M.I.B.D.-Artemis The Hunter by Stanman63

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Sexual Punishment
Genre: Science Fiction
Keywords: Hormones
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 21720 Read: 52986 Published: 14 Jun 2009 Updated: 14 Jun 2009

1. Chapter 1 by Stanman63

2. Chapter 2 by Stanman63

3. Chapter 3 by Stanman63

4. Chapter 4 by Stanman63

5. Chapter 5 by Stanman63

Chapter 1 by Stanman63

"How do you know I was born on Christmas Day my little warrior? It's a secret," he asked with a grin.

"For a computer Maven, like me, there are no secrets you can hide from me," I chuckled in response to his grin.

"Perhaps not Jody, but I intend to try. I thank you for this generous gift," he challenged.

Mastery of the 6th mystery of the EGO took time. To master the EGO is to truly master one self. The mastery of SELF is the mastery of my desires. You proved to be my friend. As I gained the mastery, you never let me forget earlier lessons.

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter

Part 1
By Stanman


Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him popular with Joey Mancuso; the son of Salvatore Mancuso, the Godfather.


Soon he was working for the Mancuso family. Joe had hacked into the files and was caught. Salvatore Mancuso took Joe into the business when he saw that Joe was a wizard with computers. Soon, the family business was practically immune from any attempts by the government to bring them to justice. Salvatore rewarded Joe by placing him in charge of his neighborhood.

Joe's greatest regret was that even though he was now respected in the neighborhood, his mother; Teresa Rossi disowned him. She refused any presents and gifts from Joe because they were bought with blood money. Joe used his influence to keep the neighborhood crime free. The Family moved all illegal activities away from Teresa's neighborhood. Crime there dropped to nothing. The worst business there was the local brothel.

The police were soon able to catch Joe Rossi on a minor offense. Joe refused to squeal on the family until Joey Mancuso beat and raped Annie Rossi, Joe's wife to death. When Sal refused to punish his son, Joe Rossi squealed. The Feds rewarded Joe by giving Joe with a new identity.

But soon, the Sisterhood kidnapped him and gave him to Gloria: his Mistress. As a feminized male, named SLUT, he soon sought revenge and freed the former slaves after killing their masters. Diana then turned the sisterhood holdings into Hunter Group.

Diana's last targets, the Ellis sisters, showed Diana that her vengeance was complete. The sisters befriended the renewed Diana, and she soon gave them new identities and formed Ellis Research.

Soon, Diana's friend, Mary Risberg paid her a visit. It was here that Diana and the former slaves came under the protection of the Agency, and the HUNTER GROUP and ELLIS RESEARCH became linked to the Agency.

In later years, Diana adopted another feminized slave; Jo THE ROSE Ellen when she killed another person in the line of duty. Diana felt she needed to do something positive to counter the blood she shed.

Jo accepted Diana's mentoring, but would not call Diana Mother. Diana accepted Jo's refusal and soon they became best friends. Jo's loyalty was tested by the sisterhood when they attacked Diana and Jo at Teresa Rossi's funeral. Jo went under cover for the Agency to infiltrate the Sisterhood.

Jo was soon captured and turned into a feminized male. Jo proved to be a leader and was offered the chance to become a member of the Sisterhood. After the transformation into a genetic woman, her back up revealed herself. Kim and Jo soon caused the downfall of the Sisterhood.

Diana was there at the battle where Jo confronted Desmona Raventree, the Head Mistress of the Sisterhood. Diana finally heard Jo call her Mother before she sacrificed her life to save her daughter Jo Ellen.

Now Jo Ellen and her friend Kim have retired from the Agency and has become a vigilante that helps the down trodden in the same way that legends Batman, Robin Hood and The Shadow.


"Damn it all Kim, why can't I handle Mother's computer? I have the password?" asked a distraught Jo Ellen as she cried into her cupped hands.



"Jo, you just aren't gifted when it comes to computers like Diana was, "replied Kim as she massaged Jo's taut shoulders.

"I know Kim. It's just not fair!! I need for Mother to come back. Oh GOD I miss Momma so much, "she wailed bitter tears of grief as she flung her arms wide.

Then she put her head in both of her hands with her elbows on the desk and began to cry bitter tears of mourning that she had kept bottled up inside for several weeks. She regretted the sad fact that for over a year, she had been working under cover for the Agency.

The most bitter fact was that Diana died protecting Jo before they could celebrate her acceptance of Diana as her Mother. Kim led her friend to her bedroom where she helped her friend, the former Rosebud to get under the covers while Kim removed her shoes.

"My friend, you must grieve for your Mother and let your heart heal before you die of grief. I am here for you. But I can't help you as much as the Agency or Angel's Group can. It's time to call in a few favors from a few old friends. I pray that you find the peace you need soon my friend, or I might lose you, my best friend," sighed to herself as she turned off the bedroom lights and closed the door.

"GOD, Jo needs YOUR help right now. She needs to forgive herself for the year that she lost with Diana. I know YOU can work a MIRACLE for Jo. Please help my friend. Thank YOU LORD. AMEN," prayed Kim.

With that said, Kim left the sleeping Rose to finally sleep in peace as the poison that filled her soul was replaced by a new sense of purpose. In the wee hours of the night Rosebud dreamed of her Mother, Grandmother, and Annie Rossi.

"Jo Ellen, It's so good to see you. Don't worry my child, you are dreaming, "said Diana.

"Momma, I miss you so much." Rose ran to Diana who swept her child up into her arms.

"Dear child, please don't despair. I am with my beloved Annie and Momma in Heaven. We are waiting for you to join us when your time on Earth is over," replied Diana as a couch materialized under them.

"Momma, I want to come home now. My life is empty now that you are gone," pouted Jo.

"No Jo, you have a mission down on Earth, just like Joe Rossi did years ago, "firmed Annie as a second couch materialized with Annie and Teresa on it

"But Miss Annie, I am not the computer wizard that my Momma is. I need my Momma back real bad. Is there any way that any of you can help me out?" implored Jo.

"Well then, I have some good news for you. Your Mother while she was still Joe Rossi fathered a child before he met and fell in love with me," declared Teresa. Joe hugged his wife then.

"That's great Grandma, but please tell me what does that have to do with me and my wanting Momma to return?" demanded a distraught Jo.

"Joe my dear child, I know the Mother. Joe got her pregnant 3 months before he went to prison. She was lucky in that she did not show until after he was gone," replied Annie.

"Did anybody know that she was pregnant at the time Miss Annie?" requested Jo.

"No, she wanted to deny the pregnancy until after Joe was caught. She was Joey Mancuso's girl. That's why I was hurt when they found out. She put Joe's child up for adoption. The Family never knew until after the birth. It would look bad on Joey to have his girl pregnant by another guy," informed Annie.

"And you're telling me that this kid has my mother Diana's gift with computers?"
asked a disbelieving Jo.

"Yes kid, my child does. The only thing is we don't know what the gender is. We know the child is a dead ringer both Joe and Diana. The child is 13 years old," confirmed Joe Rossi.

"Then it is time for The Rose to once again grace the city with her presence. It will be good to get back into action once again." intoned Jo. When she woke up, she remembered her dream, the child of Diana and the promise the child had for her.

In nearby Diana Hunter High School, Jody Smith was preparing for his session with Master Zan. Wearing a black body stocking with matching headband, he was ready for his final performance. Entering the arena, Jody donned the karate gi and cinched it closed with a plain white belt. Across from him entered Master Zan, an ancient Master of the Arts.


His small size belied his strength. Only Jody came close to matching Zan in Martial Arts. Bowing to each other, they finally engaged in combat. Their blows were lightning quick and lethal. There was no holding back now. Either Jody won his final victory or he was banned from ever challenging Master Zan again.

"Yes Master Zan, it is time for me to finally confront you. You have been a thorn in my side ever since I knew of the connection between me and Diana. Today I get my reward or you die by my hands. You even had the idea to challenge me. There I was, looking at her portrait in the office foyer. Then you came up to me."

"Yes, young one, you do look like each other. Perhaps you are intrigued, "said the old man.

"Who are you?"I inquired.

"I am Master Zan, I teach Martial Arts to those students that want to learn," he replied.

"Oh, what does that have to do with me?" I implored.

"I know the truth about why you look like Diana Hunter," he informed me.

"Please tell me then, Master Zan. I will be most grateful," I begged.

"No, I challenge you to become my disciple, learn from me all that I have to teach. If you complete the training, you will then learn why you are her double," he challenged.

Here I am now, years later to see if I have mastered the schooling. In both armed and unarmed combat, I am the very best. Now I must prove I have mastered the MYSTERIES you teach or never learn my legacy. That'll not let happen, old man.

The 1st Mystery is the MIND. To overcome obstacles using my mind, I must be able to solve riddles as well as resist hallucinations. You never gave me much credit for my capabilities. No, you preferred to give praise to the other students.

"Very good Dobby, you have proven adept at your studies. Soon you graduate," praised Zan

"Thank you kind Sir. My parents are so proud of me. They're giving me a car," he crowed as he went into the locker room to change.

"Master Zan, what of my training? Have I not done all that you have wished?" I asked.

"Your lessons are adequate for now little warrior, but things get more difficult for you. Don't dawdle on small things, concentrate on the road ahead to succeed," he replied.

"My grades are always in the top 2% of the school; my ability to resist the effects of drugs was uncanny. Yet you never say I am doing well."

"The second mystery of the body is to master the body; I know my body's strengths and weaknesses. I know well what my limitations are. I am intersexed. I have the body of a female, but the gender of a male. Physically, I look like a flat-chested girl. In reality, I am so much more. Yet, I am still unable to know my full potential."

"Little warrior, It's time for Halloween Costume Party. Do you have a costume?" he asked.

"No Master Zan, Besides, I was just going to stay home tonight, last Halloween was a bust," I sighed.

"Please come, I am going as a football player. Go as a Cheerleader for me." he begged.

"Well, Tina Michelle did get me to wear a Cheerleader uniform of hers, last weekend, it fit too." I mused.

"Do you think she will let you wear it tonight? Please call and ask her for me," he begged.

"Well, there's no need to call her. I still have it in my room, even breast forms." I blushed, admitting that I kept her stuff so she could change in my room. I have a wonderful relationship with Tina's parents.

After I saved her from rapists, they adopted me as their son. Now she is pregnant with my daughter and they are happy that I am the Father. Tina will marry her betrothed soon. I am to be the Best Man.

"Then please get ready for me. I am sure that we will have a blast tonight," he commanded.

"But Master Zan. What if a guy hits on me? I'm a guy, not a girl like Tina is," I exclaimed.

"Simple, to protect you, we need the vaginal panty my brother the police officer uses when he goes on the "HOOKER PATROL," He is your size & color too," he chuckled.

"Very well old man. But if a guy tries to seduce me, you're gonna get it from me." I laughed.

Little did I know that he had planned this misadventure for months. We won for best costume and I have weekend dates for the rest of the year. All I had to do was wear a Cheerleader or Majorette uniform. At least I made Tina happy doing that. She graduated last year. I really miss that girl.

The mystery of the soul will give me the ability to read the emotions and surface thoughts of others. Yoga & meditation has given me the strength to control the power. Yet you still refuse to acknowledge my skills. You continue to belittle my accomplishments as if you wish to break me. Well, I will not break.

"Master Zan, may I ask a question?" I asked.

"One may ask any question little warrior, but the answer may not be the one that you seek," he replied with a grin.

"Why can I never please you? You find pleasure in other students, why not me?" I cried.

"Little warrior, I am most definitely well pleased with you. I must be harsh or else you will not apply yourself to the studies. When you succeed, I am happy," he sighed.

"Have I ever given you a reason to not show me any praise?" I challenged.

"No you haven't. I cannot recall a time when you did not excel in your studies. My little warrior, Can you forgive an old man his memories?" he asked.

"Do you remember a problem student?" I implored.

"Yes I do, her name was Annie, wife of Joe Rossi. He asked me to care of her," he sighed.

"Mom was pregnant with me?" I wondered.

"No, she was not, little warrior. She was violently raped and assaulted by Joey Mancuso. I had to see a most promising student destroyed by that bastard's need to dominate. I cannot prove he is guilty, but he did it," he fumed.

"Master, when I can, I will deal with him," I demanded.

Too late, he is now dead after paying for his crime. Diana Hunter killed him, little warrior," he responded.

"Why am I LITTLE WARRIOR?" I asked.

"You are indeed a warrior, one very much like the legendary Robin Hood of old. You have helped the younger and weaker students when older and stronger students tried to bully them. More than that, you have stopped the presence of any gangs here at the school," he said with pride.

Well Master Zan, after that meeting, I was even more dedicated. You knew your assessment was wrong, and you admitted to me your mistake and asked for me to forgive you. For that my Master, I have renewed love & respect for you.

Mastering the 4th mystery, AGILITY was easy for me. My body proved equal to the task. I learned to keep my balance, function in zero-G, as well as multi-G's.

"Come my Warrior, it is time for the next test," he demanded.

"What test is this Master?" I asked.

"We test you while under the effects on null-gravity as well as multiple gravity," he replied.

Even under such duress, I maintained my trim figure. The mastery of the 5th mystery of DEXTERITY I can operate any delicate equipment with ease once shown how to operate it. You are proud of me now.

"Come my Warrior, it is time to celebrate," he chuckled.

"What do we celebrate My Master?" I wondered.

"We celebrate two things: your mastery of DEXTERITY, and your birthday," he replied.

For the first time since I was under your schooling, I was truly HOME. I have learned much from you. My needlepoint is now as delicate as silk, yet hard as steel.

"Little Warrior, your needlepoint of me humbles me. It is so lifelike, yet delicate," he sighed.

"It is yours Master Zan, Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday from me to you," I offered.

"How do you know I was born on Christmas Day my little warrior? It's a secret," he asked with a grin.

"For a computer Maven, like me, there are no secrets you can hide from me," I chuckled in response to his grin.

"Perhaps not Jody, but I intend to try. I thank you for this generous gift," he challenged.

Mastery of the 6th mystery of the EGO took time. To master the EGO is to truly master one self. The mastery of SELF is the mastery of my desires. You proved to be my friend. As I gained the mastery, you never let me forget earlier lessons.

"Ah, Little warrior, you are almost ready for the final challenge," he said.

"Really? I thought that I would be years away from even think about it," I replied.

"You are more than ready. Go and meditate until it is time," he confirmed.

With your guidance, I was able apply all my lessons to new problems. I am finding that as I learn the newer lessons, I am seeing things in a new light. Once that is done, no temptation will succeed.

The mastery of the final MYSTERY: INNER POWER was the most difficult. Yet I was able to focus all my senses into a balanced whole. Now I see things that I took for granted, and as I remember the past, I see clearly. INNER POWER has given me TOTAL RECALL and the ability to see the auras of others. Our battle is intense.

Nether of us can find a breach in the others defense. Then I see my chance. I score a small cut above your nose. It's not much, but I finally bring First Blood. The Look on your face was priceless. When you ended the bout by bowing to me, then presenting me with the MASTER'S BELT, I fainted. That gentle laugh of yours as I awakened was pure gold.

"Little warrior, you have won, it is time for you to know the truth of your legacy, "informed Zan.


"Master Zan, Why have you made me go through all of this training? Surely you have a reason," implored Jody

"Indeed I do, you are the offspring of Joe Rossi and Sherry Carmichael," informed Zan

"What? But she was Macuso's girl!!" exclaimed Jody as he jumped to his feet.

"Yes, before Joe Rossi Married Annie, he sired you with Sherry," sighed Zan as he placed is right hand on Jody's right shoulder and sat him back down. "That's why Joey raped and killed Annie and why your father turned the family over to the Feds and why he became Joe Bishop."

"Then where is my dad?" asked Jody.

"It is best to read the journal he left behind. Basically, Joe was kidnapped and turned into Diana Hunter," said a sad Zan.

"I have heard of her. MY GOD!! MY DAD IS A WOMAN!!" shouted Jody.

"Yes, my Warrior, now please read the journal," sighed Zan.

As Jody read the journal of his sire, he began to understand many hidden secrets about his unique nature. Reading about the Sisterhood and the Academy gave him a new respect for the Agency and their ceaseless dedication to protecting the trans-gendered.

"Man, my dad was turned into Diana by a bunch of feminists. He chose to stay as Diana until death to protect his friends," he cried. Turning to his sensei, he asked. "Master, am I worthy enough to continue the legacy? Do I have the right or is Jo Ellen better suited? I am inter-sexed, I have the physique of a girl but am a male."

"Jody Lynn Rossi, you are indeed worthy. I have trained you to take care of yourself against any remnants of the Academy or Sisterhood," explained Zan.

"I know Sensei, yet I am frightened that it might not be enough. I need training that the Agency can give me, but how do I contact them?" he asked.

"My Little warrior, I have helped train many of their agents. Mary Risberg is waiting to hear from you," chuckled Zan.

"You mean the one codenamed 'MOTHER'?" asked a questing Jody.

"The same," said a bright eyed Zan.

"Great, then I can get a more detailed account of Diana. She knows Diana, and Margo is her friend from the neighborhood," smiled Jody.

"Only if you are accepted into the Agency. Even then, Jo Ellen will accept you, she still misses her Mother. You are Diana's twin, and you have her talent with computers. You even have Joe Rossi's physique," informed Zan.

"Don't remind me, Jack Bryant is still denying he tried to seduce me when I went as a Cheerleader at the last Halloween Party," he laughed.

"Come, it is time for you to meet 'MOTHER'," commanded Zan.

Then Zan led his student to a hidden alcove. In the alcove, Zan took off his karate gi and put on a padded bra. He then placed a black haired wig upon his bald head. Then he pulled his gi back up.

"Well, Jody, how do I look?" asked the now Lady Zan

"If I did not know better, I would swear that you are a beautiful oriental woman. I guess that you have to look like a woman being a member of the Agency," declared Jody as he gave a wolf whistle.

"True Jody, when you meet with MOTHER, I have cute outfit for you. You will be my daughter, the cheerleader," he snickered.

"You planned about me being a cheerleader, didn't you, you old fake," demanded a laughing Jody.

"Yes, I did. You are such a serious student that I thought you needed a break from your studies. And since I knew you were to meet Mother in time, I made sure that you had the proper clothing. Since you already have the dress, vaginal panty and breast forms, simply providing a wig will give you the perfect disguise." he chuckled with glee.

The alcove was fitted with two seats and a computer with a video link. Once the alcove was sealed, Zan sent out the call sign. In a building in the city, a screen lit up and a woman of unknown age answered.

"Mary Risberg," said the voice.

"Mother, this is Kung Fu, I have a possible new recruit here," said Zan.

"Mother here, go ahead," said the voice.

"Mary, I have a student that I have trained in my school, he is ready for further training as an Agent," she informed.

"Zan, you know we don't accept applicants like other agencies do, what makes you think we will accept this one?" asked the voice.

"Because I have found Diana Hunter's son." Then Zan allowed the camera to see the entire alcove, including Jody.

"That's impossible, he looks just like Diana if she was Joe Rossi," said the voice as the screen came to life showing a handsome women with graying hair.

"Yes Ma'am, My mother was Sherry Carmichael, Joe Mancuso's girlfriend. Joe got her pregnant without knowing she was already taken. This was before Joe met and fell in love with Annie." said Jody.

"Mister Rossi, just how you know all of this?" asked a doubtful Mary.

"I have read her journals. They tell of her life and Joe Rossi ad her new life as Diana. Jo Ellen completed the journal entries telling of her final reward of going to be with Annie and Teresa and the final downfall of Desmona. I also know about the Agency," informed Jody.

"Then you should also know this, Diana's body was mutilated. Our conclusion is that there was a mole in the Agency that leaked out information to her enemies," sighed Mary.

"That means they intend to kidnap me or destroy the neighborhood that she was raised in. Mother, I will not let that happen. If they are after her, then I am their next target. They have drawn first blood, but I will draw final blood. This is a war that they shall regret!" declared Jody.

"Jody, you have no training yet other than Master Zan's. Please come to us or Jo Ellen for the completion of your training," implored an anxious Mary.

"Very well, I will come, but the Academy or Sisterhood is out there too. You had best send transportation," offered Jody.

"We will send an osprey to you. Master Wan will vouch for it. He has seen it before," answered Mary.

"Ah yes, the silver blue one with red wings, yes, I know it well indeed. We shall await the arrival," chuckled a relieved Zan.

"Zan, take care of Jody until we get there. Thanks for finding Jody. He is a truly rare find." Then looking at Jody, "Jody, your Mother Diana was a good friend, I hope to give you the training you desire. I will tell Jo that she has a new brother after you arrive," said Mary.

Then the screen went blank after Mary cut the connection. Kung Fu led Jody out of the alcove. The alcove vanished as the wall closed over the hidden room. As they entered Jody's room, he began to strip off his tournament gear and head to the shower stall.

"Excuse me Master, but I must get ready, I am sure that Mother won't like me to be smelly," he smirked.

"No indeed Little warrior, Mary is a stickler for good manners. By the way, have you thought of your Code Name yet?"

"Yes I have, since my Mother was Diana Hunter, I will be Artemis," decided Jody.

"Yes, I do believe that Mary and Jo Ellen will approve of your decision," agreed Zan.

"Master, how shall Jo know of me? So far, only Mary & you know for sure." asked Jody.

"Don't worry Jody my son, Mary will let her know. She will have Jo visit and let her see you in the flesh," said Zan

Stepping out of the shower, dripping wet, the youth looked at the ancient teacher in wonder. "Why did you call me son? I thought I was Diana's son," wondered Jody.

"Ah, young one, you most assuredly are the son of Diana. But you are my son as well. You are as much my son as my sons by birth my Little warrior." The look of love in the old woman's eye's spoke of the dedication to her student.

Then Jody ran up to her and hugged her. His torrent of tears released a dam of emotions as both acknowledged their bonding to each other. In the embrace, their minds met and linked, and then the link slept until needed.

"Master Zan, I never knew you felt this way, I have needed a Father for years, now I find that you are my Father by choice. I am proud to be your son," Jody cried.

Grabbing Jody's shoulders, Master Zan looked deep into his best student's eyes. "Jody Lynn Artemis Hunter, you are my son by adoption Little warrior, my Pride and Joy." Then he hugged Jody to him.

They saw the Osprey winging its way to them, but Zan was confused. "Why do they not send the code? Jody, get away!! That is not the Agency!" he yelled as he pushed Jody aside.

Then Zan went down as she was hit by a tranquilizer dart. The one meant for Jody went into Zan's robe. "MASTER!!! I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU!!" shouted Jody as she leaped over her fallen comrade and produced twin Katana blades from behind her back.

"BITCHES, YOU'LL RUE THE DAY THAT YOU DECIDED TO HURT MASTER ZAN! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY IN BLOOD!!" she shouted as her blades deflected the incoming bullets and darts. Jody's defense pushed her beyond her skill levels. As the Sisterhood's army launched its attack, Jody's defense became automatic as she went into the "FIGHTING TRANCE" Yoga training gave her. Even though she was tiring, her training kept her speed up until she was hit from an unexpected quarter.

"OOF!" she grunted as she dropped from the quick blows from Zan. Zan then fell back down as the command was completed.

"Wonderful, the dart did its job well. Who would even think of the fallen ever attacking? I must reward the inventor somehow," gloated the Mistress.


"Mistress, the inventor is one Carl Winston. He is here in the plane, piloting us," informed the guard.

"Well, is there not a relief pilot on board? Get the pilot to me A.S.A.P. commanded the Mistress as she went into her Chamber.

She was followed by a petite young man wearing a black bodysuit that accentuated his build. He stood at attention until she noticed him. "Well, so you're the inventor, you have done well. Master Zan ended the fight quickly once the dart's override was sent," she commented.

"Thank you Mistress. I serve The Sisterhood willingly," he responded.

And why is that? Most men would hate serving me," she inquired.

"Because I want to be a woman, not a slave," he said.

"Well, I can grant that request now, but you might not like it," she said.

"If you mean mind transference and you impregnating me, I accept," he replied.

Then the sensors switched their bodies. As he looked down upon his now female body, he wept tears of joy. "Thank you Master. Shall I lay on the bed for you?' she asked.

Then she felt her body being carried to bed as her male body climbed atop her and began making love to her. The act was gentle and kind as the Mistress took care to attend to the bodies needs. After climaxing and seeing she was asleep, the Mistress left her new recruit in bed and stepped into the transformation chamber. "Doris, Take command until I am back," she commanded as the chamber closed.

"SECURITY ALERT! SECURITY ALERT! ROOF TOP ACCESS. POINT COMPROMISED!" announced the computer on board the Osprey.


"Enhance image and clarify." ordered Galaxy as she piloted.

The view-screen showed the battle on the roof and Jo falling from Zan's attack and both falling with Jo being hoisted into an identical Osprey.

"Mother, we are too late. They just now captured Jo," she sighed.

"Flank speed Galaxy, maybe we can do something," ordered Mary.

"Too late, Mother, They just left using rocket assist. They are now off the radar," she groaned.

"Then let's see what happened to Kung Fu," Mary ordered.

The Osprey landed next to the comatose Zan, The ladies disembarked, forming a security fence around Zan. Then a petite oriental woman in a green bodysuit scanned Zan and removed the dart.

Looking at the dart through a special lens, she said," This dart injects a nerve toxin that enables its transmitter to receive a signal. That signal can only cause the body to perform a single act before burning out. Master Zan should recover soon."

Kneeling by Zan, Galaxy picked up several darts and spent bullets. "Thank you Jade, please see if you can track the Sisterhood,"

Jade activated her jet-pack and wings as she flew up into the clouds. After a short while, she gently landed by Mary as her helmet folded away from her face. "The Sisterhood has flown into a vortex that let them out in the Bermuda Triangle on the Island Of Harmony."

"SHIT! THAT'S JUST WONDERFUL!! If they have access to that technology, we might lose the war! The government has too many secrets hidden there. We need to find out what they know," she exclaimed.

Turning to Jade, she ordered, " Jade, gather your team and head to Harmony Island. I need to know how much they know about the technology and any intel you can gather," she ordered.

Then Jade lifted off and jetted away with 4 others as the agents looked on. Then Zan awoke with a whimper. "Is Jody alright?" Zan asked.

Pulling Zan up, Galaxy hugged him to her as she cried in a sob, "Zan, they took him. He put up a great fight, but they were too much for him," she responded with a sigh.

"Then my son is gone. I can no longer teach here, my heart is broken. Please call in my twin; Master Zan." he sighed.

Then his twin stepped up wearing a robe like Master Zan's. "My brother, it is with honor that I teach for you," said Master Zan.

"Thank you my brother, may you receive much honor here." With that, the broken Master limped into the osprey where he was pampered by the women as he wept for his son.

In the osprey, Mary sat next to Zan as the screen showed Jade's team chasing after the Sisterhood. "Don't worry Zan. What you are seeing is the latest in cybernetic technology. Jade and her team have lost limbs in the line of duty, thanks to Diana and Ellis Research they have replacements. Now Jade and her team are our recon team."

"Thank you Mother. May they help erase my dishonor." Zan headed to the rear where a silver alcove stood. He opened the alcove and entered after stripping. Then he closed the door.

"ZAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Mary shouted.

Looking out the window, Zan responded, "I can no longer live as a man due to my dishonor. I shall now live as a woman." Then he went under as the alcove's automatic systems began the process.





Chapter 2 by Stanman63

"Jo, you know that the 'Ellis Process' can turn you back into a man," said Kim

Grabbing Kim by both shoulders, Jo looked into her eyes. "I know that my friend, but I stay a woman to honor Mom. Why have you stayed as you are? You could have returned to a male or become a genetic woman," asked Jo

"I stay like this because you need me. Until you have the help you need, I won't make the choice." Then the friends embraced each other and wept.

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter

Part 2
By Stanman

The Sisterhood has launched an attack against the Agency: the son of Diana hunter has been captured, the body of Diana desecrated and the bomber designed by the Hunter/Ellis Research Foundation stolen. The Sisterhoods mole has been found, and the Agency is ready to start fighting back.
Meanwhile, in a hidden base in the Bermuda Triangle, a most sinister meeting was taking place. A red haired woman of impeccable looks and breeding, wearing a green blazer and miniskirt, yellow leotard, tan pantyhose and black sandals was speaking to an African-American gentleman wearing a blue coverall.


Well Harold, is my toy ready to fly?" she asked.

"Almost Mistress, I still need to install a proper Black Box," informed her servant.

"That's good. Too bad we can't have the entire electronics package. It would be sweet to fly most anywhere cloaked," she sighed.

But Mistress, I have the most wonderful news. I do have everything you wanted, I just can't install them. You need a computer genius for that. They pulled everything out before I got her," he informed her.

"Very well then Harold, you have earned your reward." With that, she lowered herself down upon her bed. Harold then unzipped his coverall and stood naked before his Mistress. His manhood was stiff with anticipation as he mounted her.

Then he felt the room's computer switch their minds. Harold's mind entered the red haired woman as she became Harold.

"Ah yes, Harriette, you are truly my slave now as I ravish you. I can feel this body of yours as I enter your new now female body. Does losing a woman's virginity hurt? Don't worry, your first period will make it really painful." gloated the Mistress as she ravished the female body below him.

"You say that you don't want to be pregnant? Too bad, you will awaken to find you are pregnant with your seed. But I am truly being kind to you. I could have killed or turned you into my real slave. Instead, I made you one of the New Sisterhood," declared the Mistress.

With that, he climaxed and left the stunned woman as he stepped into a waiting sealed chamber." Daisy, take care of our new sister Harriette, Make sure she accepts her new life. Now please turn me into an oriental woman," commanded Mistress Desmona Raventree.

"Yes Madame, who shall be in command while you change?" asked Daisy.

"You are in charge Daisy, just let me be awake when we capture that brat of Diana's," chuckled the Mistress.

"By your command, Madame. What of the new jet?"she wondered.

"It is a new B1B bomber; access the mainframe for the information. Better yet, ask our Computer Maven, Julie," informed the Mistress.

"By your command, Mistress. Sleep well." Then she headed to the hanger where the jet stood, waiting to fly. The stealth matte paint made actual sight impossible.

"Julie, cancel the stealth, there is no need while in the hanger," commanded Daisy.

Then the massive jet stood out in bold relief as its somber green paint was revealed. "Sorry Mistress, but at times, the thing does that. I am still finding the odd program here and there," said the frightened Julie.

"How long until we can safely fly it?" asked Daisy.

"Can't say Ma'am, I am only a hacker. We need a genius for this thing," sighed Julie.

"Don't worry, we will have the genius soon enough. What sort of toy do we have here?" asked Daisy.

"Well, whoever built it was a savant. It has a nuclear reactor in the rudder wing assembly in the rear that powers the four atomic jet engines. The engines convert water vapor or oxygen into fuel. Range is unlimited as long as the reactor has fuel," declared Julie.

"So, can it be used as a nuclear bomb?" wondered Daisy.

"Hardly, too many safeguard, besides, it's only a milligram of spent uranium." said Julie.

"Very well, what other goodies are there?" asked Daisy with an evil smile in her eyes.

"The entire body is composed of a new tri-titanium weave. They have spun the metal with a high dense carbon plastic. The new compound is as tough as diamond, as lights as cloth. Even the windows are coated with the resin," informed Julie.

So, it can take a lot of punishment, that's good," decided Doris.

"Yes Madam, The skin contains a new solar cell. This new cell can absorb any radiation, or scramble any. Right now, that bird is invisible to any radar or sonar. The computer genius will need to reconnect the electronics and program the mainframe to acknowledge the MAINFRAME as boss," declared Julie.

"Don't worry about it my dear, we are about to go pick up our guest. I am sure she will be delighted to work on the bird after he has become one of my pets." With that, she left to ready herself for bed.

*Bitch, the mistresses Desmona Raventree and Regina Tuckett turned me into a brood mare. I am lucky I lost the fetus and they placed me here. I will never forgive them, nor for having me "service" male pets. Becoming a dutiful wife for a night and accepting them into my body is fueling my resolve to destroy them utterly. I may die in the attempt, but I will help the one you capture to escape and fight.

During this time, Jo donned her "Rose" uniform. The black bodysuit, boots, trench coat and fedora was invisible in the lightless alleys and abandoned buildings. Kim's all black coverall and wig made her one with the night.


"Kim, we need to start reclaiming this block. There are too many potheads around," sighed Jo.

"I have already bought the entire block, work begins as soon as tomorrow," said a rushed Kim.

"Good, then I can call the press and announce it to the world. That should help flush out our quarry," decided Jo.

"Quarry? I thought we were after Diana's child, not some enemy," wondered Kim.

"I need to find Mom's child. I can't let the Sisterhood have another chance to hurt Diana again," declared Jo.

"But wasn't Desmona the last of that evil." asked Kim.

"Yes she was. But she was old enough to have offspring old enough to carry on her legacy. She has 12 children: either by birth, adoption or slavery. They are all male, by now, genetic women thanks to their perverted science that made me a woman," groaned Jo.

"Jo, you know that the 'Ellis Process' can turn you back into a man," said Kim

Grabbing Kim by both shoulders, Jo looked into her eyes. "I know that my friend, but I stay a woman to honor Mom. Why have you stayed as you are? You could have returned to a male or become a genetic woman," asked Jo

"I stay like this because you need me. Until you have the help you need, I won't make the choice." Then the friends embraced each other and wept.

Then a large man in a black coverall with a single rose on the right breast and the name "HENRY" walked up to his employers. "Ladies, I have a call from Mother, will you take it in the limo or the office?" he asked.

"Thanks Henry, we will take it in the limo, please Chauffeur us for the day," sighed a weary Jo.

"Very well Miss Kim, please enter your chariot my Ladies" He then opened the rear left hand door.

"Oh Henry, you tease. You know that such gallantry is not called for," giggled Jo.

"That may very well be, but my wife was schooled in proper manners. She wants me to be gallant. Besides, she is such a tigress in bed." he laughed.

"Well I guess that Jo can't let a proper lady down. Please thank her for us by taking her to her favorite opera this weekend. It is *Phantom* I believe," said Kim as she handed Henry a pair of tickets and a debit card.

"This is way too much Miss Kim and Miss Jo, I and my wife thank you." Then he gently closed the door and got in behind the steering wheel and activated the car phone.

"Mother, this is Jo," she said.

"Jo, we have terrible news, Diana's grave was desecrated and the body mutilated. Someone has removed her hair and ears. Even worse, we found out that Diana has a child. The Sisterhood captured him." she groaned.


"Jo, I have reactivated yours and Kim's names, and have placed your entire empire under our protection," she declared.

"Mary, there is no need; Diana's Security System is years ahead of anything the Agency has. We will come in now. Our chauffeur is trustworthy," she promised.

"I should hope so; Henry is one of our sleepers." With a gentle chuckle, Mary signed off.

"That witch, she succeeded in planting an agent on me. Well, at least he is gallant," Jo chuckled. Then she pressed a red button on the arm rest. "Henry, go to the building, Mary wants us there A.S.A.P."

Henry drove the black limo through the city into a plain building's underground garage. Special sensors recorded the limo's progress and guided it to a V.I.P. slot next to an alcove.

Then Henry got out of the front seat. He was now attired in a lady chauffeur uniform. Her form-fitting white blouse and black jacket /miniskirt was perfectly accented by her pearl pantyhose and boots. "I wish that the Agency didn't require me to dress like this. Last time, my ass was pinched." thought Henrietta as she remembered her last mission before being assigned as Jo's chauffeur.

She then opened the door for Jo and Kim. "Jo, please take care. Something tells me that this meeting is not going to be give you the answers you want," she implored.

Getting out, they both embraced the 6 foot Amazon in a sisterly embrace. Then Jo looked into her brilliant blue eyes and said, "I know that Henrietta. Last time, I lost my Mother. What will I lose this time, I dread to find out. But this involves the Sisterhood. And I vowed on Diana's grave to see to their destruction," she said with conviction.

"And I will be there with you Jo. They took my life when they turned me into this freak. For that, they will pay," intoned Kim as she placed her right hand upon Jo's left shoulder.

Then the trio entered the alcove. The alcove was in truth a matter-transporter used to move people within the complex quickly. The system worked fine within the complex, but was unsafe in the field.

Stepping out of the alcove, they were met by a smartly dressed woman with graying hair."Jo, Kim, welcome to the Agency. Henrietta, please await their return in the visitors lounge here, "said Mary.

The lounge was tastefully appointed with sturdy tables and chairs. The bar was stocked with every brand of beverage in the world thanks to the matter transporters ability to create any organic compound. "Yes ma'am, please take care of them." With that, she went into the lounge as Mary led Jo and Kim back into the alcove.

"Jo, Kim, there is both good and bad news. We have found Diana's offspring. But we know not its gender. Worst of all, the sisterhood has captured him/her today, and they have desecrated Diana's grave and mutilated her body. Even worse, they have the new jet that your people built for us. I hate bearing such bad news to you. I grew to love your mother, Jo. Please take command." Mary cried as she leaned against the wall.

Then Jo and Kim gently led their weeping companion into her office and laid her down upon her couch. Kim went to the kitchen and brought back a tray filed with sandwiches and glasses filled with an amber liquid. "Well Jo, looks as if Mother needs a rest and you're in charge according to regulations."

"Yes, she planned for this eventuality. Call in the troops. I need to let them know that I am in charge until Mary is able to take command again." Then, heading out into the auditorium, Rose saw it was filled to capacity.

"Women of the Agency, I am Jo Ellen: daughter of Diana Hunter. Mary Risberg; better known as Mother is unable to fulfill her duties at this time. According to her wishes, I am assuming command until she is ready. Are there any question?' spoke Rose.

"Yes, I have a question. I am Moon Maiden, Why is Mary sick?" she asked.

"No, not sick. She is distraught over recent events. The sisterhood has launched an attack upon Diana Hunter. They have desecrated her grave and kidnapped her offspring as well as stolen a new jet being developed by the Hunter Group and Ellis Research for the Agency," she replied.

"I am Galaxy, Are you not Jo Ellen, the head of Hunter Group and Ellis Research? she asked.

"Yes I am. Because I am so involved, I may not be the best one to lead. If anyone objects to me leading at this time, I will abdicate as soon as a new leader is selected,' she replied.

"Jo, as your friend and confidant, I must say that as far as I am concerned, you are best serving the Agency as the leader. Mary knew you are the best at this time." Kim said as she looked an astonished yet pleased Jo in the eye.

"Does anybody object to my friend Jo Ellen leading the Agency in its time of need? All opposed please stand up." she called out.

Then, as a family, the entire gathering sat down and began to applaud. Then there began a chant; "LONG LIVE THE ROSE!"

Then an astonished Jo Ellen slowly stood up to a thunderous applause as she waved to the crowd. As the applause ended, she spoke: "My friends, I thank you for your vote of confidence. But we have no time to celebrate; we are now at war with the sisterhood. All leaves except for emergency and medical are canceled, all reservists and retired agents are hereby recalled. Everybody must pass the physical and requalify on all skills, "she ordered.

There were many kind-hearted groans from the audience and a few snide remarks about her sanity as they were dismissed. The agents were well aware of the legend of Diana and her daughter Jo Ellen. The Agency had used the sacrifice of Diana to show the new recruits the dedication needed. Now, many agents claim to see the vigilante known as The Rose working in the city, handling cases no one else could.

"Well Kim, they want me to lead them. Do I have the right with me wanting to destroy the Sisterhood? Will I destroy The Agency in my madness and grief?" wailed Jo as she headed back to the office, slumping into a nearby love seat.

Kim placed both of her hands on Jo's shoulders and looked down upon her distraught friend in sympathy. "Jo, you have the strength. You proved it when you went undercover for over a year. Jo, you were given the chance to become the enemy. But you refused. You will never destroy the Agency. You are too wise for that intoned a weeping Kim. Then they embraced and headed for the office where Jo began to plan the response to the new threat.

Margo headed for Mary's ward to see if she was pulling out of her shock. *Mary, I don't know what the hell the Sisterhood did to you, but I intend to find out. Jo may be able to lead for awhile, but we need both of you. There must be a mole here, but where?* thought Margo.


As she entered the ward, she saw that Mary was awake. Going up to her, Margo caught her right hand in hers, "Mary, are you feeling better?" she asked as she approached the bed.

"A little, is Jo in charge now?" Mary implored as she finished reading the novel and placed it on the tray next to the remains of her lunch.

"Until you are back in action," she replied as she began sat down next to Mary.

"Margo, the Sisterhood has attacked us. We don't know how far their infiltration goes. The only one here that may have the ability to ferret out the mole is Jo Ellen. Please call her down here. She may just have what we need," Mary instructed.

Then, from the doorway, Jo Ellen and Maxie Kim entered; Jo had a wide grin on her face. She was holding up a laptop. "Don't worry Mary, I am here. I have just what you need too. In this laptop is the CASSANDRA Program. Once I download this, any virus programs will be found and removed."

"That's great Jo, but why do you have it with you, and why CASSANDRA? I thought that CASSANDRA was the entire set up, not what can fit in a lap top" asked Mary

"Simple, Diana gave the Agency a CASSANDRA SYSTEM before she died, so this program will be able to heal the damage done. I keep this program with me since it is the program that runs Ellis and Hunter as well as the Agency. This lap top contains all of the basic programs that run the network as well as the ability to temporarily run it if need be until more extensive repairs or upgrades can be added." she informed.

"Here is an input jack next to the bed, said Mary.

"No Mary, I need to be in the office to fully utilize the program, but I welcome both you and Margo to come watch the fireworks, she replied.

Then Mary got up and donned her floral robe to cover her pink pajamas, and then she put her feet in her blue furry slippers. "I need to have a word with the staff about my wardrobe, I mean, I never wear this stuff at home," she giggled as she followed the others into the alcove.

"Mistress Raventree, the 144 slaves have been impregnated, all show to be in perfect health," said Doris.


"That is good Doris, soon we will have our army of computer maven as the fetus gives the brood mares their knack with electronics," gloated Raventree.

"Mistress, where did we discover such technology? Surely the Agency has its own technology," wondered Doris.

"No, this technology comes from the island. Luckily, I have access to one that can control the island's system," she replied.

"Mistress, I am afraid that in time, the owners may show up. What will we do then?" Doris asked.

"Doris, you are smart and resourceful. Yes, this technology is far beyond anything we thought possible. But it was left here because the government decided that such technology was too advanced to be controlled. Now we have the chance to use it to take over the world. I have set up several bunkers where we have hidden weapons to stop them if they show up," replied Raventree.

"Thank you Mistress, my fears are gone now. I have good news on the Diana clone." she said.

"The Diana clone? I hope for your sake it is good news," she joked.

"Mistress, the clone has been released from her cocoon. She shows to be fully capable, she is already working out on her advanced training and yoga," she said.

"Good, then soon she will be ready to keep her daughter company, let's go see our pretty trophy," Raventree gloated.

*Gloat bitch, soon your empire will fall. I may not be the computer maven that Diana was, but I have created my own network to counter your evil. You never think about the lives that you destroy. You are far worse than your Mother. She at least had an army of fellow women. But you have enslaved all of your army with this island. I pledge my life and my sacred honor to your destruction.*

"Well, at least the office is ready for use," commented Jo as she hefted her laptop upon the desk and connected it to the mainframe.


"Jo, are you being paranoid or cautious now? Do you think the Sisterhood is that good at deceiving us?" asked Mary.

"It depends on who the mole is and what the mole has corrupted. I think I know who it is, but I want proof and we will soon have all the proof we need. Mary, it is best to send out a "SECURITY ALERT" throughout the building. I don't know what will happen," Jo instructed.

As the building shut down due to the alert, Jaydeep Kumar sent a special message to his Mistress. The message was caught by the alert and notified Jo Ellen in the office. "Well, it looks as if we have hit pay dirt, our mole is sending out a message even as we wait," gloated Jo.

"Damn lucky for us, who is the mole," inquired Mary as she scanned through the alerts progress.

"Jaydeep Kumar, we had problems with him before. Very sneaky of them to use him as a mole, who would ever suspect him," fumed Margo as she read the report over Jo's shoulder.

"But how did they do it, He was never theirs to begin with, it was his wife Virginia Monroe, wondered Kim as she placed tea and snacks by each lady.

"Deep implant hypnosis is the only way, triggered by a simple catch phrase that only they know. Our gas can be used in that way if need be," replied Margo as she sipped her tea.

"I have good news; the Sisterhood has not been able to corrupt the building's systems. They have been able to corrupt our vehicles. Everything in the garage is shut down until we can override the virus," contributed Jo as she downed a doughnut.

"Well Jo, how do we cure the fleet? Will you laptop be able to help out?" asked Mary as she finished her tea with a relish.

"It should. Just connect each vehicle up to the diagnostic system. That should counter the virus," replied Jo as she stretched to release pent up tension.

"This is Mother to the garage, run a full diagnostic on every vehicle in the garage. I want a full report as soon as possible," Mary ordered over the intercom as she grinned to the other.

"This is Jo Ellen, I hereby relinquish command back to Mother, I remain as her Executive Officer, Welcome back Mother," Jo sent throughout the building as the agents cheered for Mother's return to duty.

Mistress Raventree watched through the monitor as the Diana clone shadow- boxed against the wall. Her form and delivery was perfect, only a trickle of sweat betrayed her need to rest. "As you can see Mistress, the clone's capabilities far exceed our expectations. Her verbal skills have yet to be tested though, we don't know if she has the memories of the original yet or not. All that she knows is that she was sick and is recovering," the slave informed her.


"Very well, I shall attend to her directly, what is your name slave," Raventree demanded as she held out her right hand with the pearl gemstone for the slave to kiss.

"My name is Valerie, I am yours to command," she replied as she kissed the ring.

"Valerie, you have done well, after I have finished here, continue to monitor the clone. Take care of her and ready her for her role in things to come," Raventree said as she entered the room where Diana was finally resting and sipping juice from a bottle.

"Well Diana, it is good to see that you are doing well, in time, you will be back in top form," Desmona said as she crossed over to the wilted clone.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but who are you? I just woke up today and my memory is a bit hazy," Diana replied as she stood up in respect.

"I am Mistress Desnona Raventree. I am in charge of this place. You will find that this school is well equipped to help you achieve your full potential. I fully expect for you to do your best Diana," she intoned as she sat down and motioned for Diana to follow suit.

"Mistress, what all do you want me to do? So far, I have yet to know the goals that I need to achieve,' she sighed as she finished her drink and placed the empty bottle on the tray.

"Diana, the goal is for you to become the best that you can be," she said as she got up to leave. *Good, she has no memory of her past. She will be easy to manipulate into the weapon that we need to destroy the Agency.* she thought as she headed to her office.

*Desmona, I remember you. You killed me when I stopped you from murdering my daughter Jo Ellen. I don't know how or why I am alive now, but I pledge my life and my Sacred Honor to your defeat. I know that Jo Ellen is out there along with the Agency, but I must fight alone until I am found alive.

Jade and her team were nearing the island to land, " Team, prepare to land near the hanger near the pond. That's where we should find the stolen bomber," she instructed.


"Ma'am, we need to refuel as well our fuel is near empty," replied Jade-l as the team landed outside the hanger and turned off the cloaking system.

"There is a fuel truck, we will refuel from it," Jade instructed as she pointed to the lone truck.

As they refueled the micro-jets on their jet-packs, a lone figure advanced slowly and announced itself. "Good, I am glad to see that the Agency has sent help for Diana's clone. Now we can help her out,' said the lone figure as she stepped into their field of vision.

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked Jade as the team moved into a fighting mode.

"At ease ladies, my name is Doris. I used to be a man until they captured and turned me into this freak of nature," she said as she displayed her body in its black bodysuit.

"Well Doris, what is the full story," Jade commanded as the team relaxed into a less threatening pose.

"I was to be one of their brood mares to carry the fetus created from the Diana clone. My body rejected it. They think that their hypnosis has turned me into their slave. But I am immune to it. I am here to help you rescue Diana and her daughter Jodi," she replied as she led them into the hanger.

"So, they have turned Jody into a woman. I hope that is all that they have done to her," Jade sighed as they came close to the massive bomber.

"Yes, her transformation is almost complete. Both Mistresses plan to be there to gloat over her discomfort," she said as she led them into an office near the bomber.

"The bomber is almost finished. It just needs the command systems to fly. The Mistresses are planning on using Jodi to get it ready as soon as they break her," she said.

"I think that the Mistresses will find that to be impossible. Jodi is a Ninja Master. She is immune to the training methods used here," Jade chortled as they sat down.

"I thought as much, Jodi has resisted all attempts at hypno-instructions. I am afraid that they will kill her if she proves to be difficult," she sighed.

"We can help. My team can get the bomber ready as we go and rescue both of them," Jade said as she comforted Doris by hugging her.

"Jade, I am not the only one here waiting for the Agency. If we can get to their offices, I can release all of the enslaved women," she said as the team headed to the bomber to ready it for flight.

"Let's go, the team will have the bomber ready when we return," she said as they entered into the maze of corridors. * Being here, I hope that the Agency can use the intelligence to mount a rescue. I am placing a lot of trust into this stranger, but I sense that she can be trusted. If not, then I have wasted the lives of my team.* she thought as they neared the room where Diana slept.

As Mary waited in her office with the others Jaydeep entered her private office. He began to modify her computer when Jo silently gassed him. "Jaydeep, you are free now of the Sisterhood's control, Sleep now, when you awaken, you will remember what they have made you do for them," she said in his ear. He quickly fell asleep as Jo and Kim carried him over to the waiting sofa where he was hooked up to several monitors.

"Look, he is fighting them as he sleeps. He never wanted to betray us," Mary sighed as he regained control from the brainwashing.

"Mary, we must be ready for him to be suicidal, they may have implanted a death command," said Margo as she tied him down.

"Then we will stay with him. He has been hurt by them almost as much as Jo has been. They will pay in due time," she said as Jo and Kim looked on.

"Don't worry Mother; I am not seeking vengeance on Jaydeep. I am saving it for the Sisterhood," said Jo as she sat down behind the desk.

"What are you doing there Jo?" asked Margo.

"Monitoring Team Jade, they have made contact with someone that is helping out," Jo replied.

"I am surprised that Jade trusts this ally," said Kim as she returned from the toilet.

"Jade says that her sensors show her to be truthful," said Jo.

"Well, Team Jade has our most advanced systems at their disposal. If they choose, they can do a lot of damage to them," said Margo as she headed to the toilet.

Jodi woke up from the shock. She found herself strapped down to the old-style iron-wrought bed. The surrounding monitors betrayed the high-tech room with beeps and lights. "Well slave, are you ready to comply with our demands, or shall we torture some more. We can even torture your Mother's clone if you prove to be difficult," gloated Desmona as she wiped Jodi's brow.


"What are you talking about, Diana is dead, your mother killed her, "Jodi declared as she stared daggers of hate at her enemy.

"Jodi, I am Desmona's clone, just as Tuckett is a clone. We both have the memories of the originals. When we cloned Diana, we kept her from accessing her memories. Here, just look at her as she works out in the gym," she said as she activated a hidden monitor.

Jodi saw Diana's clone easily defeat several opponents in unarmed combat as they attacked using a variety of weapons. Her form was identical Jodi's. As she ended her session, Diana knelt in a yoga position to stretch and meditate. "Do not hurt her. I will comply with your wishes," Jodi relented with a sigh of defeat.

"Very well Jodi, you will train a cadre of soldiers in advanced techniques with Diana, with both of you training them, our ninjas will be unstoppable. Now get dressed and eat, you will be very busy shortly, Desmona said with a relish. Then she released Jodi's restraints and left the room.








Chapter 3 by Stanman63

The Agency Is heading to the Island for a showdown with the Sisterhood. Team jade has infiltrated the island has found both Jodi and Diana. The Sisterhood readies itself for battle as insurrection against the Sisterhood begins to end its reign of terror.

Jaydeep awakened from his healing sleep as a nurse in the classic white dress and hose wiped his brow. "Well sir, you have had quite a long nap. You have been out for two days. How do you feel?' Nurse Holly asked as she signaled Mary.

"Like I just went ten rounds with a grizzly bear and lost. I am sore all over. Do you have anything for pain?" he asked as she handed him a cup filled with an amber liquid.

"Drink this, it will make you feel better shortly," she said.

"Damn stuff tastes awful, he said after he finished drinking the liquid.

"Tastes bad but works wonders," she giggled as Mary, Margo, Kim, and Jo Ellen entered the room.

"Nurse Holly, please leave. We need to speak to Jay in private," Mary ordered.

"Yes ma'am. I will be on break Mother," she said as she left.

"Mother, why am I here, I thought that i would be in the brig awaiting execution for what I have done to the Agency," he sighed as he remembered their last meeting.

"Jay, we know that the Sisterhood had you under deep hypnosis. Our experts have broken their control over you. The.question is do you want revenge?" Margo asked as she helped him up.

"Margo, i hate those bitches! They used me before to kill Diana. I want to make them pay in blood, but I must think of my wife first. Can you protect Virginia? She is pregnant with twins," he asked as he donned tan hose, a gaff and bra filled with breast-forms.

"She is already in a Safe-house, hidden away. Virginia is quite safe," Mary said as Kim handed Jay a beige leotard and blue blazer and skirt.

"Then it looks like I become Katie for awhile. I hope you have a red wig. The way I feel, I should be a red-head," Katie sighed as Jo Ellen passed her a curly red wig.

"Well, I hope you don't mind looking like Little Orphan Annie, that's the only red wig we have here," she giggled at Katie's discomfort.

"Damn it! I thought I was through with that wig. I itched something fierce wearing it," she sighed.

"Don't worry Katie, it's a new Anti-Allergy wig," said Mary as she attached the wig to Katie's head.

Then Mary led the troop out of the room and into the alcove to be whisked to her office.


Desmona and Regina were seated in thrones as they looked through the one-way glass to see into the arena where 12 troopers were arrayed in black unitards awaiting the opposition. "Mistress, why are they waiting? It seems a wast of time for them to just stand there," said Doris as she placed a tray od snacks and a mug of tea on the tray by each of the thrones.

"Ah Doris, you are in for a treat. The troop below has been trained by Diana's clone. Soon they will fight both Diana and her daughter Jodi. We want to see just how good they truly are," Regina said with an evil glee.

Then from two doors at opposite ends of the arena a petite red-head emerged. The twins saw each other and ran across the arena with a battle cry as they tried to kill each other. The troopers then began to fight the twin terrors, but were soon defeated. Then the twins attacked each other. Their battle was finally over when both fell down, exhausted from the fight. Then nursed in white uniform dresses and tights carried the troopers and twins out to tend to their injuries.

"What you have just witnessed is a battle between Jodi and Diana. Now that they know each other lives, we can use each as a means to control the other as well as the perfect weapon to kill each other," gloated Desmona as she finished her tea.

"But Mistress, how will you control them? both are resistant to our methods," asked Doris as she refilled the mugs and tray of snacks.

"The collars now contain a program to control our twins, They will do as we wish, even kill," said Regina as she and Desmona left the secret room with Doris.

""Doris, tend to the twins, make sure that there are no serious injuries. Then you may have lunch," said Desmona as the Mistresses entered the waiting tram to head to another appointment.

*This is the break that I have been waiting for. Now I can free both of them from the collars and send them away from here with TEAM JADE. Good thing Jade went back to the hanger. I just hope that they can get the jets ready.


"It's time to leave for the carrier. Margo, call in Moon Maiden," Mary ordered.

Soon, a willowy brunette with green eyes arrived wearing a black skirt, blazer and pumps with white tights and blouse."Moon maiden reporting Mary, She said as she saluted.

"Moon maiden, you are in charge until we return," Mary instructed as she returned the salute.

Mary led the group to the alcove. They got out in the hospital ward. Mary led them to a bed where a petite oriental woman lay sleeping. "Ladies, this is the former Kung Fu. he opted to transform into a genetic woman after Jodi was captured. It is time for her to awaken. I pray that she is ready for life as a woman," sighed Mary as Kung Fu opened her eyes.

"Mary, have we rescued Jodi yet?" she asked

"Not yet, i am about to join the troops involved in her rescue. Do you want to join us?' Mary asked as she helped Kung Fu to stand.

"Yes, I wish to join. But my new name is Katana. Kung Fu is no more," she said with conviction.

Very well Katana, Here is your battle fatigues, we will let you get dressed," Mary said as she led the others outside.

Katana was soon dressed and ready. She joined the others in the hallway. Mary led them to the alcove that whisked them to a hanger holding a B1B bomber. "This ladies is my command jet. It lacks the micro-reactor housed in the other. That is the only difference. Please board her so we can launch," Mary giggled at Jo Ellen's surprised look on her face.

"Well Mary, looks as if you have a few surprises up your sleeve. I never knew you had this gem ready. Can you fly her or shall Kim and I pilot you toy for you," Jo laughed as she entered the jet.

"Please handle the task of piloting the jet Jo and Kim. Margo, please handle communications. Katana, please be the hostess. I will oversee engineering," Mary instructed everybody.

Then the hanger roof opened up as the jet lifted off on its anti-gravity cells, then jetted off to meet the carrier as it vanished from sight as the STEALTH SYSTEM activated.


In the island hanger, Team Jade was finishing their preparations on the fleet. The bomber was loaded with ordinance to quell the Sisterhood's defenses. The two Space Planes were outfitted to handle the medical needs of the 144 impregnated slaves. The two Hyper-Sonic Transports were readied to carry the island's other slaves.

"Jade, the impregnated slaves are loaded into the jets. Both aircraft are fueled and ready for lift-off," said Doris as she entered the hanger office.

"Ruby, you will pilot Medical Transport-l. Emerald, you will pilot Medical Transport-ll. Quartz, you will pilot Transport-l. Diamond, you will pilot Transport-ll. I will pilot the bomber. Doris, will you be my co-pilot?" said Jade to her team.

"I am honored to be your co-pilot. I am sure that there are others willing to help out," Doris said as she sipped her tea.

"We don't have the time to verify their loyalty. The cockpit of every jet will be secured against assault. We may try to rescue the slaves, but we will not risk our lives needlessly," Jade sighed as her team left to take up their posts on the jets.

"Too bad, I am sure that the others could use some help. I just hope that the Agency will be here in time. If not, our rebellion will die a quick death, and Desmona will love seeing what makes your team tick," Doris sighed as she remembered past atrocities she witnessed.

"We are ready Doris, it's time for you to return to her side. You are still needed there," Jade informed her friend.

"I will be glad when this nightmare is over. Even though I am stuck as a woman, I hope to be free to live my life away from those bitches," she sighed as she entered the turbo pod to return to her Mistress.

*Doris, in time your nightmare will be over. Even now, the Agency is on its way here. Diana and Jodi must be saved from the evil that the Mistresses have for them. Normally, I don't believe in miracles, but now I have hope. Can my programming have adapted so quickly? I must ask as soon as I am back in headquarters.* she thought as she secured the hanger.


Up in the sky, the cloaked bomber winged its way to its destination. Inside, Mary and the others were readying for their arrival. "I hate these fatigues, I can never get one to fit my boobs.," complained Margo as she finally closed the zipper over her breasts.

"I know, you'd think the Agency would have a better fit," agreed Kim as she pulled up her boots.

"Margo, quit complaining, you can always get smaller breast-forms," giggled Mary as she donned her helmet.

"Me, I hope they are able to handle it when Aunt Flo visits. We genetic women have it harder than others," sighed Jo Ellen.

Then the FASTEN SEAT BELTS sign activated. Ladies, we have arrived. Time to get our hands dirty," said Mary as she sat in her seat and the belts cocooned her.

Then the bomber decloaked as a massive ship rose out of the seas. It looked like a giant Orca. Its sea green hull invisible in the dark waters. A giant hanger opened in its top as the bomber gently hovered over the submarine, then landed as the doors lowered over the bomber. Within the hanger, Mary led her team to meet the captain in command of the submarine. Outside, the submarine sunk beneath the waves as it sped to the island.

"Welcome aboard the NEPTUNE, I am Captain Avery Sands, your host,"said a tall, sandy-haired giant wearing a white uniform. His warm smile and salute put the women at ease.

"Thank you Captain Sands, I am Mary Risberg: Director of the Agency. Your assistance is Most needed," she said as they returned the salute.

"Please follow me and I will escort you to our guest cabins," he said as he led them out of the hanger.

"Captain, I am curious. Where did you get this technological masterpiece from? Nothing like this is on the Navy's list," Margo asked.

"You can thank Hunter and Ellis. We launched her two months ago. She just completed her trial runs yesterday," giggled Jo Ellen.

"I see that you still love to surprise us. I guess that you called the Neptune and had her meet us instead of the frigate," sighed Mary.

"Close, the frigate is heading to the island with our assault teams and battle copters. The Neptune is equipped with torpedoes to sink any navy they have," said Kim as they entered the lounge.

"Mary, I am a loyal Navy Man. My son was mutilated by that bitch Raventree. Today, he lives as a Girl's Coach at his Alma Matter. She was one of the few that could not be returned to her male self. Please Mary, let me do something to help end their reign of terror," he pleaded as tears flowed from his eyes.

"Captain, as long as the ship is ready to offer what aid we need, any of your crew may join us," said Mary with conviction.

"That may be a problem, most of the crew have a score to settle with the Sisterhood," he said as Jo Ellen went pale.

"Mary, Jodi and Diana are in danger, we need to get there as soon as we can!! " she exclaimed as she passed out.

Then Captain Sands carried her to a couch where he began to gently wipe her brow with a cool compress. "Bridge, flank speed to the island. Drop the cloak and push the engines into the red," he ordered into his cell-phone.

"Captain, that'll make our E.T.A. in 12 hours. Why the rush, sir?" asked the voice over the speaker.

"One of our guests just got an "S.O.S." from the island. Place the ship on BATTLE ALERT,"

Then a claxon bell sounded as all the lighting went red, then a hush fell as the normal chatter over the intercom ceased.

"Don't worry Princess, with GOD as my witness, I swear to get you there," he cried as he tended to Jo.


*DAMN! SO, IT SEEMS AS IF JO ELLEN AND I ARE LINKED!!* thought Jodi as she awoke from her nap. *Diana would be linked to, but that collar must be preventing her from hearing her daughter. The only reason I can hear her is that I am Diana's daughter now. Well Diana, those bitches will rue the day they messed with me. Next time we meet, I will free you from that collar, then we can take on the Mistresses*

Then Jodi went to the toilet to get ready for the day, embarrassed that she had to deal with Aunt Flo. Afterwards, she donned her black tights, skirted leotard and slippers. Grabbing a black baseball cap and sunglasses, she exited her room and headed for Diana.

*Damn, what a nightmare!! * thought Diana as she awoke. * Wait, it was no nightmare, I really did try to kill my daughter. Those bitches must be using something to control me. I have to overcome the brainwashing. But how? Dear GOD, I need YOUR help to get free. Jo needs me. Please LORD, don't let me die before I can see her again.* she prayed.

Then Diana went to the toilet only to find that she too had to deal with Aunt Flo. Afterwards, she dressed exactly as Jodi had. Then she headed to the arena where Jodi was awaiting her.

"Regina, Jodi and Diana are heading to the arena. Looks as if their final battle is about to start," said Desmona as she finished her morning jog. Her body glistened with sweat. Her gray sweat suit outlined her lithe body.

Well, lets get ready, I want to see just how good they are against our training," replied Regina as she donned a sky blue bodysuit.

"Let me shower and change," Desmona said as she slipped into the showers. She returned shortly wearing a red bodysuit.

Then the two Mistresses went to the arena where they saw the twins waiting for them.

"Expecting us to be killing each other? Sorry to have to end your sordid game, but Jodi removed that collar, and now I am in control, not you Desmona," said Diana with pure venom.

"So, let's see if you two slaves can equal our fighting skills," gloated Regina as the Mistresses launched themselves at the pair.

Jodi and Diana proved to be far better fighters than the Mistresses. All to soon, they were reduced to using the arena's ample supply of weapons. Jodi and Diana destroyed the weapons in short order, leaving the Mistresses in a panic.

"Well Mistress, what now, do you admit defeat?" asked both Jodi and Diana in a mocking tone.

Then Regina exploded as gas capsule that spread a foul cloud of smoke between the combatants. "Let's get out of here, we can kill them later," she shouted to Desmona. Then the Mistresses vanished into the maze of tunnels.

Jodi and Diana carefully picked through the weapons to find a short pole and katana each. Grinning at each other, they followed their quarry, murder on their minds.


"We have arrived, STOP ENGINES! PREPARE TO DISEMBARK!!" ordered the captain. The massive ship settled into the calm seas as the fins folded back into the upright position leaving the submarine to gently float.

Well ladies, let's get to the jet, its show time," ordered Mary as she led her team to the cavernous hanger where the jet awaited their return.

"Engines are hot,all systems are go, said Galaxy as she readied the jet for flight.

"Ordinance is hot and primed for action," said Katana from the co-pilot's seat.

"Launch when ready ladies,. May the GOOD LORD be with us," prayed Mary from her command seat.

"AMEN," agreed everybody.

As the engines ignited, the ceiling split down the middle and let the bomber arise on powerful thrusters and zoom off to to battle.


"This is the captain speaking. We have arrived at our destination. Before us is a battle to free people enslaved by an evil empire. We have been trained to handle most any situation. I am confidant that we will win the battle to come. BATTLE ALERT!" the captain ordered as the claxon bells announced their readiness to fight. Black clad soldiers erupted from hidden hatches and dropped into waiting armored hydrofoils sent from the nearby freighter.

"Mary, I have sighted the main fleet of tanks," said Margo from her position at the RADAR screen.

Galaxy, let's take them out and see if they are still willing to fight," ordered Mary.

After the bomber destroyed the sisterhood's fleet of tanks, the Sisterhood surrendered.


The Mistresses secured the heavy iron door that sealed them within their bunker. "Damn it, I never thought that they could have defeated the collar's programming. Our entire empire is at stake now," moaned Desmona as she sagged into a nearby recliner.

"It may not be as bad as that, those two will still have to get to the collars, We will simply issue the order to kill on sight anybody not wearing a collar," replied Regina as she collapsed onto a sofa.

My Mistresses, how may I serve you??" asked Doris as she exited from the kitchen alcove.

"I will have one of your super omelletes with the special sauce and coffee," sighed Regina with a relish as she smacked her lips.

"Sounds good to me Doris. Make that two," said Desmona as she eased he stiff body into the sauna.

"Two specials coming up," replied Doris as she vanished into the kitchen alcove.


Outside the massive iron door, Diana and Jodi plotted their next action. "Well, we can't tear it down bare-handed, we need explosives for that," mused Diana as she stared at the door.

"There is a stockpile of chemicals in a storeroom nearby, we can create what we need from that stuff," offered Jodi.

Well, I hate to mess around with chemicals, but it's either that or find us a bazooka," reasoned Diana. Then they headed back to the waiting storeroom. As they neared the doorway, a lone figure came out and tried to sound the alarm as she saw the intruders. Diana quickly stunned her with a series of chops.

"She'll wake up with a doozy of a headache," she daid as she lowered her to the floor.

"I've got her key, let's hurry," said Jodi as she opened the door. Within the cavernous space was barrels ans crates with symbols confirming the contents.

"Look here, plastic explosives. This stuff will open that doo," Jodi gloatd as she gathered up four gray bars.

"I've got the primer and timer. We're ready for action now," replied Diana as they carried their booty to the target door and arranged the bomb against the door.

The resulting explosion shattered the door letting the intruders inside.

"WHAT THE!!" said Desmona as Diana killed her with one blow as Jodi killed Regina.

"Their evil is now over, but the battle continues. I must announce the surrender to save lives," said Doris as she stepped into the room.

"Who are you, and why should we trust you?" they asked in unison as they whirled around to meet the new threat.

"My name is Doris, before I was transformed my name was Danny. They used me as a brood mare until my body rejected the fetus. I have been plotting how to destroy them ever since," she said with conviction as she handed over her control rod.

"Is there anyway to verify your story?" Diana asked as she studied the device.

"I met TEAM JADE and helped them when they landed. They are now overseeing the needs of the broodmares aboard the transports," she offered.

"Good news, TEAM JADE confirms your story. We will escort you to the command center," ordered Jodi after she had finished speaking into her cellphone.

"Then please follow me,' she said as she led them deeper into the safe house.

Doris led them to a luxurious office decorated in opulent splendor. The sheer decadence offended the conservative tastes of Jodi as she stared at the paintings the Mistresses had acquired. "Disgusting! This place reeks with avarice," exclaimed Jodi.

"Kid, be thankful that you weren't raised in this filth, Doris please hurry up before we get sick," joked Diana.

"Here we are, this is my office. I think you will be much better off here," Doris offered as she revealed a small, tasteful office. "Please be seated as I activate the monitors."

Chapter 4 by Stanman63

The Agency seems to have won the battle against the Sisterhood, but now the Agency must deal with the repercussions of the aftermath and revelations of the outcome.

Who is in command of the island now?" asked Margo as Kim placed a tray with lunch on it on Mary's side table.

"I left the captain in charge, The submarine will be his base of operations until we can send a more permanent replacement," instructed Mary as she sipped her glass of red wine.

"So, the Agency has finally let men take over," observed Jo Ellen with a snort of laughter.

"Oh no, Everybody on the island is dressed as a woman," smirked Mary.

"Ladies, please fasten your seat belts. We have arrived at the Academy grounds," announced Galaxy.

"Why are we here? This is where I died," whined a distraught Diana as Jo Ellen hugged her.

"I am truly sorry to cause you distress Diana, but this is the only place we have available to handle our new clients," sighed Mary as she wiped Diana's tears.

"It's alright Mary, I was not ready," smiled Diana.


"Mary, Base Commander Tina wants to speak with you," said Moon Maiden from the Radio Shack.

"Go ahead Tina, what do you need?" asked Mary as she sat next to Moon Maiden.

"What the hell am i to do with all of these arrivals? I never expected so many. she asked.

"Sorry about that Tina, you are authorized to requisition any supplies and personnel you need. In fact, I am sending our new recruits here. Helping you out will give them the experience they need," giggled Mary.

"Thanks Mother. I will take all the help that I can get," Tina replied.

Outside, the transports settled down on the tarmac. The ground crews quickly escorted the passengers away as vans and ambulances whisked the new arrivals away.

Up in the Command Bomber, Mary looked on th scene blow with extreme satisfaction. Well ladies, looks as if our work here is done. Time for us to leave now. Galaxy, take us home," she ordered with a sigh. Then the two bombers and a single transport zoomed away into the darkening sky.

At a little used airport, a hanger opened up their roofs, then closed them. Inside the same hanger, two B1B bombers, and a Hyper-Sonic Transport materialized as their stealth cloak dropped. Then the occupants disembarked and went into the awaiting transport alcoves to appear in a nearby building.

"Welcome home ladies! I assume everything went well," said Sarge as she saluted Mother.

"Very well Tina, but we are tired, we will share the news after a good nights sleep," replied Mary with a yawn.

"I have everybody's room ready. Welcome home one and all!!" exclaimed Tina.

"Thanks Tina. After we rest up, there are a few awards that I need to hand out."

Then the weary women were escorted to their rooms.

Mary sat in her office with Margo sitting across from her as Mary finished reading a stack of reports detailing the actions taken during the battle. Both women were bone weary from tackling the red tape that permeated any organization. Both women sighed with relief as Galaxy placed a steaming mug of coffee and a plate of sandwiches by each of them. "Well Mother, are you about ready to see your guests?" asked Galaxy.

"Almost Galaxy, give me thirty minutes to shower. I hear that you have decided to transit into a woman."

"Yes ma'am. With the new system, I became a young woman instead of an agent with gray hair. I look forward to being a genetic woman," she said with a blush.

"Good luck Galaxy with your new life," said Mary as she held out her right hand.

"Thank you Mother for your support," she said as they shook hands.

"Now you have the joy of AUNT FLO and motherhood. I hope you and Brad are happy," said Margo.

"We are Margo, we're celebrating my transition tonight," she replied as she left.

"Well Margo, what about you? Will you transition as well?" she asked with a grin.

"Yes I am. My family accepts me as Margo, and I find it difficult to dress as a man."

"Me too Margo. I will transition after we have tied up all the loose ends from dealing with the Sisterhood."

"Then I guess that we need to ask Jo Ellen to take over during our transition."

Then Diana, Jo Ellen, Jodi, Maxie Kim, and Katanna stepped out of the transport alcove. Each wore a black skirted leotard and taupe sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose. "Mother, you wouldn't believe all the neat toys we found on the island. There's stuff there that I can't wait to see how it works," said an enthused Diana.

"Oh, you mean to tell me that there is even more than those transports?"

"Mother, the island was a dumping ground for inventions that nobody could understand except the inventor."

"Can you give me a brief list?"

"There are too many to list. My people are going to be spending years reverse engineering the stuff."

"Very well, for the foreseeable future, I am activating the reserves to help you. Do you have any objections?"

"Goodness no Mother, I guess that means I need to open up TERESSA'S INN."

"I am sure your mother would appreciate the humor. Well Jo Ellen, how are things in the inner city?"

"Very busy with the influx of a new gang, but it's nothing my people can't handle."

"Jo, I worry about you out there in the concrete jungle."

"Mom, I have Maxie with me. Besides that, *YOU* trained me as well."

"Still Jo, I would sleep easier if your help was better trained."

"Let me put your mind at ease Diana, I have released Katanna from her duties so she can oversee their proper training."

"Katanna, all this time you have been living under my roof and you keep this a secret???"

":Yes ma'am, I have at Mary's request."

"Why Mary?"

"Because Jo has made it a habit to keep such a thing hidden, besides that, I wanted them ready for action."

"Well Boss, is it time to share the good news?"

"Yes it is Maxie, you have the honor."

"Mother, working with discarded armor and the special equipment used to create TEAM JADE, we can now make a battle-suit equal to that of TEAM JADE. Further more, we can now give them a new body. No more need for their bionics."

"That is good news!! Those poor women detest being less than full women. Have you let them know?"

"No, I thought you should have the honor."

"Thank you Jo, Sharing such good news makes my job worthwhile."

"And here I thought it was the coffee and tea that I make for you Mother, I am hurt,"

"Hurt indeed," said Mary as she threw a pillow at the snickering Margo which started an all out pillow fight that freed up pent up tension and let the exhausted women fall back into their chairs and sleep.

The next day, Mother awoke first and looked at her friends sleeping innocently. *The battle against the SISTERHOOD is over for now, but are there even now other hidden menaces awaiting their time to attack. I have fought the good fight these many years. I sacrificed any chance to have a family long ago. Now with our new technology, I can become a young woman and have children.*she mused.

Then Margo awoke and joined her best friend on the sofa facing the fireplace , basking in the warmth of the gas logs. "You're thinking about transitioning into a woman, but fear taking the time because of the possible threat of the SISTERHOOD."

"Margo, I am tired of this senseless life! I want to have a family, but what woman wants an old man that dresses better than most women? No Margo, now that we have the technology, I will become a young woman and become a mother."

"Knowing you, you will wait until all other agents and the former slaves have been treated. Mother, do yourself a favor and don't wait. Diana and Jo Ellen can run things while we transition."

"WHAT? You mean to tell me that you want to transition too?"

"Yes, I even know a man in the city that fancies me as a woman. Mary, I feel the need to be a mother, but I am scared to do it alone. Will you transition with me?"

"Yes I will. Now we need to tell them and see if they will help." Then the two friends sat and watched the sparks as they remembered their lives as agents.

Then Diana awoke, seeing that Mary and Margo were on the couch and the others asleep, she tiptoed into the kitchen annex and started breakfast. *It's been too long since I had a chance to do any cooking. I hope Mary has what I need to make breakfast. After recent events, I want to just relax and be Jo Ellen and Jodi's mother* she mused. Then she began to create a morning feast fit for a queen.

Mary and Margo were awakened from their slumber by the aroma of frying bacon and brewing coffee. Stretching their sore muscles, their empty bellies betrayed their need for food. "Mm, just smell that wonderful aroma. Who ever is cooking has my undying gratitude."

"And here I thought I had it already Mother."

"DIANA! you vixen, wait until I get up, then I will show you just how grateful I am," Mother giggled.

"And if she doesn't, I certainly will," snorted Margo.

"Then I guess that you two don't want breakfast, all the more for me," grinned Diana.

"Hey Mom, don't forget the sausage gravy for my scrambled eggs please," said Jo Ellen as she stepped into the shower.

"Miss Diana, if you don't mind, may I make the biscuits?" asked Maxie Kim as she washed her hands.

"Be my guest Maxie, and the name is Diana. No need for a title with me," she offered as she looked Maxie in the eye.

"Yes Ma'am, I was showing respect."

"Maxie, you and Jo Ellen are best friends, that's good enough for me. You were there for her when she needed solace. I am eternally thankful for your help."

"Diana, Jo has helped me to become a woman. Now I can repay her by helping your other daughter Jodi to become a woman."

"Well Maxie, don't you think you need to consult with me first? After all, I am the one you are talking about," smirked Jodi as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Sorry Jodi, but I just wanted to..."

"It's alright girl, I do need help. Being a new woman is a bit much to handle alone," she mused.

"Your not alone my daughter, I too am new to womanhood. But now I am also young again. I am no longer your Sensei, you proved yourself to me. You are now a Sensei," Katanna said as she bowed to Jodi as she held out a medallion to Jodi.

"Katanna, I am honored, now you can train others as you have trained me." Then they hugged each other as everyone else clapped. Then everybody sat down to eat.

"Well, I was born Joe Rossi, now I am Diana Hunter. I lived for years as Diana, now thanks to recent events, I am now as young as my daughters. I believe we all need help in transitioning into our new lives."

"We have the needed help in the Agency. But I think we might need something magical. Diana, can you take over while Margo and I transition to women?"

"My pleasure Mary, but I will need the help of my daughters, Kimmie and Katanna."

"Mother, I was going to patrol as the 'Rose' with Maxie. I think the city's in need of me now."

"Jo, that's what I want you and Kim to do with Jodi and Katanna."

"Me? Are you sure about that Mom?"

"Very sure, you and Katanna need to unwind with Jo and Kim. Patrolling will do just that."

"Why don't we all go on patrol, we all need to unwind."

"Good idea Boss, but won't we need some sort of uniform?"

"Well, good thing the Agency has a wardrobe. Come ladies, let's suit up for patrol." giggled Mary. Then the ladies were soon wearing black unitards and boots, their hair held in ponytails. Then they entered the alcove and emerged in the garage where they got into a black stretch Hummer.

Out in the city, the ladies soon dispersed and started their patrol. In time, they all met in front of a store still open even at the late hour. The sign over the door said "THE BEAR MARKET" In the window was an eclectic collection of marvelous toys. Within the store was a selection of stuffed animals of all kinds. "Well it seems that Sarge is still doing quite a brisk business," said Mary.

"What do you know about this store and Sarge?" asked Margo.

"Sarge is one of our protectees like the cafe across the street. Come inside, I want you ladies to meet Sarge." Then Mary opened the door leading the ladies in.

As the bell over the door announced the arrival of visitors, Sarge appeared from the back along with her lovable guard dog Jesse James. "Welcome to the Bear Market Mary, I see you have brought visitors with you."

"Thanks Sarge, we just completed a mission and were out and about to unwind."

"Yes, the bears told me you were coming soon with special guests."

"Excuse me Mother, but I don't like this one bit. Sarge here sounds like a carnival charlitan. Just who is she anyway?"

"My name is Nora Grissom, I am a retired Air Force crew chief. My husband is Mike Grissom, he is a retired Green Beret. We both served during the Gulf War. This Chocolate Labrador Retriever is Jese James. He is my gentle giant of a security dog."

"Margo, chill, Sarge is on our side. she makes these wonderful stuffed animals here and most of the other toys as well."

"Sorry Mary, but I have to look out for you my friend."

"Margo, you have watched over Mary for many years, you have sacrificed your life in service to the Agency. Now you have a chance to start over as a genetic woman. Can you hear a plushy call out to you?"

"Yes I can! It is this cute brown bear wearing a Roman Soldiers uniform. She says her name is Serina. She says she has been waiting for me. Yes Serina, I do need to relax and learn how to play. Sarge, how much for the bear?"

"Take her, she is yours. I never charge a fellow soldier.."

"Oh thank you Sarge!! I will take very good care of her." Then Margo went and kissed Sarge on the cheek and sat down with her special plushy.

"JO Ellen, which plushy calls out to you?"

"You know which one Sarge, mine tells me that you can hear every plushy."

"Guilty as charged, but once they leave my store, only the new owner hears them unless they return."

"My plushy says that your plushies miss you, that is why their owners brin them back."

"Yes, it is wonderful to see them back when they return. But they call out to that special someone that needs them."

My plushy is the red bear wearing the Robin Hood costume. His name is Rose."

"Yes Jo Ellen, like you, Rose wants to protect the down trodden."

" Yes, he wants to go home with me, but I feel unworthy of him>"

Placing the plushy in her hand and steering Jo to a plush lounge chair, Sarge gently sat her down as Jo began to weep in joy as she bonded with her plushy. "Dear child, release your burden and let your inner child out." Then Jo fell asleep with her plushy.

Turning to Maxie Kim, Sarge asked with wry amusement," which plushy calls out to you Maxie Kim?"

"Ma'am, is my Boss alright? She is my best friend."

"Yes Kim, she is releasing her many burdens now, just like Margo. They will return soon, fully refreshed."

"My plushy is this cute fox dressed as Little John. Her name is Secora. Yes my friend, I want you yo be mine too. Like you, I have served selflessly beside my best friend. Come, let us now serve together." With that, Kim picked up her plushy as she wept in joy.

"Yes Kim, your inner child called out and now the call is answered."

"That is all very well Sarge, I hear a plushy, but I can't see it."

"I was just putting the final touches on it. It is in the back Diana." With that, a tall, husky man came from the back wearing an old, frayed red terry cloth robe over his blue pajamas. He quickly placed a gryphon plushy with a blue body, red wings and white head down next to her.

"Yes, that is my plushy!! Thank you Mike!"

"Anytime, Do you know why yours is different?" he asked as he smooched Sarge on the cheek.

"I was wondering why, Leona won't say, the vixen."

"Because you were born Joe Rossi, then because of the Sisterhood, you were turned into Diana. When you died saving your adopted daughter Jo Ellen, it was Joe Rossi that died. When they cloned you, Diana returned, your life as Joe now forgotten."

"Yes Sarge, now as a genetic woman, I see things differently than I did before, but what brought me back was technology, not magic."

True, but you are both lion and eagle in spirit. Like a lion, you rule the jungle, as an eagle, you defend your nest. As both, you are complete."

"With Leona, I feel complete Mike. May I have her?"

"Go and sit down with our blessings my child and release your burdens for awhile."

Turning to Jodi, Sarge pulled out a multi-colored bird and handed it to her. "Jodi, Fiona is crying for you to take her home."

"Fiona, yes, I will give you a good home. But why are you a Phoenix? Because I am like one, I have been reborn, now I will fly like an eagle just like my Momma."

"Yes my child, now you can live your life with your family, no more wandering for you."

"Thank you Sarge, I love Fiona." Then Jodi kissed her on the cheek and sat on the sofa.

"Miss Sarge, I am unworthy of such a wonderful gift. I can not hear a plushy calling for me."

"Katanna, your plushy is asleep. Soon you will hear it."

"I hear it now, it is calling to me from the window. It is a T-Rex in a karate gi. Her name is Hope." Then she picked up the baby blue dinosaur with pink belly wearing a white robe belted with a black rope.

"Yes my child, like you, she teaches her craft to others. Even though you have been hurt, your spirit thrives in teaching."

"Then my plushy and I will teach together." Then she went to sit with the others.

"And now Mary, I have saved you for the last. Your plushy is very special indeed, It took my many hours to make it as your spirit was constantly growing. but now your journey is over."

"What journey are you referring to?

"Your transition into a woman. Your plushy wanted for you to be whole before she joined you."

"But I have yet to transit, Margo and I are going to very soon though."

"Yes, Peggy knows, she wants to be there for you to help you as you learn how to be a woman."

"Sarge, I have been living as a woman for years, what is the difference?"

"Ask Jo Ellen, she know the difference. Being a woman is a gift not to be thrown away as so many woman have, only to regret the loss years later."

"Very well Sarge, I will go to GIRL-101 with Margo."

"Mary, here is your plushy, Peggy." Then Sarge brought a pure white PEGASUS plushy from behind her back. The look of wonder and delight on Mary's face was priceless.

"Yes Peggy, I hear you! Yes, I have been without you for too long." Then hugging Peggy, she joined the others on the sofas.

"Well Sarge, looks as if we have guests tonight. I'll go get the spare rooms ready."

"Thanks honey, while you do that, I will get dinner ready. Good thing I made a roast today." Then they closed the shop and let Jesse James guard their guests while they prepared their home for their guests.


Waking up, Mary looked around her and saw a table laid out with dinner. Sarge and Mike were putting the finishing touches upon the feast. Wake up sleepy heads, dinner is served." said Mike.

"Ladies, please follow me to the bathroom so you may freshen up." with that, Sarge led them to a spacious room with six toilet stall and a wall with four sinks and six stools.

"Sarge, surely you don't mean to tell me that you set this up just for us."

"Hardly Margo, this building used to be a department store. Mike and I have redecorated it. Now most of the building is dedicated to apartments and storage."

"You two must have spent a fortune doing that. You have taken on a thankless burden and debt."

"Not at all, the families and neighbors all help each other and Mike and I love the kids. Now go get cleaned up."

"Yes Mother," she giggled as she went to an empty stall.

After the ladies were refreshed, Sarge led them back to the dining room where Mike seated each one, then sitting down, he began to speak.

"Welcome to our humble table. It is not often that we are honored to entertain such beautiful and powerful women. In fact, if not for the bears telling us you were coming, we would not have known."

"Mike, I am wondering about the plushy you gave us and just how we can hear them. What kind of magic is it that let's Sarge create these wonderful toys?"

"Ah Mary, it is a very simple and child like magic. A magic that comes straight from a loving heart. That is why only children and people with pure hearts hear them. A blackened heart hears nothing."

"All that I know is that my plushy even now is speaking to me. It is saying that I need to ask Diana and Jodi something very important."

"What is that Mother?"

"Diana, you helped the Agency with your many contributions. Even though you were one of our protectorates, when you died, we honored your sacrifice by placing your name among our honored dead. Now that you and your daughter Jodi are here, I offer both of you the chance to become agents."

"Only if my assignment is to protect Jo Ellen."

"Same here Mary."

"I thought that is how both of you would answer. But before I continue, I must tell everyone that Margo and I will be transitioning into genetic women. So Jo Ellen, will you take over while we are on sick leave?"

"Yes, as long as I can call upon Maxie and Katie here for support."

"You got it Boss."

"I will be honored to assist."

"Well Mother, you have yourself a deal."

"Then ladies, our goal is accomplished. The bears knew that such a decision was needed, They asked Sarge and I to help you in deciding."

"Your bears seem to know a lot, just what all do they know????"

"Ah Mother, our bears can only sense when their humans need them. Mike and I are the only ones that are blessed to hear them all."

"Please ladies, eat, drink and be merry. This dinner is our gift to you."

Then they feasted upon the meal and afterwards were led to warm beds where the ladies slept with their plushy like children. "It is good to see them sleep like children, i am tempted to keep them here as our children, but they have their destiny to fulfill." sighed Mike.

"Mike my beloved, we have the Kid's Kamp and the neighborhood kid's. One day, we will be blessed with our own."

"Are you pregnant?!?!"

"No, but we have been accepted as foster parents. Soon, our home will know the joy of children." Then Mike took his beloved in his arms and led her away to their bed where they answered each others need for love.


"O. K. children, time for you to leave. You will find your limo parked outside."

Waking up, Margo asked with wonder," Now how can that be? we parked blocks away from here Sarge."

"Margo, that's apart of our special magic, that same magic led you here.Only those that need us can find us."

"So, are you saying that our services are not needed?"

"No Mary, your services are very much needed to help patrol the streets. Unfortunately, there are those that prey on the innocent even here. Please don't take away your help."

"Don't worry Sarge, the Agency will always be here for you. Well ladies, time to go." Then the ladies and Mike shared a tearful GOODBYE as Sarge silently gave each one a cup of warm cider at the door.

"Well my love, did you enjoy our momentary family?"

"Oh Mike my beloved, I wish that we had a houseful!! But let's get our home ready for our new foster child. He or she will need our love." Then they set about preparing the store and home for their new child.


Outside the door was the limo waiting for the ladies. "Well, I guess they are Wizards, glad they are on our side," giggled Mary as Margo opened the doors and motored away after all were inside.

"Mary, come with us to my chalet in the Ozarks. I want to share the beauty of my home away from home with you and Margo."

"Sounds good to me, Margo, head to the Agency Heli-pad, We have an Osprey there."

Turning to Jodi and smiling, " Jodi, you are my heir, just as Jo Ellen is. It is time that you see where I go when I need to get away from it all."

"Diana, I thank you for your kindness, I have not had a Mother for years, now I have one. But please understand that my adoptive Mother loved me unconditionally. I still miss her. Be patient with me as I learn to love you as my Mother."

"Of course my child, I was patient with Jo Ellen, I will wait for you too." Then they hugged and cried until they heard a bell.

"Ozark Retreat below, We are landing," announced Margo.

Stepping out of the Osprey, the ladies were treated to a view of Paradise. Evergreen trees, streams and lakes filled the vista below and a towering mountain dominated the heavens. "Here, I come to renew my Spirit when the burdens of Real Life are too much to bear. It was here that I proposed to my beloved and here that come to pray."

"No wonder you come here, I am humbled by the Majesty of Nature," sighed Margo.

"Diana, thank you for bringing us here. I feel renewed as Spring after Winter," said Mary.

"Thank you, It was that I brought Jo Ellen when I adopted her and taught her about nature. But she is a city kid," Diana sighed.

"Mom, I too com out here to think, it's just that the ghetto is my turf."

"I know my child, I have never forced you to anything but what you needed to be. We were both forced by others into a life not our own, I could have returned to being Joe Rossi, but I knew that there were other Sisterhood women out there . When they attacked, I wanted to shield you from harm, but you needed to spread your wings. Even now I regret the year we missed," she cried as she and Jo hugged.

"Momma, I did it to protect YOU. The Academy was My dragon to slay just has the Sisterhood was yours. Now that both are dead, we have the chance to be a family and that includes Jodi," reaching out, they brought the astonished Jodi into their embrace.

" Until now, I was afraid that I was stil an orphan, now I have a Momma and a sister," she sighed.

" Yes my child, and nothing will keep us apart. Come, follow me to the pond and let's relax in the afternoon sun." Then Diana led them down a well worn path to a crystal clear pond with a picnic table and open air kitchen/ outhouse. "Inside the outhouse is a selection of bathing suits and shorts sets, go and get ready while I get refreshments ready."

Then the ladies went into the outhouse and came out wearing swim-dresses and matching sandals while Diana had set out a buffet and had quick changed into a sun dress and matching sandals. "Hey Boss, where did your Mom go to get that ensemble while we were changing?"

"There is a private bath next to the kitchenette for the cook to use. No doubt Momma had everything set up ahead of time."

" I did, there is a retired Sky Marshall that tends my chalet, I simply had him get it ready for us."

"Very efficient Diana, but I have a question for you and Jodi. Everybody here but you two have been through the Agency Training Program, do you two want to join?"

"Wait a minute Mary, I have been through more hell than any agent you have. Why do you think I need to join?"

"Yeah, Katanna trained me, why should I join?"

" If you join, then you will be assigned to protect Jo Ellen and the Chalet. Jo Ellen and Maxie Kim are still under our protection. Katanna is on Medical Leave. Please accept my invitation so I will sleep better."

"Will we be bunked together?'asked Diana.

"What is the history of the Agency?" asked Jodi.

"In 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was appointed as the Director of the F.B.I. He recruited Irish Catholic men trained by Jesuits as his agents. He reasoned that such men would never betray their country. What he never counted on was that these same men tended to be transvestites. When Hoover discovered this, he decided to blackmail them to keep them inline.

Over the years, the F.B.I. was called upon to save the lives of so many ppeople in both business and the Goverment that were trans-gendered that Hoover started to see them as an asset, not a liability. Hoover even went enfem on a case which started the rumor that he was a cross-dresser. He let the rumor continue in order to keep the much darker secret hidden within.

It was during the Cold War that the Agency was finally split from the F.B.I. and attached to the justice Department. The Agency woks across the board, working with the local goverment and business as well as with foreign goverments to insure the safety of the trans-gendered and American interests.

The Agency has no official name. Officially, we do not exist. We are a shadow agency that maintains the peace.Our existence is known only to: the President, Attorney General, various Senators, the neighborhood around "THE BEAR MARKET", & "MARY'S DRESS SHOP.

Our Agency Head Quarters is always in an unassuming building in any city.The exact location remains unknown. Our secrecy is paramount for our mission to succeed.

We Agents dress as women full-time except for when we are on vacation or on special assignment. All Agents dress as conservative, professional business women. We can wear dresses, pantsuits, skirts and blouses cut in any style as long as the color is black. Jewelry tends to double as equipment. At times, Agents will need to dress in formal gowns or impersonate someone. That is why all Agents are trained to read body language.

All Agents must give up their male identity. All traces of his existence is erased from all official records. All of our former lives are erased from public files.to protect our families from any possible retaliation by an enemy. We can still see our families as long as we are in our new identity.

It is a most difficult task that we do, and very few woman or men truly have what it takes to wear basic black everyday. For those tat can, the rewards are knowing that you are protecting the nation and that very few others are your equal in espionage.

We are given a Code Name as well as our feminine name. We are trained in all forms of armed ans unarmed combat, as well survival skills. We try to avoid violence, yet we are more than capable of handling most any situation when provoked. Very few of us are cleared to use deadly force, we very seldom carry a gun, yet are deadly accurate with any weapon.

Our arsenal consists of non-lethal equipment: the Tickler, Gas, Radio. The Tickler is taser that interacts with the brains pleasure center leaving the target feeling relaxed. It comes in a pistol and grenade form. The Gas is a powerful combination of hypnotic drugs that places the target under the control of the Agent. The target will become very agreeable to anything the Agent says, even forgetting events. The Radio is the most powerful form of communications available. It can pierce through any but the most powerful radiation,spoke Mary.

Then Diana and Jodi whispered together then looked at Mary with ear splitting grins and said in unison, ":We accept."

Then the ladies gathered in a group hug as an eagle winged its way majestically in the late afternoon sky as the moon rose into the chill air.

The End

Chapter 5 by Stanman63

This cast of characters is meant to help readers keep track of the story. Thank you Tina for letting me write the story.

Desmona Raventree: Clone of original Head Mistress of the Academy. Created from male cadaver and donor cells from Desmona because she refused to let a man enter her. Shows an insane need to dominate any male. Treats any female as a servant unless she is her partner in crime. Her ability to command others tends to be eclipsed by her need to dominate. Her desire is to destroy the Agency and Diana Hunter's adopted daughter and child when Diana was Joe Rossi.

Regina Tuckett: Clone of original Head Mistress of the Sisterhood. Created from a male cadaver and donor tissue from Regina because Desmona wanted to share her power with an equal. Truly enjoys seeing Desmona control all others. Her analytical skills are eclipsed by her lesbian love for Desmona. She develops the plan to create a Diana clone in the plan to destroy the Agency and Jo Ellen.

Doris: Former broodmare. Originally was Fredrick Reynolds: College graduate- MIT Phd. in Micro biology. After her body rejected the fetus, her anger over the violation and rape of her body fuels her drive to destroy the Mistresses. Her skills as as former Navy Seal helps her to thwart the security systems on the island.

Donna: Transformed slave. She overcomes the conditioning and hides her recovery in order to thwart the Sisterhoods's Plan for World Domination.

Mary Risberg: Director of the Agency. Her skills as leader as she still commands after years of selfless service. Selfless dedication to the Agency has denied her the chance to have a family of her own which after all these years, she has come to regret. Her friendship with Diana has left her an emotional wreck when the Sisterhood begins its campaign of Terror.

Margo Lane: Deputy Director of the Agency. Her dedication to her best friend Mary has denied her the chance to have a family of her own. Now with new technology making it possible to become a young mother, she now has the chance to reclaim her dream. Her friendship with Diana leads her to allow Jo Ellen to lead when Mary is unable to command.

Jo Ellen: C.E.O. of Hunter Group and Ellis Research. She has yet to grieve over the death of her adopted Mother Diana. Her grief is all the more tragic because she called Diana 'Mother minutes before she sacrificed her life to save her daughter. She constantly second guesses her decisions in business. Only her friend Maxie Kim's support keeps her sane. When the Sisterhood attacks, her sense of justice overrides her self doubt.

Maxie Kim: Vice-President of Hunter Group and Ellis Research. Her devotion to Jo Ellen and the Agency proves to be a boon as she is rewarded for her selfless service to her best friend. Always calling Jo 'Boss and her devotion to Jo gives Jo an unalloyed strength she can count upon.

Diana Hunter: Clone of original C.E.O. of Hunter Group and Ellis Research. Though she gave her life to save Jo Ellen from Desmona's assault, it was Joe Rossi that died. When she was cloned by the Sisterhood. Diana was reborn with only vague memories of Joe Rossi.

Transformed into Diana by the Sisterhood, Diana launched a one woman war against them that ended when she met the Ellis sisters. She stays as Diana, sacrificing her chance to become Joe Rosssi to sheild her friends from the Sisterhood. She retains all of his skills and memories of her life as Diana. Now has a genetic woman, she lives the life that she was denied before.

Jodi Lynn Hunter: offspring of Diana Hunter. After Jody was captured and transformed into a genetic woman, she proved to be as deadly as before. Now as Artemis, her arrows are deadly accurate in dispensing justice. Jody learned the ways of the ninja at the feet of renown sensei Master Zan. The training was to give him the needed skills to combat the Sisterhood.

Katana: formerly known as Kung Fu. When his student Jody is captured by the Agency, he decides that his dishonor can only be redeemed as a woman. He has helped to train Agency personnel in martial arts and survival. His dedication and honor makes his decision all the more tragic.

Moon Maid: M.I.B.D. Agent. As a man, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Though the tumor was excised, he quit the Agency because he felt that he could never fulfill his duties. Thanks to a recent classified adventure. He is now a genetic woman and once again, an Agent in good standing

Galaxy: M.I.B.D. Agent. Galaxy serves along side of Sky Marshals in protecting flights from terrorist attacks. During the 2001 Terrorist Attacks upon the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, She and her team mate thwarted the attempted hijacking of the flight. Now Agents with piloting skills are teamed up to secure the skies.

Henry: Jo Ellen's Chauffeur. Henry is a gentle giant trained by the Agency as Jo's on site guardian. He dresses as a man most of the time because there are very few women of his size and girth. His ready wit and sense of humor can dispell the doom and gloom of any situation.

Jaydeep Kumar: Deep plant spy. The Sisterhood succeeded in turning him into a spy by using deep level hypnosis to control him. After his betrayal of the Agency is discovered, he readily accepts becoming an agent to thwart the Sisterhood.

Juliet: Sisterhood Hacker. Even though she has excellent skills, she readily admits that only a true genius can solve the problems with the stolen jets.

Harold: Engineer and transitioned slave. He finds himself turned into one of the many broodmares by Desmona after she is through with him. His forced transition is how most of the broodmares were created.

Nurse Holly: Agency Nurse. Holly is a sweet, caring nurse that does what she can for her patients. She was a cross-dressing prostitute that joined the Agency and wed her husband after she transitioned.

Captain Avery Sands: Orca Captain. He commands the Agency only submarine that was given by Jo Ellen as a surprise gift. Captain Sands is well qualified to handle any command situation.

Sarge: owner /operator of the Bear Market. Sarge is a former Air Force Crew Chief. She has learned a special magic to create special magical stuffed animals that can speak to her and a special child or adult that can here their voice.

Mike: Owner / operator of the Bear Market. Mike is married to Sarge and with her runs the shop.

Jesse James: Chocolate Labrador Retriever. This sweet and lovable security guard would rather slobber anybody than attack, but threaten a child or his owners at your risk.

Hyper-Sonic Jet and Space Plane: built with tritanium weave that gives it tensile strength of diamond. Solar paint transfers all radiation to batteries and mini reactor capable of using any radioactive fuel. the solar wings enable jet to hover and jet is capable of entering orbit as well as operating as a submarine.

This story archived at http://tgfiction.net/viewstory.php?sid=106