Mum like Mum is, but me and whoever I marry can adopt when the time comes, I hope he is a lot like Drew. I met Drew we visited Gran. Drew is a boy my age that looks like a girl. The only thing he is missing are breasts. He looks just like his cousin Maddy. They are 3rd or 4th cousins.

When I was visiting my Gran near Warsop, I met Drew and Maddy at a bike race. Gran had put a bike rack on her car so that I could take my bike. She knows that I like cycling and am a Jenny Bond fan. She arranged for me to be in the race where I met Drew And Gaby.

They had finished the race when I came up on my bike. They got me off of the bike and massaged my legs. I usually am not that tired, but I really pushed myself that time and needed their help as I was alone. After we were all rested, they followed me home.

I rode Drew's bike, he rode mine. They invited me to go shopping the next day, that is how I met the gang and Aunt Carol. Aunt Carol and the gang took a liking to me right off. When we got back to Aunt Carol's place, Maddy showed us pictures of where she and Drew went to the conventions. Drew was wearing dresses and so I saw that he was Gaby too.

When Drew and Maddy told me all about how Gaby came to be and how people kept on mistaking him for a girl, I told them my secret. I did it to show them that I could keep their secret. When I did that, Drew and Gaby agreed to keep MY secret.

Maddy loves Drew very much and Drew feels the same about Maddy. Seeing them together, you mistake them for twins. especially when he dresses as Gaby. Drew never wants to dress as Gaby, but things keep on happening to him that force him to be Gaby.

One time he was racing and had a bad spill at the end of the race. He won the race, but what a price he paid too. He landed on the pavement and skinned himself pretty good too. Heck, he destroyed his racing skins as well.

He accepted having to be Gaby because of his injuries.He had to wear a long skirt and loose top so as NOT to hurt his scabs. I could tell that he was not happy about it, but he was resigned to it with a bit of good humour.

That Maddy is a real Vixen!! She got me to go along with her joke at Brit telling her that we were lesbians. Drew got her to confess to Brit that it was a joke. Brit was relieved to find out, but she and the other Americans lost my respect when at they confessed that they knew that Drew is a boy.

One time, Maddy entered him and her in a doubles badminton tournament. He was all for it until he found out that it was NOT coed. Drew went ahead and wore a girls badminton outfit. Well, he and Maddy won it. Gaby is as good at badminton as Drew is cycling.

Needless to say, Drew was really miffed at them for their poor joke. I mean, Drew has a hard time getting people to see him as a young man and not a girl!! His problem is the opposite of mine, I am a girl that fears being found to be a boy, Drew is a boy that fears being seen as a girl. All I know is that he has my support and friendship.

Drew is a very special boy, he selflessly helps out other people without them asking. Me, like he and Maddy, I like riding a bike. I am not quite the racing fans that they are though.

Drew actually gave me a set of tires or my clunker bike after getting permission from his Mum & Dad. That is how I got to meet his sister Jules. I went to his place to pick up the tires, only Jules was there.

She invited me to a special party at Maddy's home to celebrate Drew's winning his race. While there, Aunt Carol told me that if Jules hadn't of invited me, SHE would have.

I am so very lucky to have met Drew. He accepted my being a trans-girl with no problem as well as Maddy. With such special friends in my life, I know that I am indeed loved. Please excuse me, but I am about to cry.

Brit, one of the Americans visiting on the Cultural Exchange Program has gotten under Drew's skin really bad. That girl delights in tricking Drew into dressing as Gaby. Well, we all decided to pay her back for being mean to Drew. Well, she got the message about being mean to Drew and apologized to him. Me, I think that she still will pull something on Drew.

One time, Drew came up to London to race. The entire gang came up with him to cheer him on too. After the race, I told them about how I told them about a local race and invited Drew and Maddy to race. Jo, our team captain wanted to prove that team work counts in the race, so I asked Drew Not to come as himself so as not to upstage Jo.

He didn't have to come as Gaby for me, but he did. He is more comfortable as Gaby than trying to be someone else. Well, when I saw him dressed as Gaby, I wished that I had said nothing to him about not being himself. I know that being Gaby is a real pain for him and would rather be Drew, but he became Gaby for me out of friendship. How can I be mad at him for that?

I have only my friend Eve here to console me at school. Of my family, only my parents and both of my Gran's have accepted me as Catrina. Why can't my family see that I am happy as Catrina? Don't they care that CATRINA is the REAL ME?
Why must they be so selfish? At times, I just want to cry about it. I know that I have a bunch of friends in Warsop. If we ever have to move, I hope that it's too Warsop.

But one time, Drew got mad at me. His best mate Rhod decided to become his alter-ego FULL TIME! His dad left his Mum when she got pregnant with Rhod. His Mum Sylvie raised him all on her own. When Rhod was nine, all of a sudden, his dad shows up wanting to take his son away.

Sylvie gets Rhod to dress as Mfawny in order to keep him because his dad wants a son, not a daughter. Well, his dad decides to only take his daughter one weekend a month and his new wife teaches her all about being a girl.

That worked real well, NOW Rhod wants to BE Mfawny full time! He told Drew just after they met me and Drew blamed me for it. Only Drew and Maddy know about me, so unless they revealed my secret, how would Rhod's revelation be my fault??

I was sorely hurt from Drew's venomous wrath and I felt as if I had lost a friend. I was ready to give him the tyres back when a package arrived from Drew. He sent me a gift to apologize for what he said to me. I know that he has to deal with his friends transitioning and all. But attacking me still hurt.

We are still friends and all, but now I know a bit how Drew feels. Me, I am a girl that fears being seen as a guy, Drew is a guy that is seen as a girl. and losing his best mate was a bit much for him to take too. But Drew also accepted his friend's wanting to be a girl. Drew is such a good friend to Rhod.

Rhod had a bit of a fright too. He went away for the weekend and returned in his Mfawny guise. When his ,I mean her American Exchange Student saw that Rhod was Mfawny, he went ballistic and even attacked a girl that stood up for Rhod.

That girl is colored. I mean, I have no problem with people of different races, but this guy Dan sure did have issues. Well, he was sent back to the states because of his truly rotten behavior. What he did really hurt Rhod. All he wanted to do was be himself as Mfawny, but that bigot couldn't accept the truth.

Drew's Mum is really cool.She is Jenny Bond, world renown cycling champ. Me, I want to one day meet her, but right now, she is with the Apollonaris Cycling Team and is away from home.

I know that Drew and Jules miss their Mum, but they are both so proud of her and look forward to chatting her up when she calls. Their Dad, Dave must really love Jenny too, why else would he have let her pursue her dream.

As it is, he is there for Drew when he goes racing. He has taught Drew all about how to maintain a bike and has been there when his Mum wasn't. Drew is truly special in a most unique way, his body is more girl than boy.

Jules loves her brother, but she is not into cycling like he is. She is into badminton and has formed a Goth Band with her friends. She started becoming a Goth Girl by having her tongue pierced. Then she dyed her hair black and started wearing all black clothing when not in school.

Drew and Maddy were able her as Goth Girl before her parents did. I guess that seeing her change so drastically was a bit much for them, but I know that they will accept her in time. I should know, because I have been where she is as my family sees that I am really a girl and not a boy.

It seems that his body can't produce enough testosterone to go into a male puberty. THAT is why he looks so much like a girl. Me, I will do my best to see him as a boy because THAT is what he wants to be. I won't try to get him to be Gaby. I respect him too much for that.

Gaby Verse - Debbie's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Debbie's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Debbie gives her view on things.    

I am Debbie Walters, sister of Brittney Walters and we are students at Augusta High School in Grottoes Virginia. Brit is a Cheerleader along with our friend Sabrina, she is very graceful and beautiful.


Our parents have taught Brit and me to accept others as equals and to stand up for ourselves and our friends. They told us that if we get into trouble for that, then they will not ground us and they approve of us being friends with Sabrina.

Sabrina and her Mother live in a trailer and barely has enough room there so we invite her over to spend the weekend with us a lot. When she arrives, it is like having another sister around and we all have fun. But when the Cultural Exchange Program was announced, we knew that would be the most fun.

In order to qualify, a student had to make top marks in all of their classes, Brit and I were surprised that we were selected. Mom and Dad took us out to celebrate when they found out and decided to fix up the attic as a bedroom for our guests.

It was all thanks to John Peters coming to America. His company over in England sent him over here upon a business trip where he heard about the proposed Cultural Exchange Program talking with his clients. He was able to set up a meeting between both schools.

We will be hosted by the families in Church Warsop and have the fun of meeting new friends and going on field trips. Dan, Darla, Deb, Sabrina were chosen to go and Brit and Sabrina are taking their Cheerleader uniforms with them so that they can introduce Cheerleading to the school. Warsop College does not have Cheerleaders.

When we got the e-mails from England, we couldn't believe that Drew and Maddy weren't twins. Those two look a like and they are cousins, not brother and sister. I wonder what Mom and Dad will think about that? They will find it hard to believe that Drew and Maddy are cousins.

It is going to be fun seeing Erin's face when I tell her about Drew, she is a fan of his Mother Jenny Bond. Erin owns Erin's Cyclery and is the team Captain of Grottoes Express, the local cycling club. They are planning upon entering the Atlanta Winter Classic.

They love to get together for impromptu sprints during the week for practice. It is fun seeing who wins, most of the time it is Diana Biggs. Erin has really helped Diana out since her father died.

Her father was the owner of Biggs Fabrication and taught Diana all about the business. Her father supported the local community and Diana is continuing his support. When he died, Diana had just graduated from high school and was not ready to take over, so Erin stepped in until Diana could take charge.

Now Diana has taken her business and has expanded it beyond what her Dad did and a lot of it is thanks to the Program. One of the students, Drew Bond is the son of jenny Bond, the Women's Worlds Cycling Champion and Drew is the Youth Worlds Cycling Champion.

Diana and Erin both had the idea of giving Drew a bike to ride and a cycling kit for his use while over here. Erin gave him an old bike of hers to use while Diana built him a racing bike.

Drew rode Erin's on the impromptu races he had with Erin's team and rode Diana's during the Atlanta Winter Classic. After Drew went back to England, Diana and Erin would have a picture of Drew riding the bike autographed by Drew and the bike on display.

That bit of advertising has placed their businesses way up there in the minds of customers. Erin's Cyclery has sold more stuff and has new team members and Biggs Fabrication has several new orders for bikes as well.

If it was not for John Peters, none of this would have happened. He helped to set up the program between Warsop College and Augusta High School during a business trip to America.

We went over there first, Brit and I stayed with Drew and his sister Juliet. Brit came up with a cool idea about having some fun, we would pretend that Drew was a girl. We know that he is a boy, but he looks so much like a girl. We were able to trick him into being a Cheerleader too.

Brit and Sabrina took their Cheerleader uniforms and helped to form a new Cheerleader team; the Sherwood Foresters. Drew looked real cute as a Cheerleader, he even did the splits!!

Brit was able to trick him into wearing skirts a lot too. Drew has a bad habit of getting his clothes dirty and then having to borrow stuff. He sure hates wearing girls clothing, but he looks so cute as a girl.

Brit got me into the act when we saw how much Drew and his cousin look alike.We both saw how much fun that we could have, but finding out that he had dressed as a girl was weird. He actually had the stuff needed to look like a girl and even had a name for his girl self.

There are some guys that like dressing as girls for a bit of fun at Halloween here and a few that want to be girls, but none of them are like Drew at all, His dressing as a girl began when he modeled for his school and ever since then, he has had a few occasions to dress as a girl.

Seeing him and his Dad try to convince us that he is a boy was fun when Drew was having to wear skirt or dress because of an accident that left him in need of a change of clothes. Drew tends to forget to pack spare clothes and since he is so small, he gets to dress as a girl thanks to the fact that he can borrow clothes and stuff from girls.

We saw a bunch of photos where he was wearing girls clothes at conventions and modeling as a girl for his school. As a girl, he is Maddy's twin, even in hairstyle. We never knew that Maddy was tricking Drew into dressing as a girl,but in her case, it was mainly at costume conventions.

Maddy loves to take Drew to them, but she dresses him as a girl or a guy that dresses as a girl, why Drew allows her to do it to him was a mystery to me for a while until I saw how much it is that he loves her. I have seen the cuddle when they thought that no one was looking.

Maddy really supports Drew when he races, she is his Number One Cheerleader. Brit and Sabrina thought that it would be fun to wear their Cheerleader uniforms and cheer Drew when Maddy told us about her cheering him during his races.

She looked cute in her tennis outfit and Pom Poms, just like a Cheerleader too.
After the race, Maddy was massaging Drew's legs. She cares for him more than as a cousin or a friend, I will be glad when I can find a guy that I care about that much. But will they stay together or just be best friends?

There have been so many budding romances that broke up here in Augusta where the couple have to deal with each other years later because of what they did as kids. I don't want to see that happen to them or to Rhod and Allison. But in their case, it is a bit different.

Rhod wants to become a girl named Mfanwy [Em]. He makes a really convincing girl too, if you did not know that he was a guy wearing a dress, you would think he was a girl. He was Em all during his time in America and was never outed even though there was a chance thanks to Dan.

When we were in England, Rhod had to visit his Dad in Wales. His parents never married and now his Dad had married and now wanted to be with his son, but Sylvie, Rhod's Mother had Rhod dress as a girl.

When Rhod returned from his visit, he was still Em, and when Dan found out, he began to say mean things to Em. When Sabrina stood up to him, he verbally attacked her as well. He was put upon probation for his attitude, and was taken off of the program when he accosted Gaby at the Farewell Dance by forcing a kiss upon her.

Over here, Rhod was Em for the entire time and when Dan found out, he almost outed her to the school, but he was stopped thanks to the faculty. They told him that if he said anything to hurt Em, he would be expelled from school and lose any scholarships that he was getting.

I used to like Dan, but I can not stand a bigot and that is what he is. Maybe if he learns from his mistake, I can see him in a different light, but he also has to apologize to Sabrina because of his racist remarks towards her.

He is so much like Sandy's dad that it is as if they are father and son. They both are bigots where people like Rhod/Em and Drew/Gaby are concerned. If Dan ever found out that Drew was Gaby, he would go atomic because he is Drew's fan and finding that he had kissed Drew would not please him a bit.

I am sorry that Dan kissed Drew at the party, I never imagined that would happen nor that Drew would slug Dan then run int the bathroom. I wish that we could make it up to Drew, but how can we with out getting into trouble? Brit and I have yet to make amends and Drew was Gaby while In America thanks to us.

When we showed them the pictures from our trip, they thought that Drew was a girl and we did not correct them. Mom and Dad have very strict ideas about boys and if they knew that Brit and I had spent the trip under the same roof as a boy, they would have caused a problem.

Brit and I could have been pulled from the program and even worse, the program could have been canceled. We thought that letting them think Drew a girl and getting Drew to be Gaby would be the best thing to do, so we got Maddy to help us out.

Maddy made sure that Drew packed mainly Gaby clothes and when they got here, we were able to convince Drew to be Gaby for the trip. But somehow, I knew that things would go bad and I have had a strange dream about it.

In my dream, Drew can not handle being a Gaby and loses his identity. When Mom and Dad find out, Brit and I lose everything, but worst of all, the school is sued and the faculty as well as the school and faculty of Drew's school.

I never wanted to hurt Drew, but in my nightmare, he is lost and I do not know if he will return. Drew, instead of being Drew is becoming Gaby and his/her only release from his/her turmoil is in sleep.

That is why I am not all that mad about our punishment from the school and our parents. Erin finally spoke to the faculty and told them about her concerns about Brit's constant hazing of Drew while he was here.

When the faculty made their decision, our parents were shocked, but when the entire story came out, they grounded Brit and I and now we are banned from school activities. When or parents told us how they felt, I wanted to cry.

If we had told them the truth, they would have spoken to the Bonds and allowed for Drew to stay here as Drew. For Brit and I to conspire to deceive them was what they grounded us for. Now Brit and I have a lot of stuff to do to earn our parents trust again.

Now, I see that our parents are not as dense as we thought they were. They would have let Drew and Jules stay in the same room and not expect for Drew to be Gaby all the time, but they really got onto Brit about how she treated Gaby.

Knowing that Gaby was really Drew, they saw just how mean and manipulative that she was in tricking Gaby into wearing skirts and dresses so many times. They said that by tricking Gaby into skirts and dresses that there was a very real risk of Gaby being discovered.

The possibility that Drew would be discovered never occurred to us, but our parents were right, what would have happened if Drew had been hurt? Could we have prevented his being discovered? Drew was a Cheerleader while he was over here and could have been hurt then.

But much worse was the turmoil that we put him through. Night after night, we heard Drew crying himself to sleep and we still mistreated him. Jules was his anchor into reality, without her support, Drew would never have made it, as it was, because of us, he had a hard time becoming Drew again.

Yes, he forgave us for what we did, but then he is that way. Drew will forgive you for being mean to him and will even help you if you need any help. Maybe he sees that Brit's favor counters our prank.

Brit took him to see Erin, she owns a bike shop and she loaned Drew a bike to ride while over here. Thanks to Erin, Drew met several cycling friends and rode in the Atlanta Winter Classic with them. He even got a chance to see his parents and his Mother's cycling team at the race.

All that I do know is that Drew is a much better person than Brit or I am and never deserved being the victim of our pranking. He several times showed reluctance, but went along with the prank. Drew's selflessness and absentmindedness helped us to prank him so often.

If Drew was to take care and pack extra clothes when he rides and not get into any wrecks, then he would not be Gaby so often, but then again, that is what makes Drew so much fun to be around.

Gaby Verse - Drew's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Drew's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Drew Bond gives his view on things.    

I am Drew Bond.; son of Dave and Jenny Bond and brother of Juliette Bond. My Dad loves archeology, before he met and married Mum, he was on his way to being an archeologist, but he gave it up when Jules and I were born and now contends himself with exploring the odd castle and ruin whenever we travel. Whenever he can't go, I honour him by taking pictures of any castles that we explore. But then again, I've found that I like exploring the odd castle, just not old ruins.


Dad has been very supportive of Mum and her cycling. He has worked many a strange hour in order to be there whenever Mum was cycling while she was home. We'd get up at odd hors to travel to the race and would stop to see any old ruins or castles on the trip back. Poor Jules, she never did like the side trips, preferring to go shopping when there was a chance, but Mum supported Dad in this.

She gave up racing professionally when Jules and I were born, but she says that she'd never trade being a Mum for racing pro. Mum gave up her dream of becoming a Cycling Champion when Jules and I were born. She still raced locally, but wanted to race with a team. Mum got a chance to race with the Apollinaris Cycling Team after she won a few local races.

They saw her and gave her the chance to go after her dream of being a professional cyclist. We gave her our blessing when she asked us to let her do it. Now she is the World's Women Cycling Champion and I am the Junior Worlds Champion. But it took a lot for us to win our respective achievements.

Mum used to teach geography here at Warsop College and she was loved and respected by the faculty and students. She never let me or Jules slack off upon our homework, she made sure that our schoolwork was done before we went out to play, but she could be a real softie too. We could count upon Mum to drop us off at our friends house because she trusted us to have our schoolwork done or get it done at our friends place. Jules and I never got under a "B" in any subject.

Mum was quite strict with us, we had to call her Mrs. Bond at school and she never put up with any tomfoolery during class time. But before and after the bell, she'd let us cut up a bit and even participated at times. When Mum got her big break, Mister Woods [Timber] gave her a farewell party to show her how we all felt about her. Both the students and the faculty showed how much that they loved her and would miss her. Mum was quite chuffed to find out how popular she was.

When Mum went to Germany, Dad took over my training regimen and helped me to achieve much more than I normally would have. I know that he did it because he misses Mum. In coaching me, he was in his small way staying near her. He started me up on timed races and hill climbs. Both take quite different tactics to win. By having me do both, I am now a well rounded cyclist and have the speed for the sprint and the endurance needed for long races.

I surprised many of the other racers because of my small size. Most of them are big bruisers with muscles to burn, whereas, I am a small, compact dynamo. They can hardly believe it whenever I sprint to win and were gobsmacked whenever I won. I made quite a few friends that way too.

Josh is a big fellow that is a true gentleman of the sport. He has never resorted to any underhanded tricks to win. And whenever we race against each other, it's a photo finish to see who won. He is a true sportsman. He freely admits it whenever I win against him in a race, he learned it from his Dad.

Catrina is another avid cyclist that Maddy and I met while we were racing. She was able to race with us because she was visiting her Gran. Catrina was very honest with us too. When she learned about me being Gaby, she told us her secret. I'd never have believed her to have been born a boy because she is so darn cute.

What is special about her is that she is like my best friend Rhod; both are boys that want to be girls. I was pretty gobsmacked when Rhod told us that he wanted to be Em. He is my best friend and now he wants to be a girl. I was thinking that he would love my body and I would love his because mine is so feminine and he wants to be a female. I will support him as he becomes Em. I know that I will not be here since I will be in Germany while Em is in Wales with her Dad for the summer hols, but she will be back here after that.

Then there's Freddie, she lost the use of her legs due to an accident with a horse. Well, I gave her a ride upon the tandem, but it was turned into a major event. I never expected all of the media coverage, but it did help out others like Freddie, so that's alright.

Jules and I are big enough that we can look after the place by ourselves if Dad is busy, but we prefer to go to Aunt Carol's because she is such a good cook and she loves to see me scarf down her cooking just as much as I like eating it.

As much as we missed Mum, we never expected for her to want to leave us, but she actually called and wanted to do just that. When that happened, Jules and I cried ourselves to sleep for several nights and Dad started to drink. But Dad stayed sober for us and kept us going. It was only after she had become the champion that she came back home.

She had contracted cervical cancer and thought that leaving us was best, but after winning the title, she came home to die. But we supported her and gave her the strength to fight the cancer and win the most important race of all. Now mum is cancer free and our family is stronger than ever.

I must admit that I've gotten spoiled to having Maddy cheer for me as she does and her leg massages, but she has started cycling with me and with a proper bike, she is catching up to me too. The first time that she raced was upon her old bike, but I loaned her Mum's old bike and she did much better. I would love for there to be the Cycling Bonds, but that precludes Mum still racing and me and Maddy getting married. Not a bad dream there.

I do miss her massaging my legs before and after the race, but Dad is almost as good at it, but I prefer Maddy because she kisses a lot better and she is much prettier than Dad is too[ of course]. But if any of the girls want to help out, Maddy gets jealous right quick. [chuckle]

I do a lot of thinking as I cycle around. I have a lot of fun cycling too, but I also have a lot to consider too. I am the only boy cyclist like me that I know of. I am not being pompous or arrogant at all. I am a late bloomer and my body has developed a feminine shape now. I also take iron pills because I am a bit anaemic.

I never would have guessed that Maddy takes them too. I used to pass out at the end of the race, but after going to the clinic and taking the tests, I found out that I need to take iron pills. Now, I take the pills and hydrate and eat energy bars as I race so that I don't pass out, but I still tend to forget.

I shall not forget those Americans, those students made things quite interesting around here. Brit and Sabrina are cheerleaders. They helped us to form our cheer team, the Sherwood Foresters. But they also started cheering me as I raced, but Maddy is still my favourite one.

Britney and her sister both decided that it'd be fun to have us believe that they thought that I was a girl. Dad and I tried to tell them differently, but events kept on getting me into dresses, [sigh.] When they finally told us about their joke, I was NOT amused, but we told them it was alright as long as they told the truth to their parents.

Over in America, Brit introduced me to Erin and Diana, they both knew that even though I was in Gaby mode, that I was Drew, they accepted me and made my time in America very special because with them, I was Drew, not Gaby as Maddy and Brit contrived. Brit and Deb never told their parents that I was a guy. They convinced me to be Gaby all the time while there.

With Erin and Diana, I was free to be Drew, even though I was still in Gaby mode. I kept on winning all of our impromptu races and they invited me to race with them in the Atlanta Winter Classic with their team. I almost declined because Erin's bike was so good, but she convinced me to ride it and join the team.

They did not think that I was a real threat, but I proved to be as good and better than their best riders. I was always quick to share my wisdom and help them do better. What I never expected was for Erin to build me a superbike for the race.

Well, I rode it after she talked with Mum and Dad about it. The bike was a real winner. I was thinking that Mum would love one like it to race on. Well, I had fun riding her bike for the race and Erin's to practice on. Both bike's were top notch.

The best thing about the Atlanta Winter Classic was that Mum and Dad were there with the team. When Team Apollonaris met my American team, we were invited to a special party. I am glad that my American cycling friend got to meet my German cycling friends. that was the best part about the trip to America.

When the American girls came over, I wondered what they would think about my cycling exploits. It turns out that they are friends with some cyclists in America. I was pretty chuffed to find out that there were that many Americans that were interested in cycling, but ten again, Lance Armstrong is an American and he has won the Tour De France.

After that, the Americans went back home. It was fun having them cheer for me, but Brit seemed to take too great a delight in getting me in Gaby mode. She was worse than Maddy about it!

Getting back home was an adventure in itself. Ally got shot while we were coming back and me and Em had to dress as Drew and Rhod. Em hated it because she wanted to be Em, not Rhod. I had to talk her into it, but she did it and now she is going to be Em all too soon. I will support him as he becomes Em. I know that I will not be here since I will be in Germany while Em is in Wales with her Dad for the summer hols, but she will be back here after that.

Mum and I both had quite a time winning our races. and becoming the champions that we are, but it has been a learning experience for both of us. Mum learned about riding with a team and I learned that and more.

Now, Mum and I both have the yellow Championship jerseys. John presented me with mine after my next race[ I came in 3rd this time. I am now the Under 14 National Champion for England. What made it stand out was that Rhod became Em at the race. I know that he is Em with his dad in Wales, but this left me gobsmacked.

What I never expected was to win any awards at a dinner. I won the Lincolnshire Juvenile Circuit League Steve Morris Cup, North Midlands Rider Of The Year and the James Shield and Maddy won the Best Newcomer Of the Year. Mum invited me to attend the ceremony where she won the Sports Personality Of The Year.

Then for Christmas, Maddy and I were Xena And Gaby for that charity bike race that brought Gaby to life. We only placed 5th and another team won for best costume. Maddy was hoping that we would do what Mum and I had done last year.

When we returned home, I was so caught up in being with mum again that I neglected to properly warm up and did very poorly. But Mum and Dad made sure that I defended my title. At the next race, I was finally racing in a team defending my title. Kristen was the team captain and i was the sprinter for the national team. We did not win, but I won the hill climb. Then I was racing at Milton Keynes. It is famous for those concrete cows. I won the race, but the guy suffered from a blow out behind me and caused me to wreck at the finish. Luckily, the only thing hurt was my helmet. I had to replace it. Then I did a Personal Best at my final race in England. I did 23.20. That was my last race in England, after that, I was racing in Germany.

I won in my first race with Team Apollinaris. But in my next one, I wrecked thanks to some wild pigs. I never knew that Germany could be so boaring. [chuckle] I have just started racing in Germany and I hope to do as well here as I did in England.
Riding the bike and winning the awards and championships were great, but all too often I was seen as Gaby. It all started with the charity tandem race I rode with Mum. Jules was supposed to, but she got hurt and Mum drafted me. We won for best Costume and best time which was nice, but having to present the check was not. I had to wear a Gaby costume for both while Mum was Xena. I was hoping that that was the last of Gaby, but it wasn't. [sigh]

Maddy had the idea of the gang attending an Easter cosplay convention. The only thing is that we all went as girls. That was O.K. for my best mate Rhod because he wore a Japanese kimono while I wore a minidress. Maddy made sure that she and I dressed as Chi Light and Chi Dark. I had to wear several knickers to hide my boy bits and that skirt was drafty too. At least Maddy was dressed like me.

When I won the prize for best costume, the girls tried to cash the check for me, but I had to be Gaby and go to the bank. I opened up an account as Gaby Bond, I did not know that i could have endorsed it and then have it deposited in my Drew account Until much later.

Then, Mister Woods got me to dress as Gaby for a new school brochure. He saw me at the convention and thought that I would make a good model. I did it after Mum and Dad agreed. Then I went to Sylvie's to get ready and I was also given breast forms, a gaffe and girls uniform. I fooled everybody and even gained a boyfriend in Clive. [shudder]

I danced with him at a school dance, but he developed a crush upon me and at the next dance, I broke up with him publicly. I hated doing it, but I had to protect myself from being outed. The girls, Rhod, and a few adults knew, but if word got out, things could get dicey.

Well, the first day that I went as Gaby to school, was weird. After school, Maddy and I showed each other our bras on a dare, then Maddy dressed me in her yellow minidress and we went to tea. But we did not fool her Mum, my Aunt Carol. She accepted the news and has since then grown a bit fond of Gaby, but one time, she hurt me terribly and it has taken a long time to forgive her.

She asked me to help her get some things for Maddy. Maddy and I are the same size and since I was out of school due to being sick, I could help. Well, I was disguised so that I did not look the same and we went shopping on the understanding that when I got uncomfortable, that we would go. Unfortunately, she forgot that I was Drew and when I finally got through to her, the damage was done.

I thought that of all the adults, that she would never hurt me. Mum has by starting Gaby off and Daddy just goes along with it. Sylvie keeps on making me look like a girl. Mister Woods wants me to be a girl model. When Mrs. Peters hurt me, I wanted to cry out, but Maddy was there for me. Thanks to Maddy, and her being cold to her Mum, Aunt Carol knows how I feel. Maddy has been responsible for me being Gaby several times, but I also bring it on myself too.

I have all too often had an accident where I had to borrow clothes from my family or strangers. Unfortunately, every time, it was another time to be Gaby. I have a very bad habit of not packing enough clothes or having my bags end up lost or still at home. I even packed Gaby's stuff at times. It seems as if Gaby is taking over at times. [sigh]

Even when I am dressed as Drew, I am seen as Gaby. It is only at school that I am Drew away from home. When I race, if John the Timekeeper is there, he sees Gaby. In Germany, they know me as Drew on the Apollinaris Team, but at school there, I am seen as a girl all too often. [sigh]

In the mall, Sarah sees me as Gaby and is always trying to sell me shoes from her store. It never matters if I am in Drew mode or not, she sees a girl. And all too often even in Drew mode, they see a girl. At times I her them and want to correct them, but then an adult will either not hear them or ignore it. I have spoken to my 'rents and Aunt Carol about it and they have agreed to start correcting them when I am in Drew mode.

I am scared that Gaby will take over one day and I will be Gaby playing as Drew. Right now, my body is not producing enough testosterone for me to have a male puberty so I am basically developing as a girl. I have wide hips and a narrow waist as well as having to wear a trainer bra for my breasts. Luckily, I can hide it under my shirts, but I dread the thought of others seeing me as I dress. I trust my family and friends, but not a stranger.

At times I have had fun as Gaby. I met the author of the HARRY POTTER books and had my picture taken with her too. Unfortunately, I was dressed as Hermione at the time and as Gaby, I have met many famous people. I just wish that it could be as Drew. [sigh]

I know that my family supports me as Drew or Gaby, but at times, they can't choose who they want me to be. Maddy wants for me to be Gaby at the conventions or Drew in a dress. My Mum has asked me to be Gaby at times as well. Even Aunt Carol. At least my Dad and Uncle John have not asked me to be Gaby.

Jules has, but only at the house and I did get grounded as Gaby. Anna, asked me over to a slumber party as Gaby. Me and Jules went and we went to a bar and got drunk. We were both grounded, but we got that witch back for her stupid forfeits idea.

She came up with things for us to do and she thought that mine was not bad enough. I can never trust her with my secret because she would take great delight in outing me. Well, she got paid back thanks to Jules and Brit tricking her. Now that witch looks like a clown and is grounded for life.

I have mixed feelings about Brit and Deb. While there, they acted as if I was a girl and did what they could to get me into being Gaby. It was only as we were leaving that they told the truth. I expected for them to tell their parents, but they did not, so I was Gaby for six weeks thanks to them.

In Germany, they think that Drew is a girl. In school, they know that I am a boy, but all too often, i am seen as a girl. I have been in a few races here and have begun to make a name for myself in Germany, but in school and out, Gaby seems to shine a bit. [chuckle]

I got a job as a waitress at a bakery. The uniform is a white blouse and black trousers, so I can be Drew in a way. What floored me was when I was appointed as the local Wine Princess. I had to wear the dress and white tights for the celebration and at times, make a public appearance.

Then I was selected to impersonate a pregnant girl. I was the only one selected that actually went to school looking like a girl. That garnered me top marks for my part and more than a few comments from my friends. At least i have no boy here trying to snog me. No, that all is back in Warsop.

But there is a girl here that is as bad as Maddy or Brit about getting me in a dress. All of the girls know about my being Gaby and about Maddy getting me to be Gaby. I made the mistake of going to a convention dressed as a girl. Well, actually as a guy dressed as a girl, but that gave them the idea of me being Gaby at school.

I lost a bet and on a field trip, I was Gaby. The worst part about it was the short skirt!! Why couldn't it have been trousers or a long skirt? And why do I keep on finding girls that want me in a skirt?

I have spoken to Maddy and she loves me as both Gaby and Drew, it is just that at times, she gets too much fun out of me being Gaby. Now, Maddy has promised me not to ask me to be Gaby and to help me to be Drew. I need her because I still tend to ruin my clothes and need a spare or forget to pack enough.

Mum feels regret for bringing Gaby to life in the first place, but she now knows that my body is going through its own puberty. I am still a boy, but my body is feminine. I hope that in time that my body gets more masculine.

Gaby Verse - John Ward's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - John Ward's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where John Ward- The Time Keeper gives his view on things.    

My name is John Ward, I am married to Margaret [Marge] Ward. We live in Cuckney now where I'm the Time Keeper for the Cuckney Time Trials and bike races. I've dabbled in racing, but I never became the serious cyclist that Jenny Bond, the Women's World Champion is.


It was while at Bristol that I met my wife Marge, back then, she was Marge Sinclair. We met at Bristol University in the library. I saw a petite redhead hunched over a book almost as big as she is. I introduced myself to her and we soon became a couple. Like me, she was raised to show common courtesy and reserve any judgement.

We found that we have a lot in common. We both like Disney movies and cartoon as well as shooting billiards. And we both enjoyed simply riding in the woods. I'd escort her whenever she went exploring nature for any rare plants. We'd cycle out to the sights and make a day of it to explore nature in all of its beauty.

We were soon a couple. Even though she was not as into maths as I was, we both loved to cycle around in the local woods. She found several flowers on our nature rides and earned top honors for her schoolwork. She even adopted a kitten that was wondering in the woods.

We were married by the end of the year and after graduation, we started a family. We have two children Joshua and Matilda. Josh is named after my dad and Matilda after Marge's mum. They are going to Bristol University now, Josh wants to help his Grandpa with his restaurant, so he's taking cooking and business management while Mattie wants to be a doctor. We are so proud of them and know that they'll do well.

Marge loves flowers and became a florist. Me, I earned a degree in Teaching, and Mathematics. I love numbers and thought that I'd make a good teacher. But I found that I was not able to inspire the students until I got over my stage fright. When I stopped being afraid of the students, I found that I was able to help them learn.

I applied for a position at Warsop College where Bill Woods was about to be instated as the Headmaster. He is a kind and caring man who loves children and wants only the best for them. We met at Bristol University where he was earning a degree in Education Administration. We found that we had a common interest in students welfare.

Bill saw the students as his adopted children. He has children of his own, but he wants the best for all children. Marge and I have two grown children, but no grandchildren yet. Marge loves children of any age and volunteers to help out in the nursery at the community center.

After I had been teaching for five years, I met Jenny Peters again, but now she was married to Dave Bond and had two babies, Julie and Drew. They had bought a house in Warsop and Dave was working as a sales representative for a timber company. Jenny had earned her degree in Geography and had been accepted at Warsop College as the new geography teacher.

I taught Maths there for a few years before the Inland Revue hired me to be a Tax Inspector. My job is to make sure that people and local merchants pay the proper taxes to the Government. That can be very difficult if fraudulent claims are filed, then I have to fine the party or have them imprisoned which I hate to do.

When Bill found out that I knew Jenny, he told her that he would tell the students about her racing results to inspire them. She thought that it was a good idea and hoped that would help her students. Bill also had me introduce her to the faculty and students and tutor her on school policy.

Soon after, I left Warsop because Inland Revue transferred me to Cuckney where I soon became the department head. Marge opened up Marge's Flower Shop where she sold flowers and taught about plants.

When I met Jenny, I was in the park when I saw a cute, blonde girl racing on her bike. Her Mum was right there watching her. That's how I met Jenny Bond and her Mum Josie Peters. I was on the local cycling team and offered to take them to see the Time keeper so that Jenny could register. Although she was too young to race, she was able train with us. I got to looking forward to watching her speed around on her bike.

I had the honor of presenting her with her first racing bike, Mum and Dad had bought me a new one and they let me give Jenny my old bike. She was delighted with the bike and was soon riding it and training in earnest.

It was during a race in my senior year in school that I wrenched my back. I had to retire from racing after that, but since I loved racing, I became the Timekeeper. But after I went to Bristol University, I dropped out of active racing. I was too busy with schoolwork to do much timekeeping. But I was the Timekeeper whenever Jenny raced, but that was it.

Jenny married Dave Bond and had two children with him. When they moved to Church Warsop, I mentored Jenny as she was new to teaching. I had earned my Teaching Certificate years earlier because I'd retired from racing after I wrecked and hurt my back, now I can't sit on a bike and ride without feeling pain shooting up and down my spine.

When her son Drew Bond started showing up at the Cuckney Time trials, he looked like a girl thanks to his friends, I couldn't resist acting like really was a girl. At times, he was Gaby, and because he signs in as D. Bond, I also started calling him Dee.

I must admit that I am having a bit of fun at her son Drew's expense, I saw him at the Easter cosplay convention where he was Chi Light. Me, I was one of the judges, but in my Gandalf costume, you couldn't see that it was me.

That boy keeps on showing up for the races wearing makeup or earrings. I have no doubt that his cousin Maddy is the reason why. I've not let on that I know that Drew is really Gaby just for fun. Hearing him complain to his family and friends makes it even more humorous.

I am also informing his Headmaster Mister Woods about when Drew races, and I have passed on the information to my fellow Timekeepers so that Mister Woods can tell the school about whenever Drew races.

As I understand it from gossip, Drew gets very shy whenever Bill tells about his racing exploits. But he is a very good cyclist and should take pride in what he has done. I bet he wonders how Bill gets the information that I send Bill.

Drew will never figure out that it is me that is doing it, I hope that he never does. If he ever found out about me knowing that he's Gaby, I have no doubt that his parents would be very mad.

Gaby Verse - Gran's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Gran's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Drew's Gran, Josie Peters gives her view on things.    

I am Josie Peters, Jenny Bonds Mum and Carol Peters is my niece. Carol and her husband john have had it a bit rough at first, but they have overcome the odds and are all the stronger for it. They wanted to have a family and Carol took some medicine to help her get pregnant because she was getting desperate. Jenny had already given birth to Jules and it looked as if she was pregnant again.


Well, Carol finally conceived and because of the medicine, she was having twins. Everybody was happy for her and when Drew was born to Jenny and Carol gave birth to Madeline and Marianne, I thought that everything was going along well for everybody.

But Marianne died at six months of age and Carol almost lost it. If Jenny hadn't of let Drew sleep in Marianne's crib until Carol could mourn and grieve over her loss, Carol might have lost it. As it is, she and John gave all of their love to Maddy and did not try to have anymore children. the shadow of Marianne still haunts them to this day. Maddy does not know that she was a twin, her parents have kept that from her to this day.

But Jenny and Dave have had their troubles too. When Jenny was given a chance to race with Team Apollinaris in Germany, she took it only after her family gave her their blessings. Jenny had given up her dream and they let her have her chance to chase it.

Everything went fine for awhile until Jenny contracted cervical cancer. When she got the news, she decided that it would be best to leave her family, so she told them that she had met another man. The news devastated her family, Jules and Drew cried themselves to sleep for several nights and Dave started to drink.

He stayed sober to keep the family going though and made sure that the children were safe and secure. Then Jenny asked Drew to come visit her. When he did, he broke her heart and she finally was ready to go home. When she returned, she was welcomed back home and she got the strength to fight the cancer. She recovered from the cancer and now she and her family are living in Germany.

Maddy has grown into a very lovely headstrong young lady and has gravitated to her cousin [Andrew] Drew Bond. Those two look like brother/sister twins. People think that they are twins, not cousins. Maddy and Drew have fooled a lot of people by her dressing like him in the past, but when she developed, that ended until recently. Now Drew dresses like Maddy.

It all started when Jenny signed her and Jules up to ride in a tandem bike race for charity, but Jules got hurt and Jenny drafted Drew. Drew's only complaint was that he had to be Gaby while Jenny was Xena. they had to wear costumes. They won the race and won for best prize, then they had to go in costume again to present the award to the charity.

Drew thought that that was the end of him being Gaby, but then Maddy got it into her head to dress in costume for the Easter disco. That girl actually got Jules to do it with the gang and they all went as Manga girls. That was alright for the girls, but not for Drew and Rhod, the guys.

Maddy and her parents love to attend those cosplay conventions and that Maddy is a wiz at altering clothing into costumes. She made sure that she and Drew wore similar costumes. They won for best couple as Chi Light and Chi Dark, but Drew won for best costume as Chi Light. He looked real cute, but that skirt barely covered his knickers. No wonder he complained how cold it was.

The reason that she did it is that she and Drew are always mistaken for twins and if Drew were to have breasts, he would be Maddy's twin sister. It does not help when Maddy encourages strangers into believing that Drw is a girl. If Drew would only stay mad at her long enough, she just might stop it.

Then Drew had to be Gaby again in order to cash the check. Maddy had listed Drew as Gaby, not Drew, so he had to be Gaby again to pick up the check. Why Maddy did not I do not know, but she could have saved him that headache. Then Drew had to go as Gaby to deposit the check because the paper was there and took pictures. It was only afterwards that Drew found out that he could have endorsed the check.

Then Mister Woods saw Drew dressed as Gaby at the disco and got permission from Jenny and Dave for Drew to be a model for a new school brochure. Mister Woods took Drew to get the uniform and proper Gaby bits so that he could pass as a girl. What he never expected was for him to be made into Maddy's twin.

The idea was that for Drew to be sick for a week and for cousin Gaby to attend for that week, why nobody ever caught on is a mystery to me and Drew, But everybody fell in love with Gaby especially that boy Clive much to Drew's chagrin. Drew never led the boy on, but Clive developed a crush upon Gaby. Then Gaby dumped him and ended that affair.

What got Drew mad at mister Woods was that he made out the check to Gaby, not Drew. Drew had to become Gaby again in order to cash the check. And to make matters worse was that Maddy had pierced Drew's ears. She left the sleepers in so that now Drew's ears are pierced.

Maddy says that she forgot, I am not so sure. All that i know is that Jules saw them and helped Drew to pull them out. I am glad that when Jenny found out, she did not get mad at Drew. She figured that Maddy was responsible for it like I did.

When Carol discovered that Drew was also Gaby, she told him that he was welcome as Gaby too. She knew that the girl eating spaghetti was Drew because only Drew eats with such gusto. Carol let Drew stay over at her place as Gaby for that week too, I know that she enjoyed having a second daughter for a week.

Jules also got Drew to be Gaby. She packed Gaby's swimming cozzie and bits so that Gaby went swimming, not Drew. Unfortunatelyfor Drew, he got sunburned and got a tan line outlining what he wore swimming. Drew had to keep his shirt on until the tan faded so that the other guys would not see the lines. It is a good thing that his cycling let's him avoid gym.

Then Anna, one of Jules friends finally got Gaby to come to a sleepover. Jules was there too to lookout for Gaby, but things got a bit out of hand thanks to Sara and them going to a bar. They all got drunk and Sara came up with a bunch of forfeits for them to do. In the end, Jules and Drew were both grounded.

But that Drew came up with a way to get back at Sara for those forfeits. She loves playing with others and humiliating them, he came up with a plan to pay her back for the girls because they were all grounded because of Sara. Now Sara is grounded and looks like a clown thanks to Drew's devious mind.

Drew has become very popular as Gaby, but he wants to be himself, not Gaby. He has been seen as a girl all too often even when in Drew mode. In fact, there is a girl in the mall that thinks that he is a girl. She sellls shoes and keeps on selling him shoes.

One time, Jules friends wanted to see Gaby, so Drew dressed as Gaby, but when he tried to remove the breast forms, there was still some glue on them and he had to stay in Gaby mode for a race because Maddy had the solvent. Well, Maddy got the solvent to him, but he had already raced as Gaby. That is why John the Timekeeper thinks that Drew is a girl even when he is Drew. At least Mister Woods knows that Drew is racing, not Gaby.

Carol has also hurt Drew very badly. She asked Drew to be Gaby so that she could get Maddy her Christmas presents and since Drew was the same size, he agreed as long as they left when it got too much for him. They went out of town so that he wouldn't be spotted and things went well until Carol began to act as if Drew was Gaby, her daughter.

Drew had to threaten to leave and return by bus before Carol learned that she had hurt Drew, but it was too late by that time. Carol saw Marianne, not Gaby or Drew and for a bit of time, she was with her other daughter. Now Carol wants to make amends to Drew, but he is wary of her now. He still loves her, but he is reluctant to trust her again.

Drew is a very generous and giving young man, that is why he keeps on being tricked into being Gaby all of the time by Maddy. Whenever Maddy asks him to attend a cosplay convention, it is always with him dressed in a skirt. She has never let Drew dress as a boy, only as a girl or a boy dressed as a girl. Poor Drew never knew about how those Japanese love the idea.

At one convention, Drew was Hermione Granger and got to meet the author of the Harry Potter books. J.K. Rowling let Gaby have her picture took with her and gave Gaby autographed books of all her books. Drew was quite chuffed about it even if he was Gaby at the time.

One time, Drew decided to be a vampire instead of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. When Drew came as a vampire, Maddy got her Mum to guilt Drew into being Buffy. At least this time, Drew wore trousers instead of a skirt as Buffy.

Then when the students from America came over, Drew and Jules hosted sisters. It was all apart of a Cultural Exchange Program, first, we host students from America, then they host us. The girls saw Drew as a girl and did what they could to get Gaby in a dress. They never listened to Dave say that Drew was a boy.

I took Drew and Brit Walters, his exchange partner to Germany to see Jenny. She had signed on with the Apollinaris Cycling Team and she got time off to see Drew. But Drew's bag never made it and he had to borrow from Brit. Poor Drew has never been to Germany, it has always been Gaby.

Jenny finally was able to follow her dream of cycling thanks to Dave and her kids. Jenny has become the Women's World Cycling Champ and Drew is the Teen World's Cycling Champ. so we have two champs here. But Jenny's came with a price. She contracted cancer. She won the Championship and then came home and beat the cancer thanks to her family.

There are three girls that Drew has helped out because of his cycling exploits,and all of them were all because Drew is so generous. Catrina, Freddie and Helen are girls that he met while either racing or cycling.

Catrina is an avid cyclist like Drew is. She wants to be like Drew's mum Jenny Bond and was quite chuffed to meet him too. She met Drew and Maddy at the Cuckney 10. Drew and Maddy had just completed the race when she came huffing and puffing in. Those two started massaging her legs for her and kept her from cramping up.

When they rode to Carol's Drew rode her bike because he wanted for her to see what a proper racing bike felt like. Then he gave her a set of proper wheels for her bike so that she would have one. Dave and Jen gave him permission and were quite proud of him for being so generous.

When she went to pick up the gift, Jules was the only one there. She invited Catrina to Carol's to help Drew celebrate his victory. She accepted, but felt guilty because she felt that she was just a token guest. Carol reassured her that she was welcome there.

But Drew also hurt that girl when Rhod decided to become Em. I do not know why he attacked her, but he did and poor Catrina was hurt. Drew's best friend was suddenly wanting to be a girl which confounded Drew because he is having trouble being seen as a guy. Well, after Drew had cooled down, he got reamed good and proper for attacking Catrina and he sent her a nice gift in apology.

I can understand about Rhod wanting to be a girl. I have met many a young man like him. But most of them went through their transition by themselves because their friends and family deserted them. At least Em has her Mum and the gang for support.

Catrina forgave Drew and has since then, begun to race in her city, she was visiting her Granny when she went cycling and met Drew. Then while Drew and Jules were in America, she got to meet her idol, Jenny Bond. Jen was in the clinic getting treated for her cancer. That Catrina made a great impression upon both Dave and Jen, now she is invited to visit anytime that she can.

Freddie is a girl that lost the use of her legs thanks to a horse. She used to love to cycle and regrets not being able too. That Drew decided to modify the tandem so that he could take her for a ride and that Dave knew his son so well that he got the bike and parts and tools ready for Drew.

When her Dad found out, he agreed to let Drew give his daughter his gift. What Drew was not expecting was for him to organize his troop to guard the route, nor for John the timekeeper to get the local club to ride as well. What really floored Drew was that the local rag published an article about the ride. That boy can do more than anybody that I know.

Helen moved here from Holland recently. That poor waif lost her Daddy and now she and her Mum are living with her grandparents. Helen is a sweet and shy girl, nothing at all like Maddy. Drew met Helen as she was trying to fix her bike. Drew was able to help her out and invited her to his birthday party that night. She came and she and Drew really hit it off much to Maddy's dismay.

Helen asked Drew to attend a party for the Girl Guides. He did not know that it was to recruit new members. Helen wanted Drew there so that they could dance. Drew was pleasantly surprised about that because usually he is tricked into being Gaby. I know that meant a lot to Drew and that Maddy had best take note because Drew just might choose Helen over her.

Drew loves his Mum and takes after her when it comes to cycling. He has that same talent of sizing up the other racers, tricking them and lulling them into thinking he is not a threat and making the sprint when least expected. he has his mum's dogged determination to win. He has all too often pushed his body beyond its limits only to pass out as soon as he crossed the line. He has woken up in the ambulance or A&E tent having used up all of his energy.

Dave and Jenny have taken him to the clinic about this and now Drew takes iron pills because he is a bit anemic, but there is more to it than that. Drew has yet to start puberty and his body is thusly developing like a girls. He will not take any testosterone to jump start his puberty because of his cycling, so he has decided to wait because Dave was a late bloomer too.

Drew is a gentle and caring soul that only wants the best for everybody even when the are mean to him and trick him into being Gaby for their amusement. He can not help it if his body is developing as a girls. Poor Drew except for his boy bits and lack of a girls chest looks just like his cousin Maddy.

It is true that Drew has a very bad habit of not packing enough clothes and having accidents so that he has to borrow clothes from his Mum, sister or Maddy or at times strangers. The only way to help stop this is for Drew to keep a spare kit or two in the camper or car or for somebody else to pack for him.

But then there are the times that Maddy or somebody else has tricked him into being Gaby. Drew forgets about wearing earrings and makeup and when back in Drew mode, still looks like Gaby. I know that Drew would be a lot happier if everybody would let him choose if he wants to be Gaby.

I know that Dave and Jen have decided to support Drew in whatever he decides that he is and that Carol, Jules, John and his friends will too and with all of this support, how can he ever go wrong?

Gaby Verse - Jenny's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Jenny's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Jenny Bond gives his view on things.    

My name is Jenny Bond, wife of David Bond, Mum of Juliette Bond and Drew Bond. I love racing as a cyclist. Today, I am on the Apollinaris Cycle Team. Even though I have garnered many wins and awards, I am most proud of my son Drew.


But I almost lost everything, if not for my family's love and support for me, I would be alone now. While cycling for the team, I was diagnosed with cancer. I thought that leaving Dave and the kids would make things easier for everybody. I was scared that the cancer would win.

When I returned home and told Dave and the kids the truth, I was forgiven. But I still had to defeat the cancer. Drew and Jules wanted to stay home to be with me, they were selected to go to America as apart of a cultural exchange program. Dave and I told them to go. I didn't want to deny them such a wonderful chance to see the world. We promised that we would bring them home if the cancer won. Well, I am cured of the cancer and am now trying to get back into shape to defend my title.

Drew has proven to be a very selfless young man that I am so very proud of. He has done things for people that he just met that shows his generous heart. I could not deny him the chance to help another. It would break his heart to do so.

Drew met Annie-fred, a girl that lost the use of her legs when she was thrown from her horse. Fred is an archer whose skill with the bow and arrow equals mine or Drew's skill on the bike. Drew made adjustments to the tandem bike so that he could take Fred for a ride. When Dave found out, he helped Drew in the adjustments. When his adjustments broke, Fred''s Dad used his shop to repair the bike so that Fred could ride.

Fred was able to ride with Drew and Drew's selfless gift to Fred gained him much respect from Fred's friends and family and was published in the local paper too.The only thing is that the paper again called him Gaby, much to his dismay.

The other girl that Drew has helped out is a cute girl named Catrina. She is visiting her Gran here and she loves to bike. She is not the racing pro that Drew or I am though. She is more of a recreational biker. Drew found out that she has a clunker of a bike. After Drew got permission from Dave and me, he gave Catrina a set of tyres for her bike. That girl then was able to get new gears and remake her clunker into a better bike.

Drew also made a friend in a new girl that moved in recently. Her name is Helen. Drew met her while she was pushing her bike around. Drew, ever the gent, helped her and soon she and Drew were fast friends. Maddy is a bit miffed that Drew is seeing Helen, but Helen is a sweet innocent girl that hasn't a mean bone in her body.

She proved to be the opposite of Maddy too, much to Drew's delight too. Helen invited him to a party with other Girl Guides. It was supposed to be for girls only. They were having a recruitment drive going and thought Drew was a girl. Helen invited him so they could dance. She really like Drew, if Maddy doesn't watch it, Drew might just choose Helen.

Drew and Maddy make a very cute couple. They grew up together and are more like brother and sister than cousins. The fact that they look like twins has given that vixen Maddy several chances to get with Drew and fool everybody. From the beginning, she has gotten a boy's uniform and dressed as Drew to fool people. She and Drew really get chuffed when she fooled everybody, but now that she has developed she can't go as Drew anymore. But now she has tricked Drew into being Gaby several times. Much to Drew's dismay.

Drew never has wanted to be Gaby, but events seem to conspire to force him to be Gaby. What is even worse is that people actually conspire to trick him into being Gaby. Drew just wants to be a young man, being mistaken as a girl has not been much fun for him. For awhile Drew was able to ignore it by saying it was SOMEBODY ELSE'S PROBLEM." Too bad that has not worked as well as he wanted. In time, Drew will be able to be himself. Whether as Gaby or Drew is up to him.

I also have a daughter, Juliet Bond. She looks just like me, only her hair is a lighter shade than mine is. Jules has shown an interest in music that ave and I have encouraged. But we are concerned that her friends will lead her into breaking the law.

Jules hid the fact that she had her tongue pierced from us. When Dave and I found out, Jules was grounded. Then she decided to go GOTH! When she dyed her hair black and started to wear black clothing, Dave and I were shocked! We couldn't believe that our girl was gone, replaced by this alien. But in time, Dave and I have accepted our Goth Girl.

But my greatest worry is my son Drew and his ongoing burden of being seen as a girl. I must take the blame for getting it all started. Drew has forgiven me for my part, but if not for me, there would not be a Gaby. It all began when I talked him into riding a tandem bike with me. I was dressed as Xena: Warrior Princess, Dew was dressed as Gabrielle. If I knew then what I know now, I would have asked my niece Maddy to be Gaby.

But I must admit that Dave really was thrilled to see me in my costume. We snogged that night like we did when we were kids. I was a bit sore for a few days after that night, but I would never have thought that we could do what we did then. I know one thing, Xena will return quite a few times.

Ever since then, Drew has been forced or tricked into dressing as Gaby. The worst one is Maddy. She loves Drew, but her tricking him into being Gaby has caused Drew to doubt his masculinity. True, Maddy and Drew can pass as twins, but what bothers Drew is the fact that with his long hair, people think he is a girl. Dave and I have taken Drew to the doctors to discover why Drew has yet to go through puberty. Poor Drew hasn't enough testosterone in him to go through puberty. We now have him on iron tablets to build up his iron. What is strange is that Maddy takes the same medicine.

What is strange is that Mister Woods asked Drew to pose as a girl for a special project. I gave my permission only after I was assured by Drew that he was able to do it with out any qualms. If I had known that Clive had a fancy for Gaby, I would never have given my permission. Clive sees Gaby as a sweet girl that he has a crush on and poor Drew does nothing to encourage him. At least Drew finally put Clive in his place when s Gaby, he broke up with Clive. Poor Clive got drunk and got into trouble.Hopefully, he is finally over Gaby now.

When the American students came over, they deliberately treated Drew as if he was Gaby! They knew he was a boy, but they just had to pretend he was Gaby as a joke! Drew was quite mad to find out after the Americans had left. Drew is a good sport, but finding out that he had been tricked yet again gave him mixed feelings about the exchange program. What is even worse is that when Drew and the other students from Worsop went to America, is that the students NEVER told their parents that Drew was a boy! Drew had to be Gaby for Six WEEKS! At least he had Jules there to help.

Being Gaby for so long has me worried that Drew would succumb to peer pressure and return as Gaby. He never really had a chance to be himself. To tell the truth, if I had known that being Gaby was such a burden. I would have made sure that the American parents knew the truth. After this, I don't think that I can ever trust those American students. Being Gaby is torture for Drew, yet he very seldom really complains about it. He is such a sweet and trusting child that he needs someone to guard him against those that would hurt him.

Carol has been there for him from the beginning. She has accepted Drew's need to be Drew before anybody else. But she really hurt Drew when they went to get Maddy some clothes. Drew dressed as Gaby with the understanding from Carol that if Drew got uncomfortable being Gaby, they would come home. But Carol got carried away and was deaf to Drew's anxiety until he lost his temper and threatened to leave.

Carol has tried to make amends but Drew is still wary of her. He no longer trusts her now, much to her dismay.Drew did finally forgive her but Carol must wait until Drew is willing to trust her again. But Drew's conflict over being seen as a girl is the root of the problem.

Carol gave birth to twin girls, but Maddy's sister died at birth. When Drew went out as Gaby, Carol saw Gaby as her lost daughter. When Drew finally had enough of Carol's fantasy, it was too late for her to prevent hurting Drew. After I told Drew about Carol's loss, he was a bit more understanding about his Aunt's actions.

Maddy knows about her twin sister too, I guess that is why she wants Gaby so bad. She is an only child and envies Drew and Jules for their relationship. I told Drew to let Carol and Maddy tell him about his lost cousin. It is still a sore subject after all these years.

While in America, Drew did make a few friends. Erin knows that Drew is a boy. She never did chide him for being Gaby. If it was not for her support, Drew might not have survived, we might instead have Gaby, and no Drew. Erin has my eternal thanks for being there when Drew needed to be himself away from the others. If I ever meet her or can do anything for her, I will do whatever I can.

While we entertained the American students, they helped the girls to start a Cheerleader Team called the Sherwood Foresters. Drew is on the team as Gaby and Rhod is Mfanwy. Rhod began being Mfanwy when his Dad returned and wanted to meet his child. It was decided that Rhod see his Dad as a girl so he would not try to gain custody. It worked, but a bit too well. Now Rhod wants to become a girl for life. All these years being a girl for his Dad has finally caused Rhod to leave and Mfanwy to be born.

The team won a Cheer Competition over here, then another one while in America. I am so proud of Drew for his part in being Gaby. I must admit that as Gaby, he is a very pretty girl.

Because of my success as a cyclist, our family has moved to Germany. I wouldn't be here if not for my mate Dave. When we first met, I was riding my bike when I saw this cute guy fixing his bike. That guy was Dave and we became fast friends. It was only after we graduated that our friendship bloomed into romance.

I was competing in a local race and Dave was there to help me by maintaining my bike and giving me leg massages before and after the race. It was then that I knew Dave was my life mate. He had sacrificed going out with his friends on a trip to France to be with me! That night, he proposed to me under a starry sky on London Bridge. I accepted and that night, i gave myself to him. He was attentive to my needs and made losing my virginity the very special gift to him that we both cherish. It was on our wedding night that Jules was conceived. I have never regretted giving up my cycling career. My first love was teaching. With Jules and then Drew on the way, I settled down with Dave and began our married life.

In Germany, everybody thinks Drew is a girl. Drew has seem to accept that Gaby is apart of him. Me, I want my son to be happy. If he wants to become Gaby and live as a woman, I will support him. But truthfully, I want Drew, not Gaby. I know he loves Maddy. With her love, I hope Drew can become whole.

Gaby Verse - Maddy's View by Stanman63


Gaby Verse - Maddy's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Maddy' Peters gives his view on things.    

As much as I love Drew, I will also miss his family. his Dad, Mum and sister have all been apart of bringing Gaby to life and I know that without their help, there would be no Gaby.


It all really started with his Mum, Auntie Jenny loves to cycle and she entered herself and my cousin Jules in a Tandem Bike Race to raise money for charity. When Jules hurt herself, Auntie Jenny drafted Drew to take her place. Why she didn't ask me, I will never know, but she chose Drew.

Drew was reluctant to compete because they were to wear costumes and their costumes were Xena:Warrior Princess for Auntie Jenny and Gabrielle: The Battling Bard for Drew. That was the first time that he became Gaby. They won the race and won for best costume, but Drew had to be Gaby again.

Auntie Jenny and Drew were asked to present the cheque to the charity while in costume. Jules couldn't because pictures were taken, so poor Drew had to be Gaby again and he thought that that would be the end of it, but that was the beginning.

Auntie Jenny became a teacher after she gave birth to Jules and Drew and Uncle Dave became a sales representative and began to sell timber. But they never gave up their first love.Uncle Dave still visits those archeological sites and Auntie Jenny still cycles.

They did it all for family, I don't know how many parents do that for their kids, but they did. Auntie Jenny humors Uncle Dave when they go on those trips so that she can cycle. He really gets into sightseeing and I can always find something to buy.

Auntie Jenny is a wonder teacher here at Warsop College, she is loved and respected by the faculty and students. She makes the lesson come alive for us and never insults us if we get the wrong answer. She helps us to get the right answer.

Auntie Jenny is loved and respected by us kids because she has never insulted us and has helped us when we needed help with our assignments. She can tell when a student is trying to get her to do their work for them, it only takes one time for them to know not to try her patience.

Auntie Jenny is as passionate about schoolwork as she is about cycling. she believes that has long as a student is doing their best, then they deserve any help needed and if needed, given extra help so that they can pass.

Uncle Dave has helped Auntie Jenny and Drew to achieve their championships, without him, they would not have done near as well. he has become an expert on bike upkeep and can adjust a bike to fit the rider.

He has worked many a strange hour in order to be there for Jenny and Drew. There were many a Sunday that he worked so that he could take his family to the races and he taught Drew all that he knows about bikes.

Drew can change tyres, gears or make the adjustments needed, but Uncle Dave is still the best at it. Drew seems to find his friends through his cycling too. Three girls that he met and helped are Catrina, Freddie and Helen and each one of them are very special to Drew.

Normally, i would be very protective of Drew when it comes to new girls, but these three are very special and i can't help but think of how much of a gentleman Drew is and how generous as well.

We both met that girl Catrina at a local bike race. Our parents let us come by ourselves this one time because it was not that far away, besides, we could call for a ride if we needed one.

Drew and I had just completed our run when we saw this new girl completing hers. We both helped her get off of her bike and massaged her wobbly legs for her. Then Drew switched bikes on her because hers was not race worthy. Drew cleared it with his parents and gave her a spare set of tyres.

What surprised us both was that she saw that Drew was also Gaby. She is a lot like Em, she is a girl born with boy bits, that was why she saw Gaby in Drew. Well, she has proven to be a god friend and has kept Drew's secret. Now, thanks to Drew, and her Dad, her bike is now race worthy.

I like Catrina because she loves to attend cosplay conventions aas much as I do. It is too bad that she doesn't live here in Warsop, if she did, then we could have fun at the conventions. She has a Granny that lives here and she got her Dad to bring her bike when they visited.

Freddie is a girl that has to stay in a wheelchair because she was thrown from a horse and broke her back. She used to love to cycle and now she can't. When Drew met her and learned about her love of cycling, he decided to help her ride once again.

he got permission to modify the tandem so that he could do the pedaling while she rode with him. Uncle Dave and Auntie Jen were pretty gobsmacked over his generousity and gave their complete approval while Jules couldn't be happier about his wanting to help Freddie.

When Drew couldn't complete the modifications, his Dad finished them and thanked Drew for befriending his daughter. Freddie and Drew had fun riding that tandem and even made it in the papers.much to Drew's chagrin. The papers showed him as a girl, not a boy giving Freddie a ride.

But Helen is a totally different story, Drew met her on the road where she needed someone to fix her bike chain. Drew helped her and invited her to his birthday party. When she showed up at school, he brought her into the gang. Helen and her Mum just moved here after her Dad died in an accident.

She invited Drew to a party where the Girl Guides were having a recuitement drive. She invited him because she wanted to dance with him. She treats Drew differently than i do and he appreciates it too. Because of that, it took the two of us quite awhile to stop sniping at each other, but for me, what is worse is that she and her Mum are now leasing the Bond's old place.

When they moved to Germany, Uncle Dave went as the Bicycle Repair Technician and Youth Scout. That means that when he is not fixing the bikes, that he is out scouting out other youth that have the talent.

But I have a nightmare that i am glad that has not happened, because if it did, things would be totally different. The nightmare is where Drew because of the test results, decides to become Gaby for real. Drew was born more female than male and because of his menstrual cycles, was having those fainting spells.

He went to America as Gaby and I along with the Walter girls tricked Drew into being Gaby, but Drew knew before we left instead of when we got there. I was truly a conniving witch and sought only my fun and not consider Drew's feelings or needs, but worst of all, I shunned Gaby because of the peer pressure.

The Americans, led by Brit and Deb shunned Gaby because they saw her as a lesbian and I went along with it instead of backing Gaby up. If i had stood up for Gaby, then the other Warsop girls would have followed suit. But I folded and made Gaby's trip a time of loneliness and despair.

Only her sister Jules and Erin treated her with the love that she deserved and because of that, Gaby quit the Sherwood Foresters at the close of the competition. Thanks to our treatment of Gaby, our success in America lost its sweetness.

Then I did the only thing that could hurt Gaby, I outed him to Clive and Paul. it was at his birthday party where i got Em to pass Drew a gift for Gaby. When Drw accepted it, Clive and Paul finally knew thanks to me and my reward was losing my friends and Gaby.

Gaby slapped down and then I saw the hurt in her eyes. Then i lost my friends because of my stupidity and shame. Em lost her friendship with Allison as well.
It took me years to finally admit that I loved and needed. I lost everything because those Americans had poisoned me against Gaby.

When I admitted that I loved Gaby, we finally mended the broken relationship and married. Both of our families supported our decision and the old gang was there for our wedding, but the pain of our seperation was the nightmare, I am glad that it is only a dream.

Sylvie, Rhod's Mum is the best beautician here in Church Warsop. She has a salon that looks as if it is from the Hippie Era. Those lava lamps and the decor as well as her wearing jeans and tops have made her the favorite salon here for us kids.

She is the only single parent that I know. She is a real cool adult and most of the time, acts like one of us kids. It is a shame that no man seems to want to date her, but she is devoted to seeing that her son graduates and gets settled.

Sylvie has raised Rhod be herself with no help from the Church or any charities, but I know that many of the parents here go to Sylvie instead of any other salon o help her out.

Mister Woods is the Head master at Warsop College, he seems to take great pleasure in announcing it when a student does well in sports. I know that Drew wished that he wouldn't because he is so shy, but when he races, Drew is a tiger and goes all out to win.

Mum and Dad love to dress up and attend cosplay conventions and now, I am hooked as well. We usually go in matching costumes and have fun meeting others there. One time they couldn't go, so I talked my friends into going.

I had the idea of having the gang dress as mange girls for a cosplay convention. We all had fun even if Drew and Rhod did complain a bit. Drew looked real cute as Chi Light and I was Chi Dark. That led to me asking Drew to go to other conventions in costumes.

At the next one, he went as Hermione Granger of the Harry Potter Books and films and we got to meet the author and Drew received an autographed book of her latest installment. He liked that and the fact that he was not in a miniskirt at the time like he was as Chi Light.

Drew is a good sport about dressing up as a Manga girl most of the time, but at times, I do forget about his sensitivity over people seeing him as a girl and how much he wants to be seen as a boy.

One time as a Manga girl, Drew went as Buffy: The Vampire Slayer while we girls went as other characters. That was one time that Drew had a neat costume, but I used my Mum to get him to be Buffy.

He wanted to be a vampire, but I wanted him to be Buffy and when he showed up in costume, I got Mum to get him to be Buffy. He could have been a male vampire, but I was all set on him being Buffy.

For a compromise, Drew wore a top and jeans instead of a skirt or dress as I wanted. e looked real cute as Buffy and everybody thought that he was a girl. I
guess that we could have called him Drew and let it be known that he was a guy playing Buffy, but it was easier to call him Gaby.

When Brit and Sabrina came up with the idea of teaching us how to cheer like them, I went for it. I had been Drew's Cheerleader and I wanted to be one now, but I also wanted Gaby and was able to draft Drew into being Gaby.

He was very limber and quick, I guess from all of that bike riding and he agreed to be a Cheerleader so as to not let us down. But it was Brit and Deb that really caused Drew the mischief while they were here from America with their causing Drew to be Gaby so much.

Those two took a very mean delight in causing Gaby to appear. One time, Drew got hurt while riding his bike and had to wear a long skirt because of his injuries. They really had fun picking upon Drew and said that he was a girl. If he had taken the time to show them, they would have stopped, but Drew is too modest.

There was one time while they were here that Drew took Brit with him to see his Mum in Germany. Auntie Jen had joined the Apollinaris Cycling Team in Germany and had arranged for Drew to see a Bike Show there. Granny Sonia took him and Brit to see the show.

But even there, Drew became Gaby. There was a fashion show and they needed some replacement models because their regulars were held up thanks to a traffic accident. Drew, Brit and Kat volunteered to be models for them.

Drew is a real gentleman and always ready to help out even when doing so will hurt him. That Brit just had to be mean to Drew and take pictures of him as a model, Kat likes Drew and did not like what Brit did to Drew. Now I am beginning to understand just how Drew feels.

But at least in America, Drew had the chance to be himself at times thanks to Brit.She introduced him to Erin and Diana Biggs, Erin is the owner/operator of Erin's Cyclery and knows all about Brit and her schemes.

When she met Drew when he was dressed as Gaby, she let them know that she knew that Gaby was actually Drew and agreed to not tell her parents because of Drew. She stayed on the lookout for anymore of Brit's schemes and befriended Drew.

Drew became friends with the local cycling group and got me and him a bike to race on while in America. Diana owns/operates a machine shop and makes bikes for Erin. She saw Drew as a way to get some publicity for both her and Erin.

Erin was surprised when Drew kept on beating everybody when they raced.It was always an impromptu race, but Drew knew just what to look for and whenever he saw the others about to make a move, he was ready. He was able to teach them a few tricks.

Gaby Verse - Rhod's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Rhod's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Rhod/Mfanwy Morgan gives his view on things.    

My name is Rhod Morgan as a boy, as well as Mfanwy as a girl. It all started because of my dad. He left my Mum, Sylvie when he found out that she was pregnant with me. He only returned after he had married Cherie and wanted a son. She can't have children, so Dad was going to take me from my Mum.


Mum came up with the idea of dressing me as a girl so that Dad wouldn't want me. My Dad was really disappointed to find that he had a daughter, but he still wanted to see me, so once a month, I am Mfanwy for the weekend and his wife Cherie is delighted to see me when I come.

Cherie makes sure that I know everything about being a girl. She teaches me all about housework, being a lady and domestic skills as well as the proper way to act as a girl. She wants for me to be a real lady. Her teaching has really done a lot to me too because now I want to be a girl.

For awhile, only my girlfriend Alison knew as well as my Mum, but everything changed recently when Warsop College hosted a bunch of American students from Grottoes.

Thanks to a Cultural Exchange Program, students from Grottoes came here to visit and learn about British culture. The student that was assigned to me was Dan, big mistake because he turned out to be trouble.

I was still dressed as Mfanwy when he came in. I was introduced as Pippa, the girl that I was for the costume convention by Drew. Dan actually snooped and wanted to know why my suitcase was there and a dress on my bed.

When I asked why he was snooping, he saw that I was wearing a dress and he went ballistic. He started calling me names and when Sabrina stood up to him, he called her vile names as well.

Sabrina is another American student, she was hurt by his remarks because they were racist. Well, eventually things calmed down, but Dan was very distant from me from then on and he finally got himself sent back in disgrace after pulling a really stupid stunt.

Drew was dressed as Gaby for a disco planned to celebrate the Americans farewell to Warsop. Dan went up to Gaby and kissed Gaby on the lips. Well, Drew belted him a good one, then ran to the boy's loo crying.

It took his Dad a bit to get him to come out and get him home. Dan was on probation before, but forcing himself upon Drew/Gaby cost him his position as host and almost his position in sports back home in America as well.

Dan needs to learn to accept others for who and what they are. If he knew that Gaby is really Drew, he would really go ballistic because he really thinks that Drew is cool being a cycling champ and all.

Brittany and Sabrina are both Cheerleaders and got the gang to start a Cheerleader Team called the Sherwood Foresters. Cherie told my Mum about it and Mum agreed that Mfanwy should be a Cheerleader.

When tryouts were held, I went as Em [Mfanwy] and Drew went as Gaby.We were both selected as Cheerleaders, Gaby was chosen as Head Cheerleader. Drew looks great as a Cheerleader, I hope that I look as good.

Drew accepted me as Em, but when I told him that I wanted to become a girl, he was a bit put out about it. For three years, I have been Em when I go to see my Dad and his wife Cherie. Drew still wants for me to be his mate Rhod, but Rhod will soon be gone, replaced by Mfanwy.

Cherie's schooling me in how to be a girl and being a Cheerleader along with Alison, my girlfriend had finally given me the strength to admit to myself and my friends that I am really a girl inside. If Dad hadn't come along wanting a son, I would never have discovered the girl that I am inside.

Drew finally, reluctantly accepted my new self and welcomed Em as a friend. He is a good friend and I doubt that I could have come out with out his example to go by. I wish that I could pass as a girl as easily as Drew does. I know that in time, I will be a girl, if only I was a girl now.

Drew looks like a girl so easily and strangers mistake him for a girl. Drew wants to be seen as a boy, not a girl, but he looks just like Maddy and his long hair keeps on getting him mistaken for a girl even when he is dressed as a boy.

Drew keeps on getting mistaken for a girl and his cousin Maddy seems to enjoy seeing him in skirts a bit too much. She came up with the idea of the gang and Jules dressing as Manga girls for Halloween. Maddy and her parents love going to the conventions and dressed in costumes, that is why she came up with the idea.

She tricked Drew into dressing as Chi light while she was Chi Dark. Drew was a bit put out about it because not only was it a girl he was dressed as but his costume was a bit to much considering that the skirt barely covered the knickers of the costume and he had to wear stocking and not tights.

Me, I didn't mind being dressed as a girl, of course my costume was not as brief as Drew's, I went wearing a floor length costume. When the Cheerleader Team Sherwood Foresters was formed, I joined as Em. Becoming Em as a Cheerleader helped me to decide to become a girl.

I know that my mate Drew does not want to be a Cheerleader, but his sense of honour won't let him quit. He was tricked into becoming a Cheerleader by Maddy and Jules. Maddy had called Jules to get her to put her badminton kit into Drew's bag.

Drew was coerced into wearing the kit by the girls and became a very reluctant Cheerleader. Mister Woods knows that it is Drew in the costume and not Gaby. He gave Drew the option of quitting the team when he saw Drew, but Drew stayed on.

Britney and Sabrina are Cheerleaders from America, they inspired Maddy and the gang to form Warsop's team. under their guidance, our team learned the routine and won second place in a local competition.

Britney proved to be worse than Maddy about tricking Drew into being Gaby too. She convinced the girls from America to act as if they thought Drew was really a girl and even got the gang to go along with her gag.

No matter what Drew's Dad told them, they continued to act like Drew was a girl. Drew just gave up on trying to convince them otherwise. It became quite evident to them because things kept on happening to put him in skirts. One time, he had an accident while racing and had to wear a skirt because of the scrapes and bruising. Another time, he split his jeans while skating and had to borrow a skirt and tights.

But when the Americans left, Britney finally told the truth. When Drew found out that she had gotten the girls over here to go along with the stupid gag, he got furious with them and understandably so. He wanted to be Drew and not Gaby, but they kept on doing things to keep Drew in Gaby-mode all too often.

To make matters worse for Drew, Brit and her sister never told their parents that Drew is a boy. Because of their deception, Drew had to stay in Gaby-mode for the entire trip and thanks to Maddy packing only Gaby stuff in Drew's bags, he only had the clothes that he wore on the way over to dress as Drew.

We went skiing one time while in America, Once again, Brit pulled a gag that could have hurt Drew and Maddy. Drew was told to dress warm, he wore thick tights and a long skirt and sweater so he wasn't really prepared to ski. All went well until the return trip when Brit challenged Drew to take the long way back.

Drew and Maddy took up the challenge not know that it was a race. They made it back safely, but Brit got chewed out by her parents and sister for pulling such a stupid stunt on Drew and Maddy. At least Drew got some new clothes out of it.

To apologize to him, the girls took Drew shopping for some new clothes. he got some to be Drew in as well as some Gaby stuff so that he has a selection of stuff to be Drew in now.

Brit was kind to Drew too, she introduced him to Erin who owns Erin's Cyclery, a bike shop and meeting place for the local Cycling Club. Erin aw that Gaby was really Drew and befriended him. She almost outed Brit to her parents, but relented after Drew asked her not to.

Lucky for me, I was places with Sandy. Sandy is a senior girl that is transitioning into a woman. She looks like a real girl except that she still has to have her boy bits sorted and she is working as a waitress at Jack's Diner to make the money for her operation.

Her Dad is a bigot!! he keeps on putting down Sandy every chance that he gets and has tried to corrupt his wife and younger son into doing the same thing. I have had total success with little Kenny. At first, he was calling Sandy his brother, but I was able to get him to call Sandy his sister.

Her Dad got into trouble at work when he refused to wait upon customers that are Trans-girls. His attitude and language almost cost him his job. He is having to go to special enrichment classes now to help him cope with his problem now.

Funny thing is that I caught him taking another woman out to dinner. That woman turns out to be a post-op t-girl that Sandy knows. When I let on that I knew about his tryst, he got quiet.

It is taking time for me to work on her Mum, but I am having success. it has been an uphill battle to get her to see just how much she has hurt Sandy by ignoring Sandy's need to bond with her Mum.

Her Mum treats me like the daughter that she never had and that has caused Sandy a lot of grief and hurt feelings. She has taken out her hurt upon me at times too. I always forgive her, but I still want Sandy to be a sister to me.

I need Sandy's support because of Dan, he saw me dressed as Em and almost outed me and would have if it wasn't for him getting into trouble because of it. He is on the school's Track And Field Team and if he causes a problem, he will get expelled.

I had a nightmare of a date too. There was a guy that I thought was very nice and I was trusting his Mum to be there to chaperone us when he asked me out on a date. Instead, she dropped us off at the cinema and went on to take care of some business

Her son thought that I was going to be a tart and tried to snog me something fierce. I was finally able to stop him, but I was mistreated by his Mum who thought that I had seduced her son. t s as if I was supposed to let her jerk of a son have his way with me. I was raised to be a lady, not a tart like he wants.

If he had gotten what he wanted, all that he would have gotten would have been my gaffe. Sasha saw that I was really a boy and helped me and Sandy to pass as girls.

She gave us both a gaffe that when worn, gives us a realistic vagina, we can even have sex like a girl does with it on and now with her new breast forms, I can truly pass as a girl, not even Drew/Gaby can do that, he has to change in private.

I had a nightmare about it and when Sandy found out, she was quite livid. I got over it in time, but I will never trust that boy again nor his Mum or any of his friends.

Sandy was able to get her parents to allow her to have a sleep over at her cottage. I was delighted because it has been a long time since the gang has gotten together. I know that the gang has been missing our time together, me, I really miss getting together with Ally, my girlfriend.

Allison has gone with me when I visited my Dad and Cherie in Wales. Allison has been a true friend to me. She accepted my wanting to become Em before I told the gang. Without her support, I would never have become Em.

Most of the time, I am in school or in Sandy's cottage when I am not doing cheer practice with the others. This sleep over will give us all time to reconnect and hang out together like we did back home in Warsop.

We all had a great time during the sleep over Drew was scared that it would be a repeat of his first one where he got drunk and he and Jules got grounded. The worst thing that happened was that I dyed me hair red by accident.

The girls styled my hair as well as Drew's and Darla's. Darla washed her hair in Sandy's loo while Drew and I used her parents. Instead of grabbing shampoo or conditioner, I grabbed Mrs. Jones red hair dye.

I was horrified when Drew showed me an what happened and I lost it when the girls saw what I did. Thankfully, the girls and Drew didn't make fun of me , too bad I wasn't able to dye my hair back to black before I went home.

My only grief was when I had to become Rhod on the flight home. Drew supported me and helped me to become Rhod once more. When we returned home, I became Em as much as possible. I will start to school next year as Em and I know that I will have the girls and Drew for support.

Gaby Verse - Sandy's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Sandy's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Sandy Jones gives his view on things.    

I am Sandy Jones, a Trans-sexual girl. That means that I am a girl born in a boys body. For awhile, I did not know that I was not like other girls until I met them on the playground. I knew that I was different when I saw other girls on the playground playing. They had long, pretty hair and some wore dresses or skirts.


When I asked my Mom about them, she told me that they were girls, not a boy like I was. After that, I wanted to wear dresses or skirts like them, but I had no girls to play with.

So I began to wear shorts and sandals like the girls did and they began to play with me and invite me over to play. I was in heaven because I could now be a girl just like them. Those were happy times for me.

Soon I was playing dress up with them and when their parents found out, they thought that it was so cute to see me in a dress and tights like their girls. I was in Heaven until my dad found out. When my dad found out, he grounded me from seeing them. He yelled at me about things that I did not know about and began to check to see that I was wearing boys briefs and socks. He wanted to make sure that I was not turning into a sissy.

Why couldn't my dad see the truth about me? Why couldn't he see that I was a girl in a boys body? Why couldn't he love me and let me be his daughter? I wanted to be able to snuggle with him and hear him call me "Princess," but now I know that will never be.

After that, the girls that had befriended me stayed away from me because of my dad and his anger. I started to wither away and die until I started auditioning for plays.

As I grew up, I succeeded in getting girl's parts in the schools plays and when not in the play, I worked backstage. There I learned about makeup and clothing and how to pass as a girl.

Every Halloween, I was a girl, I would dress as a nurse, cheerleader or some other girl much to my dad's chagrin. He would not help me to be a girl, I had to spend my allowance to get my costumes and he would donate them to charity after Halloween so that I couldn't wear them again.

In my freshman year, I started my transition into becoming Sandy thanks to my therapist. Since I was attending a new school, I was able to attend as a girl. I got an excuse from P.E. thanks to my therapist, if not, I would have been outed when I changed clothes.

My dad started speaking ill of me and called me vile names, but my Mom saw that I needed her help and gave me the keys to the cottage out back so That I could be myself without dad's venom to poison me.

Dad might not like me being a girl, but he will not do anything to cause me harm. There have been many chances for him to out me to the public, but he has kept my secret.

I began to work at Jack's Diner as a waitress, His uniforms are a white blouse, red apron and a black skirt or pant I could choose either but with a skirt, I had to wear pantyhose or black tights.

Jack is real good to me and treats me like I am his daughter. He knows about my secret and does what he can to help me. He does not judge me for which I am grateful. To me, he is my adopted Daddy.

My best friend was like me and helped my Mother and baby brother to accept me as Sandy, for that, I am eternally grateful. Em came over from England on the Cultural Exchange Program and we would have never met if not for Dan and his attitude.

Dan was a part of the program and was paired with Rhod Morgan, what was not known was that Rhod was also dressing as Em because of his dad.

His dad did not marry his Mother and now he wanted to take his son away, Ms. Morgan dresses Rhod as Em to keep her son, but his dad still wanted Em as a daughter and would once a month have Em visit him in Wales.

It was after the latest visit that Dan found out about Em and that was when he hurt Em and Sabrina. I was appalled to here about his attitude, but then again, my dad feels much the same way.

Well, when Em came over, I found a real cool friend and sister. She has helped me in so many ways that I can never repay. She was sent to me because Dan was disqualified and I was chosen by the school. I guess that it was because they know about me and they felt that Em and I would get along together. Well, we did.

Em was able to help me to bond with my Mother and baby brother. Now Mother has begun to look at me as her daughter and my brother calls me his sister, Em is Auntie Em to him too.

But things were not always so nice and I am the main cause of it because of my silly envy of Em's bonding with my family. Mother started treating Em as if she was her daughter, not me!

It was as if I was not there. I really let Em have it, knowing that she was not at fault, but I could not hurt my Mother, so I hurt Em instead.

Em was a true lady and never uttered a word of rebuke to me, she simply got my Mother to finally see me as her daughter. Now I want to make amends, but I did not know how until Josh showed his true colors.

He invited Em to go see a movie on a group date, but later arranged it so that they went alone with his Mother as escort. She dropped them off and tried to make Em do things a lady will not do and when she told him off, his Mother took up for him.

As if Em should have let that cad get lucky at her expense!! I have been there before and know how Em feels. I was able to help her deal with that cad, but I still think that he got of lightly.

Em has had nightmares from her date with that Josh that has had her drenched with sweat. Her nightmares over Dan and my dad are as bad, if not worse. In her nightmares, she is not in control and her secret is discovered.

Oh how I want to comfort her, but I do not know how! I have those type of nightmares myself. All that I want is to be a girl and be accepted by my friends, but I am afraid that if they find out that my life will become a living hell and my family will be hurt.

I could never stand to see Mom or Kevin hurt, my dad is another matter entirely. Him, I would not mind seeing having to deal with such issues, and he now must thanks to his big mouth.

Dad made the big mistake of insulting a customer much like me, when dad found out that the customer was a girl with boy bits [as Em would say], dad got mad and refused to wait upon her. To make matters worse, he called her names.

Now, he has to see a therapist about his issues on the trans-gendered. What he has done recently is very funny in retrospect, he had an affair with one of my trans-girlfriends.

If he ever found out that he had sex with one, he'd have a fit. The only reason that I do not tell him the truth is that he would hurt and maim her and that is not right. He barely tolerates me as it is.

Dad will listen to Em whom he thinks is a real girl, he will not tell her that I am not a real girl and can not justify the way that he mistreats me without telling the truth which he will not do.

Em has used this against him to help him to see the truth of how much he has hurt me. If she can bring him around to accepting me, I will finally be my Daddy's Princess, on that day, I will cry tears of joy instead of teas of grief.

If dad ever discovered that Em was really Rhod, he would treat her worse than he does me, but at least now that is not about to happen at least physically thanks to Ellen and her gifts to Em and me.

Ellen gave Em a set of realistic breast forms that look like the real thing and she have s both gaffes with an artificial vagina. Now we both look like real girls and can actually take showers with girls and have sex with boys. Ellen was married to her now Trans-girl Life Partner Veronica.

Veronica is a beautiful model. You cannot tell that she used to be a man. Ellen saw through Em's disguise and gave us our gifts to help us to pass as girls. Without her gifts, we would not have the courage to truly be the girls that we are inside.

It was a good thing that Ellen gave us our gifts for Em, because otherwise, she would have been outed and hurt. Three boys accosted her and pulled her into the boy's resrroom. Then they pulled down her panties to see if she was a girl.

Luckily, Em was wearing her gaffe and all that they saw was a girl. Then those same boys were put on probation for their stunt. Em kept them out of trouble, but if they cause anymore trouble, they will go to jail. They did one thing though for Em, they beat up Dan.

Dan had told them that Em was a boy and encouraged them to out Em because he couldn't without getting expelled. Those boys trounced him for lying to them and for getting them into trouble. I do hope that they all learn their lesson.

I not only am a waitress at Jack's; I am also a student teacher at Augusta High School. I want to be a teacher one day and helping out at school is a great learning experience for me.

I would love to one day become a teacher here at Augusta and give back to the community that has helped me so much as I have learned about myself.

I know that even after my surgery, that I can not bear children, that is a secret burden that all special girls like me share. Em has shown me that there are always possibilities. I know that one day, that I will meet a guy that will love me for who and what I am.

I hope that by then that my dad will accept me as his daughter and will be happy for me. But I will not let his anger hurt me upon that day, if he can not accept me by then, I will ask Jack to act as my Daddy in the wedding and give me away, that is if I am not marrying Jack.

Jack has been so good to me, treating me like I am his daughter. I know that he is an older man, but I still have feelings for him. The question is: do I see him in a romantic way or not? I have had a dream about us marrying, but is that a fantasy or my heart telling me that he is the one? I dare not act upon my feelings because if I did, everything would change and I would hurt Jack, which I would never do.

Jack started his diner after his wife and daughter were killed in an auto accident years ago. He and his wife had opened up the Augusta Cafe when I was a toddler. After the funeral, he changed the sign to Jack's Diner and started hiring school kids to be waitresses, and dishwashers while he cooked.

He adopted his staff and became their Second Daddy. He would help them when they married and with tuition to college. When he adopted me, I knew that I had become apart of a very special family.

If Jack is my second Daddy, then Erin is my Second Mother. She has helped me to realize my dream to become a woman and has never judged me for being different. Erin along with Miss Jessica Bell have helped to create Sandy.

Jessica went through the records and now I am listed as a girl. Before now, I was a scrawny, geeky boy that nobody noticed, but as a girl, I blossomed into who I am today.

Erin and Diana took me under their wing and guided me into being a girl. Under their mentoring, I learned all about how to act like a lady. I just wish that I could have been a Cheerleader or taken up ballet, but my dad would never spend any money on such stuff and only bought a Yearbook to support the school.

He was always angered whenever I won any recognition. When I finally have my surgery and am able to move away, I will not miss him, but I will miss my brother and Mother. He has made his wishes clear and I will not change to please him.

I have learned from Ellen and her Trans-girl Life Partner Veronica about being a girl and when I finally marry and have a family and career, it will be thanks to them.

Gaby Verse - Sylvie's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Sylvie's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Sylvie Morgan gives his view on things.    

My name is Sylvie Morgan, I am Rhod / Mfanwy's Mum. I am a Hairdresser here in Warsop and with Rhods friends now getting older, I have the fun of getting the girls ready when they need their hair or nails done. Lucky for me, most of his friends are girls.


I am the only Mum who was never married. When Rhod's dad found out that I was pregnant, he left me here in Warsop. I was lucky in finding people that believed in me and helped me to acquire the permit and in time, set up my own Beauty Shop.

Rhod and I live above the shop in a small apartment. I have done everything that I can to give my son what he needs and have made sacrifices for him that he doesn't know about, but they were well worth it to me.

It has been a bit of a challenge raising my son by myself, but I have been able to provide for Rhod without seeking out the Charities or the Church for help. I know that at times things have been a bit tight, but luckily when needed, business would pick up.

Raising my son alone has been a real challenge too. The Church took a very dim view of me being an unwed Mum and was less than supportive of me, that is why I don't attend as I used to. If it wasn't for my friends, I would not have made it here.

Why the Church couldn't support me I will never believe. According to that Pastor, I was wrong for getting pregnant in the first place, as far as he was concerned, I should have been stoned. When I pointed out that Rhod's Dad was as responsible, he began to call me names.

Because of his attacking me like he did, he was transferred to another parish, but the damage was done already, I was branded as a tart in too many minds thanks to him. I was ready to leave until my friends came to my rescue.

Dave and Jenny Bond organized the other students and their parents to help me graduate and get me degree and they even helped me attain my shop. I was working for an elderly lady for a while, but when she retired, she turned over ownership to me.

What she did later I was not ready for, but it helped me and Rhod and I will be forever grateful to her. She turned over complete ownership of the business to me in her will. Until then, I was worried about getting the money up to buy the building from the owners.

Mrs. Ginnie Deanna York arranged for me and Rhod to be the owners. Now the money that was going to buy the building is in Rhod's college fund like she asked me to in her will. Ginnie was such a generous lady that I give the older ladies a discounts when they come in.

Ginnie used to love playing with Rhod, they would go out to the park and spend the day whenever there was a lull in customers. She became Rhod's surrogate Gran because my parents were dead and his dad's knew nothing of their grandson at their sons request.

I thought that was cruel of him to do that to his parents and Rhod, but now in foresight, if he had of told them, I might have lost my son years ago. As it is, they never knew because they died not long after Rhod was born.

Ginnie treated me like I was her daughter too. She has taken and Rhod out on trips that we could never afford and she made sure that I had plenty of clothes. They were mostly her older stuff, but she allowed me to alter them into more modern fashions.

My first attempts at alterations were disasters, but they did make for some bizarre Halloween costumes for us and I even sold a few of them to my friends. Every now and then, I will see them being worn by Rhod's friends for Halloween.

Ginnie loved to talk about the old days too. She and Dave Bond would sit and talk for hours about the past. Dave has a love for old buildings and he awakened the love of archaeology in him.

If he hadn't met and married Jenny, he might have become an archaeologist, as it is, he has turned his love into a hobby that his family lets him indulge in when he can. Whenever jenny or Drew has a race anywhere, he always plans upon stopping at any sites on the way there or on the return trip.

Of his family, only Drew has been bitten by the bug like his Dad has. Whenever Dave can't make the trip, Drew will take pictures of any castles that they come near to for his Dad.

She never married because her intended was killed during World War ll and she never found another to marry. She told me that during the War, she as a nurse and helped soldiers home on leave by dancing with them in the club.

She showed Rhod and me pictures of her from back then, she was real pretty and even mow, she has kept her looks and figure after all these years. She learned her trade from her Mum and she taught me things that the school never did. Thanks to Ginnie, I know both the new as well as old ways to style hair.

I thought that I had seen the last of Rhod's dad after he left me, but when Rhod was ten, he called and told me that he now wanted his son. I knew that I could never afford to fight him for custody, so Rhod and I did the next best thing, since he wanted a son, he would get a daughter instead. That is how Rhod became Mfanwy.

Rhod did not like having to become a girl and fool his dad, but he did it so that he could stay with me. When he saw Mfanwy instead of Rhod, he was surprised, but he still took her away for the weekend.

He married a woman named Cherie, she can't have children and so she adopted Em as her surrogate daughter. She taught Em how to be a real lady in every way. Em learned all about deportment and manners from Cherie as well has domestic skills that a housewife needs to run a household.

Poor Rhod had to learn all of this stuff because of Cherie's need to be a Mum, and now after three years, Rhod has made a choice that I never thought that he would want to make and I blame myself for doing this to him. But what else could I do to keep my son with me?

He has decided to become a girl. I will support him in his decision to become Mfanwy. Even though I will miss my son, I will have gained a daughter and his girlfriend Allison will be there too because she has been his friend when he needed her to be there for him.

She has gone to Wales with Mfanwy a few times when she neede support. Ally still sees Rhod in Mfanwy and can accept the transition from Rhod to Mfanwy. But I still wonder if she will still love Mfanwy as she becomes a girl or if she will instead treat her like a friend.

As far as I can tell, Em still loves Ally, but will Em in time start wanting to date boys as she discovers what it is to be a girl. Warsop College has accepted Em and Gaby on the Sherwood Foresters, but accepting Em as a student is different.

I know that Em's friends accept her, but there are students and teachers that might not tolerate Em's presence. There have been incidents in the past where a student was hurt by others because of their difference and I don't want for Em to suffer because she has made her choice.

Before I will let anybody hurt Em, I will enroll her in another school no matter the cost to me, even if it means that Em must live with her Dad and Cherie. I know that they will care for her as much as I do.

There is a friend of Em's that is a boy but looks like a girl. Drew Bond came to my shop to be made up as a girl for a School Brochure. Even without makeup, he looked like a sweet girl.

I did my best for him and made him look very pretty. From what I heard, he even got a set of breast forms and a realistic gaffe so that he can pass as a girl. I must admit that I went a bit overboard too when I put a set of hoop earrings in his ears.

I did it to make him look snazzy, I guess that I should have told him about it, but I saw a girl and not a boy when I did it. As if that wasn't bad enough, I did something almost as bad when he came in for a trim.

He decided that his long hair was helping people to see him as a girl even when he was dressed as Drew. Well I gave him a shampoo and trim, but I also gave him his hair peach highlights and a girl's trim.

After Rhod alerted me to my mistake I combed Drew's hair back into a boy's style, but with the highlights he still looks like a girl. I guess that Drew will never trust me to trim his hair, too bad because I really like him. He has been Rhod's mate since school and accepts Em as well.

Recently after their trip to America, Rhod and Drew went to the doctor. Rhod went about his transitioning into Em and Drew went because of his unique situation. He has been there before and has to take iron tablets because he is anaemic.

Rhod has finally been given the go ahead to begin his transition into Em. His time in America was a test to see if he really wanted to be Em. He told the doctor about the trip and now Rhod is taking pills to help him transition into Em.

Em will spend the summer with his Dad and return here as Em. Unfortunately, Drew and his family will have mover to Germany by then. They are moving to be with Jenny since she is on the Apollinaris Cycling Team. Dave has joined the team as a team scout while Drew is now on the Youth Team.

But Drew has the problem that his body is developing as a girl and not a boy. Because of that, he looks like a girl and can't take hormones to jump start his puberty because of his cycling.

Now if he was to stop cycling, he could start his treatments, but Drew loves racing so he will wait. I hope that Drew succeeds in his carer. He takes after his Mum and has beaten some of her old records.

Drew has the same Cycling Spirit as his Mum. His Mum is the current Women's Cycling Champion and Drew is following in her footsteps. He has won several awards and is a Cycling Champion in his own right. The only thing that worries him is that people keep on calling him Gaby at the races.

It started when Drew's cousin by accident called him Gaby when she attended one of Drew's races. After that, the Race Official John thinks that Drew is Gaby and it doesn't help matters that Drew has shown up wearing earrings, makeup or his breast forms at times.

He can thank Maddy for that because that girl just loves to get Drew to become Gaby. It all really started when Drew replaced his sister Jules in a charity bike race.

Jenny Bond had signed her and Jules up for a race where the riders wore costumes to race in. When Jules got hurt, Jenny drafted Drew into taking her place. That is when Gaby was born much to Drew's chagrin. But that was not the last of Gaby.

Drew had to be Gaby when he agreed to be Gaby for a school brochure. When he got paid for modeling by the school, the check was made out to Gaby, not Drew. Poor kid, it he had thought about it, his Dad Dave could have handled for him by depositing the check for him. But he never asked any adults for help and thusly became Gaby again. Now Drew has an account in Gaby's name.

While Rhod was in America, he met a girl there named Sandy. He was lucky because Sandy is like Rhod, a boy becoming a girl, the only difference is that Sandy had been on hormones for awhile and except for her boy bits, looks like a girl.

Sandy and Em bonded right off and they met a friend that helped them to pass as a girl. Sasha gave Sandy and Em a gaffe that functions just like a real vagina and she gave Em a set of breast forms so that Em can actually dress with the girls and not be outed.

I am glad that Em found such an understanding girl, but Sandy's Dad can't accept what Sandy has become. he continues to degrade Sandy every chance that he gets, but Em has started her family to see Sandy has a girl.

It has taken Em a lot of work, but she has helped them to see Sandy as the girl that she is. What I never expected was for Em to return as a redhead. Sandy and Em had a sleepover and the girls put styling gel in Drew and Em's hair.

Em and Drew used the shower and Em grabbed red hair dye by accident and not shampoo. That dye turned out to be permanent, so I had to help Em to colour her hair again.

Something that I never thought Em would face while over there was a boy that wanted more than Em wanted to give him. the boy's Mum left them at the cinema and the boy tried to force himself upon Em. His Mum treated Em as if she was a tart. Em has had a few nightmares because of that, but Em has been able overcome her fear ever since she returned home.

I will support Mfanwy/Rhod has she transitions into a girl and help her as her journey becomes harder for her. We still have to change her records and set up her surgery, but I will be there for her even if her dad and Cherie won't be. I know that my friends will be there when I need them and that is enough for me.

Gaby Verse - Woody's View by Stanman63

Gaby Verse - Woody's View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Mister Woods gives his view on things.    

I am Mister Woods, Head Master at Warsop College in Church Warsop. I have been here for several years, first as a teacher and now as a Head Master. I was a student here along with my friends John Peters and Dave Bond. We were the schools top athletes; John was tall, whereas Dave and I a bit shorter. We played upon the schools soccer team. Together, we were able to set up several goals.


After we graduated, I learned about the special people that are tagged as different by society. I was in college when I met a student that was in transition. I never knew that Sara was in transition. I always thought of her as a girl. But she was outed when she went to Sweden to have her surgery.

When she returned, I was one of the few that supported her. Unfortunately, the zealots banned together and forced the college to drop her from the rolls. When that happened, me and a few other students dropped out and transferred to other colleges. Sara has gone on and has earned her degree in psychiatry. She now conducts sensitivity training to help others.

I have taken her course and because I have seen that there are others out there like Sara, I have made it mandatory that the entire faculty takes the course. Most of them did without complaint, but a few complained and when I explained my position, the City Council and Board of Stewards both endorsed my requirement. Then, Warsop College lost a few teachers, but gained teachers like Jenny Bond.

I wish that we had more teachers that were like Jenny Bond; we would be much better off with teachers of her capabilities. She is pretty and young enough to identify with the students. I have seen her help a student that needed tutoring and a few that developed a crush upon her were treated with respect until they found another love.

I have tried to teach each student equally, but Drew Bond stands out from the rest. He is very much like his Mum, Jenny Bond. Both love cycling and both are champions. Drew hero-worships his Mum. He wants to be the men's champion where she is the women's champion.

Jenny bond taught geography to the First Form students and treated them all fairly. She treats them with respect and will kid with them a bit before and after class, but she is all business during class. She has the talent of making geography come alive for the students. And the fact that she taught her own children simply adds to her credit.

In school, she is Mrs. bond to her children. It was hard for her not to show pride in her children when they made top marks in school, so she took great pleasure in letting herself get volunteered to drive her children and their friends around after school. Jenny loves their friends and likes knowing them and their parents.

But Jenny's Dream was to race upon her cycle. She gave up racing except for local events when she got pregnant first with Juliet, then Drew. But she has never regretted raising her children. She loves children and Dave Bond has been her main support. He has given up his dream archeology for his family, first Jenny and now Drew, but he still gets in his time whenever they travel to race, so at least he has that.

Dave has for years worked strange hours so that he could be there for Jenny when she raced and has a talent of adjusting the bike to fit the rider. He has helped first jenny, now Drew to become Champion. She gave Drew his racing spirit and he passed it on to his cousin Maddy. Now that Drew has gone to Germany, she is racing.

But Dave has passed on his love of castles onto Drew. Whenever Dave is not able to be there, Drew takes pictures of all the castles that they visit. Drew does this to honor his Dad and he has met others bitten by the same bug that bit Dave.

Dave has proven to be a magician when it comes to bikes. He can adjust a bike to fit the rider by making slight adjustments to the bike that others would miss. That is the secret behind Jenny and Drew winning all the time as well as their tenacity.

I knew that Jenny would one day leave us, but I never guessed that she would cause such a sensation. She and Drew won a charity tandem bike race here. They won first place and for best costume as well. That was Drew's first race and he has proven to be as good as his Mum.

The first time that I saw him dressed as a girl was at the Easter Convention. Drew made a very pretty girl and I thought that he would be the perfect model for our new school brochure. It was time to send out brochures to new students and I felt that Drew was the perfect choice.

I called his mum who was in Germany and she gave permission. What I neglected to tell her or Dave at the time nor Drew was that he was going to be modeling as a girl. If they knew, then they might have declined. I am hoping that my subterfuge never causes him any problems.

Mrs. Cowlishaw and I took Drew to be outfitted as a girl and gave drew a set of breast forms, glue and solvent as well as a gaffe that lets him look like a girl. We took him to Sylvie to have her give him the complete treatment so that come Monday, he would be Gaby for a week while her pictures were taken. Drew was sick for that week to explain away his absence. When I paid drew for the modeling, it was made it out to Gaby, not to Drew. He was able to cash it anyway. If he had asked, I would have cashed it myself.

What I never expected was for Gaby to keep on making appearances. We had a Sports Day where Maddy entered herself and Drew in a badminton tournament. She did not know that it was not coed, so Drew played as Gaby and they won the cup. Next time, it will be coed.

Then when the American students came for a visit, they helped us to form our own team. Maddy drafted Gaby into being a Cheerleader and me and Miss C made sure that Drew was willing to be a girl cheerleader. If not, then he would have been excused. I will not let a student be bullied by another if I can help it.

There have been others that have been bullied and I have made sure that my school will not tolerate bullying. The staff is well versed in helping the problem student and seeing to it that they are treated with respect, but those two American students hurt Drew.

Brit and Deb both acted as if Drew was a girl and made sure that he was Gaby as often as they could. Then when Drew and everybody went to America, Drew had to be Gaby all of the time. Well, Brit and Deb were amply rewarded for hurting Drew, but the one American that caused the most hurt was Dan.

Dan was staying with Rhod, Rhod had to visit his dad in Wales for the weekend and when he returned, he was dressed as Em. Dan went atomic and said racist remarks to Sabrina, the only black American in the group. Sabrina stood up for Em and got verbally blasted by Dan. Sylvie, Em's Mum put a stop to it and Dan was put on probation only to be disqualified later.

Brit and Deb had drafted Drew into being Gaby for the disco to say farewell to the Americans. Dan forced a kiss upon Gaby who then decked him and then had to be taken home by her Dad. Drew is a sensitive young man and what those girls did to him, I made sure that it was known and the American teachers that were here with the students kept a record.

At least Drew has his cycling to comfort him, although he does tend to over do it at times and have wrecks as well. He has passed out at the end of a race because he tends to forget to hydrate or take in enough carbs for the race.

He has had the problem seen about and it is related to his small stature. Drew is basically a late bloomer and as such is developing more as a girl than a boy and he is a bit anemic. He has refused to take any testosterone to jump start his puberty because he cycles, but he takes iron pills to help and has started taking water and energy bars on his races.

He has had a few wrecks while cycling and even then, he does everything to win. He will not let anything keep him from finishing a race. He has carried his bike across the finish only to pass out. Drew is our wunderkind, I just hope that he stops getting hurt, but then that is Drew for you.

I have used both Jenny and Drew as examples of good sportsmanship. I have announced it whenever either doe well in a race. Drew would rather not be noticed, but we need such examples here. I have contacts throughout the country that lets me know when a student or teacher does something special. I just wish that I had more students like Drew.

Maddy has started cycling thanks to Drew, she used to massage his legs, but she was finally bitten by the racing bug and has been cycling at a few events with Drew. She is not quite a good as Drew, but she has improved enough to where she can grab the championship if she tries.

But she misses Drew and cannot seem to truly give it her all. She does not want to hurt Drew and holds back. If she were to race to win, I know that Drew would be proud of her. Right now, Maddy is very much like a child needing her Mum or Dad to tell her they are proud of her.

Drew and Maddy were very close while he was here and now that he is in Germany, she is missing her best friend. She now must live without her best friend right there for her just as Ally has to be without Rhod while he is in Wales with his dad, At least when he returns as Em, Ally will have her best friend back. But Maddy has no such luck.

But Maddy is a trooper, I know that she will overcome and be all the stronger in the end I know that she wants to marry Drew, when that happens, Drew and Maddy will have made each other very happy and I wish them all the best.

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